Matoki Symbol #2, VERY, VERY short tutorial planted with lots of life lessons

Well, against all odds, I finished it! I learned a lot of life lessons while making this POS (After all I've done to this little symbol, I believe it deserves to be called that). So you know what it is! Let's see what Katy did, shall we? xD I got really pissed making this... so there are like 3 pictures ^^"


After tracing the design on the sticker paper and applying it to the metal, I layered the two pieces of metal ontop of each other and cut them so that they would kind of clasp onto each other:  Let's just say, this wasn't the smartest thing... let me show you why later...

tumblr_mnj406NQsw1s3opnto1_1280.jpg tumblr_mnj406NQsw1s3opnto2_1280.jpg\



Slips will happend... -.-"



What I eneded up doing was just cutting them separately.... but that was just the beginnings of my problems......

Let me quickly summarize what had happened:

The solder wouldn't flow; the invisible rivet wouldn't go invisible; the piece wasn't really centered.... and more...


I was so frustrated I wanted to throw it all in the trash and start over >.< 

I ended up trying to fix everything and I think it turned out okay:


The mask holes aren't centered... >.< but I think I can fix it... I'll just have to rub off the patina, close all the holes and make new ones... yep... I think I' can get that done :P


But yeah. I like this version a lot better than the first one. I just wish it didn't have to take so much work... I spent about.... 4 or more hours on this POS... >.<


But life lessons learned:

  • It's okay to make mistakes. Try to limit the number of them you make and try to fix all the ones you made
  • Even when it looks bleak, don't give up
  • If it looks like crap, ask yourself if it's salvable. If it's not, toss it. If it is, try to save it. You never know.
  • Don't touch sharp wire. You will bleed 


This has nothing to do with jewelry, but here's something else:

  • When you're up to no good, make it look like you know what you're doing. No one will ever suspect you or ask you what's going on  


Yep, that's it... my finger still hurts... >.< oh well. I'll deal with it. At least this POS is almost done *sighs* 

So... what do you guys think?



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I do the last one all the time XD I think I'd actually be tempted to touch the wire>.> Even though you made some mistakes it came out really nice still^^
It looks really good ^^ it turned out very well!! :)
It look amazing. It must've hurt a lot
I don't know how you even cut them. I can only draw the matoki on a cardboard(I'm a kid. I don't have money to buy materials)
Try to cut it but the ear is kind of hard
As for exo symbol, I just draw it on paper but even that took almost 2 hours just to draw all 12 so lets say I really admired you did this ^^
It looks awesome!
How do you do that?!?! It's amazing!! ^^
It looks great! I like it better than the first one since to me the first one seemed to be incomplete.
searchingforsuju #8
Wow~ That looks fantastic!! Good job!!
Such precious life lessons, really! ^^
It turned out good! ^^