Music Shows’ Broadcasting

Music Shows’ Broadcasting - exo hunhan taoris baekyeol kaisoo xiuchen sulay - chapter image

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1. Live broadcast of M countdown.

The participation of M countdown is in the order of arrival at the site on the day of live broadcasting. For other details, please refer to the official website of M countdown!


2. Live broadcast of KBS Music Bank.

Fans can make an application for participating in live broadcasting on Thursday 09:00AM – Friday 24:00AM through the official website of KBS Music Bank. Each confirmed participants can enter the broadcast site on Monday after 05:00PM. For other details, please refer to the official website of KBS Music Bank! (Only participants born on 99 or before are allowed to participate)


3. Live broadcast of MBC Show! Music Centre.

MBC Show! Music Centre will randomly select participants through the weekly votes or online applications for live broadcasting within 3 weeks. For other details, please refer to the official website of MBC Show! Music Centre!


Source : EXO-K Website
Translated by mi_twins530 @ SMent_EXO



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