My time at anime boston!

So I went to Anime Boston yesterday and it was a pretty memorable experience. xD

I  bought a lot of exo things during my time there (I think I only bought one non-exo thing). xD

So I'll just some pics up of what I got! ^_^

I literally was fangirling about getting this THEY HAD SO MANY ALPACAS. There were no big ones of ace though. So I got a small one.

I also got an Exo ring ( EXO COMEBACK KALFJASKFJALJF) it was pretty cheap too.

I got two albums there (I swear I'm worried if they're real or not). One exo-k album since I only have exo-m; and I got a b1a4 album.

The last thing I got was.......A HUMONGOUS ALPACA! :D

They're so cute~ I want to cuddle them all the stinkin' time!



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AnnPark #1
Oh my gawd the alpacas. It's so cute. How I wish there was some anime Boston thingy stuff like, where I live. I want an alpaca now :(