How i describe my BIAS!


It's like 1:37 am here in my country And I can't sleep so I made THIS-


photo image_zps293954c1.jpg


Don't really know the specific reason why I did this...mmhhmm and my weird habbits in life.


(Bare with me here..I'm just happy because EXO finally made a comeback and it took a year to do it...damn you exo )

I have a very obvious question here:

why does SME show photo teasers that won't or don't really connect the the real MV? -_-

SM u big troll :P


For my fellow filipino exotics out there I made this,,,don't hate or kill me I just can't really sleep and I'm bored to death." target="_blank">photo image_zps5e0d0639.jpg

again...don't kill me 

photo image_zpsd5944663.jpg



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