Wolf and The Beauty

130523. Me and my friends were out for a movie date. While Im on my way I prayed and I hoped that teaser vid won't be released yet, since I cannot go online for the day. Unfortunately, at around 3 in the afternoon my phone was flooded with so many text messages (even missed calls) from my fellow exo stan friends SPAZZING about the recently released teaser video. At that same time, we were already inside the movie house watching HUNTER X HUNTER and reading their messages it gave me a hard time to f.cuz on the movie. I was so excited and in a hurry to get home ... At around 6 or 7 in the evening, finally ... I instantly opened my ipad and watched the Teaser Vid.. I dont know but i needed to repeat the video around thirty or more times before I was able to appreciate it. Yes it was good, but not that excellent. THIS IS MY OPINION. I guess, i have been expecting a little more from them? I dont know. But then, i told myself to just wait for the whole MV to be released. Anyway it's in a few days right??? ^^ I was lol on kai and tao's part, plus Lay Idk,he looked like he's stifling his laughter or smth. :PP Baekhyun. Ive been seeing lots of reactions about him being a POODLE not a wolf. LMAO. Kyungsoo. hmm ... Okay. 50-50. Luhan and Kris caught my attention. Kai's solo part looks awkward. :( Again, this is just purely based on my opinion. If u find it the other way around, that is your opinion and I respect that. :)) That's all. IAM SO ANTICIPATING for THE PETER PAN SONG. I feel like it's a feel good music. I don't know.. Maybe let's just wait... ^^, Overall, the teaser vid still PASSED my taste. :))


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