you guys wont believe this.p

soo yesterday i have a farewell party. everyone dressed up. even me. and i'm stuck wearing a 11 cm wedges. remember i told you i will be performing a kpop cover dance? well, we change the song, it became i got a boy by snsd, rock ur body by vixx and history by exo. during rehearsals, we rock the stage. always.

actually kpop is underrated in my school so i didnt expect much. sooo we were the third performaer, so we were part of the opening. but you know what? the music stop playing during 1:28!!!! we were frozen like ducks.

omg can you imagine how i felt? thank god the mc is pretty proffesional, they approach me and my friends, asking about korean phrases. the boys were practically staring at me and my friends :(

it turned out that the coordinator LEFT OUR ING CD AT SCHOOLNAND FORGOT TO BRING IT TO THE PARTY VENUE. ive emailed her the music before but when she downloaded the music it was corrupted so she only received 1:28 from 5:31. eotteohke? omg i want to kill someone.

one of the coordi apologiz saying they will find a time where me and my friends could perform. we were about to cry in the backstage.thankfully i kept the music in my cellphone, so i bluetoot it to my friend's blackberry. the coordi said he will try to play using my friend's blackberry but he wasnt sure

we were heartbroken. really. we havent even perform half of the music. right when tiffany said, ayo stop, the music really stopped.

when we were served lunch and eating one of the guy from the even organizer(he was handsome kekeke) just pulled me and my friends to the corner. he said, *insert creepy grin and happy voice* "YOU GUYS WANT SURPRISE? SO YOU GUYS NOW GO TO THE BACKSTAGE AND COME OUT AND DANCE!" i was like wtf.but we rushed to the backstage anyway.

and then, a famous band who was our guest star named pee wee gaskin were doing sound check. the boy students all lined up in front of the stage. but then pee wee gaskin left and instead a loud voice roared, "AYO GG" EVERYONE WAS SHOCKED AND MY GROUP JUST DANCE! 

it was all drama like ya know. and what made me happy, everyone enjoyed the performance. my besties lined up in the front, making fancams, and doing fanchants.for a moment we thought, so this is what kpop artist felt.i was touched really. kpop was underrated, underestimated, mocked. but people cheerdfor us, and didnt once said that kpop that day. some of myfriends were yelling exo members name when we danced to history. ill try finding a good fancam of me performing and post it. so wait for it and tell me what you think okay?





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that. was. AWESOME!!!!!!! XD
Woohoo! Cool! KPOP rocks! ^^