

Angst - A feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression.

I love angst. I really love reading and writing angst. 

There are so many reasons why I love angst. I just wanted to put it into words. How angst fanfics made me feel.

When I am reading a really good angst fic, on the very first chapter, I already developed this nervous feeling. A feeling in the pit of my stomach, this something like a twirling unpleasant sensation. It was weird.

And when I am on the most angsty scene, I'll start to sniff and then when the angst slammed on me, I'll cry. I'll cry for a whole minute, causing me to stop reading. And when I calm myself, I'll read again only to repeat the process all over.: Cry-pause-read-cry-pause-read

It hurts, the breaking of your heart, the tears, the sting. The pain, it really hurts but I like it. I like the feeling on my chest, that tightening feeling, the sting behind my eyes. I love those, I love the feeling. Yes, I am such a masochist. 

My friends tell me I am such a drama queen. I admit that BUT only a few fanfics can really make me cry. Only a few, In the scale of 10 fanfics, only one, just one can really get into me. Yes, I am choosy.

So when I am writing angst (It is my comfort zone. I love writing angst) , I have this nervous feeling that people will not like it, that people will not get the angsty feeling because when I am writing them, I can not really feel the angst. An author told me that reading angst and writing angst are a different matter. When a writer reads an angst fic, it is easy to cry but when a writer writes an angst fic, it is impossible to cry. Because you are the one writing. A plain explanation but it really makes sense. 

But still, it doesn't erase this insecure feeling of mine that my angst fics will not be angsty from the readers perspective. But everytime I got the shock of my life when readers like them. I mean, it is a fail (For me) and the readers like them. 

It made me question myself: Am I really good at writing angst?

I am not trying to sound boastful and so full of myself. I am just really curios. 

So, am I a good angst writer? (Please refer to "A Day With You")

Thank you.


Angst feels like heaven, but it hurts like hell.



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Hi, I was typing Angst in the search box and I found your blog, And just like you I love angst. And yes. Angst feels like heaven, but hurts like hell.
definitely yes...

Have you met an author who has ability to make you laugh so hard, forgetting all ppl around and make them curious wht was so funny about?
Have you met an author who has ability to make you jumped inside the fic as if you take a part of it, be there like an eyes witnesses?
Have you met an author who has the ability to build certain feeling like hate or pity too much to those inside the fics
Have you met an author who can make you feel so pain, squeeze your heart, pour your tears so hard and loose your appetite for two days coz of very sad story ?
I think nana has the ability to do three question option among that four...
I'm still questioning myself, if Nana can make spoof story? but since she is a queen of angst...i think she is on the best track of herself
Fighting Nana!!
fencingelf #3
it was really angsty! you can really evoke the feelings:0 love a day with you
fencingelf #4
it was really angsty! you can really evoke the feelings:0 love a day with you
Hey i am the same as you. I have the same exact feeling as you like how you describe everything in this blog. I really love reading angst. The kind of pain.... it hurts but i like it. Maybe its a kind of let me release all my pain and stress in my heart and just cry out everything.

But then, that kyumin story you did a great job :D
Yes of course^^
well, you make me cry (with your story) or is it just me being a crybaby?? LOL..
but you're really great!!
You're really good angst writer. I cried few times when reading your stories(earlier on livejournal). You can descibe your characters' feelings and thoughs so well.
Please, be more confident about your stories and yourself as a writer(and not just only ^^)
Gyaaaa #8
Yes, u are... ^^
Of course, you're a really good angst writer. I also love angst stories, I prefer it over any other rom/fluff. I never got bored of angst.
tiyan_mute #10
of course you are good... that's make me cry.....
hyukbb #11
yes,you are. i can feel my heart clenching when i was reading "A day with you". you are a good angst writer,so be confident about youself! :)