Bittersweet Happy Birthday, Guy #4~!

So my friend woke me up at around 5-ish in the morning to inform me that we will meet at 8 AM at McDonald's to plan for guy #4's surprise on his birthday.  I was really reluctant to go but since I had to bring my brother to school that morning, I had no choice.  Unfortunately, I left my phone at home, so my friends really couldn't reach me.  But went there, I did (why the Yoda speak?). 

So we planned what to get for him, what stuff to buy, how to go about designing the thing, etc.  Then a somewhat awkward moment happened.  Our friend, Ms Only Rose, asked "What's Guy #4's favorite color by the way?".  Then the guy he has a hidden relationship with (for convenience's sake, let's call him Mr Thorn, which pretty much suits him right now) and I answered in unison:  "White~!"  I looked at him and he looked at me...and I was really fighting the urge to raise an eyebrow.  Seconds of silence.  "Then white it is...",  Only Rose finally said. 

We printed out some pictures of him and I wrote down the messages that some of our officemates have for him on his birthday.  The idea was to make a collage, place the messages, and decorate the frame.  It sounded sooo simple and sooo high school, I wondered why it took me a long time to finish it.  Yes, I did most of the stuff.  I assisted in picking out what to buy, I wrote down the messages, cut them out and placed them on those colorful construction paper, arranged the photos on the frame, and placed all pieces in to place.  At the end of the project, I was literally soaked in sweat...and glitter.

I was really kind of sad and hurt doing the project.  It hurts me to see even just a picture of his face, and it doesn't help that we all belong to one circle of friends (we call ourselves Fruit Salad Rangers).  It hurts that I have to act like nothing is wrong, that everything is running smoothly as always.  Oh, and did I mention that Mr Thorn volunteered to buy Guy #4 a cake?  How cool is that?  Well, we plan to surprise him during this shift, so I still don't know what will happen.  I'll just try to focus on my work.  This issue has taken its toll both on my body and my performance here in the office.  It's really unprofessional but I have to work on it.  

So help me God~ 


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