this is highly important to be read by someone

Ok so honestly speaking .. I'm very much annoyed lately .. There's this certain someone who keeps getting themselves involved in that has nothing to do w them .. I mean really if u wanna help and be a nice person don't bother others by saying stuff to both sides and get started between them and then go aroud and say that u hate ME .. How can u say stuff like that when u obviously don't know what the is happening in my ing life !! ... No one knows . No matter how much u say u understand u don't know .. Now matter how much u try to understand u never will .. Its not like I live here on AFF .. I have a very complicated and hard life to live w .. I don't need more stuff to hurt me or pain me anymore .. I deserve to be happy too !! Or don't I deserve it ?? .. Is it really meant for me to not live happily ?? Why can't I have at least one day of happiness ?? No matter where I go or who I meet I always get hurt .. I said I needed space so just ing give it to me .. I can't take my life anymore I need to breath .. Plz let me breath .. I need it .. I feel like dying


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ELFlisa #1
what happen to you??...are you okay???....don worry happiness will come to you....don not give up because happiness will come to who seek for it...
Allinit #2
Hey !!! don't give up you will get your Happiness one day , just be strong .
and for that annoying person just ignore Him >.<