A Midweek Holiday~

I looked at the available overtime schedules for Friday and Saturday, and I said to myself "Why not??!!" I'll be rendering overtime on my rest days, so yeah, I'll be working 7 days a week for this week and perhaps in the weeks to come.  I need money...more money actually...and here are the 3 reasons why:

1.  For some reason, my previous employer was not able to consolidate my tax for the year, so I have the so-called "tax deficit" and a certain amount of money will be deducted from my payroll for the next 6 payrolls.  I really don't understand the full details because I'm allergic to taxes and financial stuff (which is ironic, because I'm a telephone banker now...XD), but for me it means I have to work extra hours to offset the deduction in my salary.  Ugh...I have to contact the HR department to get advise on how to go about minimizing the financial impact of this...this...thing~! 

2.  After 2 months of giving my share of the down payment, my mother just got the new family car yesterday. Yay~!  I'll be paying for that too~!  o__o  err...yeah...so I'll be paying a certain amount every month for the next 2 years to have the car fully paid.  Oh well, I guess a new car is indeed a good investment, since our house is so faaar from work.  And I can finally have a ride when going out at night~ Wheee~  Driving school, here I come~! (and that would be another expense for me..... o___o )

3.  I waaaant to buy a PS3 for meself~! :3   I'm a gamer by heart and after seeing the trailer for Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Final Fantasy Versus XIII, I made a pact with myself that I will buy one during Christmas, because that's when everything in the mall is for sale~ NYAHAHAHA~  And of course my gamer cohort of a brother is excited as well...and he's doing a good job in saving for the PS3~


Gosh...so many stuff...so much to do~  Lord, help me survive the next few months~~~~

And oh...Guy #4's birthday is coming up, and I guess my lack of interest in participating for the birthday surprise is showing.  I just need a time away from all these...stuff.  One day off would do...

So thanks to my kind, understanding, and HHHOOOTTT manager for approving my leave (with pay~ nyahahhaa)  ~~~!!!

Normibells and Totoro are very happy indeed~!   :3


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