Me and My Totoro Hat~

I never knew my Totoro hat would be very useful, given the fact that the material is part-cotton and part-polyester, materials that are quite impractical to use in the Philippine climate.  But since I live quite about 10 hours of my everyday life in the office, wherein the ACs blast coldness akin to winter, I find my hat convenient~  :3  

It protects my head (especially my sensitive ears) from the chilling temperature of the office, plus it feels so furry and is actually quite comforting~  Oh...and it has these fluffy balls at the end that I can squeeze whenever I feel stressed~!  Convenient, neh? :3

Speaking of convenient...I've been uttering that word in almost every single call to remind our customers to use the automated system and the website to check their accounts so they wouldn't give us a call~ Ohohohoho~

Work life has been tough these past few weeks.  We're constantly under pressure to improve our statistics, especially the sales part.  I'm not much of a sales person, and I hate being rejected when selling, so I at that department.  Hahahaha~  Oh least Totoro is grinning...and he was at the Bonnie Bailey party as well~'s to a fun work week~!  KAMPAI~! :D


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Normibells #1
ohohoho~ totoro hat pwns them all~ happy sem break mershee~ hahahhaha
hae_ki #2
hahaha... the stress totoro cap! ^___^