100 truths about me, mE and ME!!

Stolen from kpop4evafanatic who stole it from some one else..


1. Real Name: not saying. :P


2. Nicknames: Ama, Table Lamp, Broomstick, etc etc. (I can't remember all.)


3. Zodiac Sign: Scorpio


4. Male or Female: Female


5. Elementary School: Zion or something?


6. High School: Not gonna say cause it's way too embarassing,


7. College: Again, not gonna say cause I'm still schooling there.


8. Hair color: Black


9. Tall or short: Average. 160cm.


10. IM or email: IM


11. Skirts or Jeans: Jeans


12. Phone or Camera: Phone. Definitely.


13. Health Freak: NEVER!


14. Orange or Apple: Apple


15. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes. Got me heart broken. :(


16. Eat or Drink: EAT! ^^


17. Piercings: None. Did one when I was 9 years old and somehow managed to contract ear infection.

(Nothing too serious though)


18. Pepsi or coke: How about Green Tea? :)


19. Been in an Airplane: Yes but I don't remember a single thing.


20. Been in a relationship: No. HAHA! FOREVER ALONE! :D


21. Been in a car accident: Does the car bumping counts? 'Cause the car managed to brake in time so.. :/


22. Been in a fist fight: DUH? HAH!


23. First piercing: Ear.


24. Current best friends: One primary school friend, Six secondary school friends, 2 friends from "college" :))


25. First award: Does passing NAPFA counts? HAHA! (it's a mandatory physical training test)


26. First crush: A guy whom I actually liked for three whole years. *sighs*


27. First word: Probably WAHHHH!


29. Last person you talked to in person: My mother.


30. Last person you texted: My classmate, asking him what was being tested haha!


31. Last person you watched a movie with: my church friend. :DD


33. Last movie you watched: Jack the Giant Slayer


34. Last song you listened to: 可惜不是你 by 梁静如


35. Last thing you bought: Malay rice!


36. Last person you hugged: A classmate at her father's funeral


37. Favorite Food: It changes depending on my mood haha! :D


38. Favorite Drink: Green Tea. JAPANESE GREEN TEA.


39. Bottoms: Shorts


40. Flower: I actually love the mini flowers that you see on the grass patch. Not sure what their names are called though. :X


41. Animal: Wolves, Tigers, Cats, Dogs, Deers, all the wildlife in general.


42. Color: BLACK! :D


43. Movie: Harry Potter! <3


44. Favorite subject: History. :D


HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an X in the brackets if yes)


45. [X] Gotten Baptized.


46. [ ] Celebrated Halloween.


47. [x] Had your heart broken.


(the guy I liked for 3 years rejected me haha. :D)


48. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.


49. [x] had someone question your ual orientation. // as a joke,


51. [ ] got pregnant.


52. [ ] had an abortion.


53. [x] Did something you regret.


54. [x] Broke a promise.


55. [x] Hide a Secret.


56. [x] Pretended to be happy.


57. [x] Met someone who changed your life.


(DBSK! :D Jung Yunho, Shim Changmin, Kim Jaejoong, Kim Junsu and Park Yoochun. All of them changed my life.)


58. [ ] Pretended to be sick.


59. [x] Left the country. *and came back haha*


60. [x] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.


61. [x] Cried over the silliest thing.


62. [x] Ran a mile.


(I actually googled the distance for a mile cause I wasn't sure. Smart me eh?)


63. [x] Went to the beach with your best friend.


64. [x] Got into an argument with your friends.


65. [x] Hated someone. *not hate. more like dislike? i can’t hate ppl.*


66. [x] Stayed single for a whole year.




67. Eating: nothing


68. Drinking: nothing


69. Listening To: nothing hha.


70. Sitting/Laying: sitting.


71. Plans for today: Get myself off asianfanfics and start studying for my 3 tests tomorrow.


72. Waiting for: Holidays to be here. :)




73. Want kids: Intending to adopt.


74. Want to get married: If I meet the right person. :)


75. Career: Either become a vet or go into writing if my English is even good eough


76. Lips or Eyes: Eyes


77. Shorter or taller: Taller


78. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous. I'm never romantic.


81. Hook-up or relationship:  Relationship


82. Looks or personality: Personality


(and must be able to tolerate DBSK fangirling.)




83. Lost glasses/contacts: Yeps.


84. Snuck out of the house: Erm.. I actually just walked out of the house without even hiding so I guess that doesn't count as sneaking?


85. Held a gun/knife for self: No.


87. Broken someone's heart: My friends'? Yeps.


89. Cried when someone died: Yes.




90. Yourself: No.


91. Miracles: To a certain extent.


92. Love at first sight: To a certain extent.


93. Heaven: Definitely! ^^


94. Santa Clause: No.


95. on the first date?: No.


96. Kiss on the first date: Depends. :)


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: No? Unless you count Yunho? :D


98. Do you know who your real friends are: Yes. :DD


99. Do you believe in God: Definitely yes.


100. Post as 100 truths?: We'll see.


So thanks for reading through this pile of crap. Do you understand me further after this? I highly doubt so HAHA! Anyway, I'm terribly sorry but there will be no updates for The Phone Call for this coming weeks. My tests are literally flooding in and I'm so unprepared since DBSK always sneaks my attention away. @-@


Regardless, hope you enjoyed this weird post. (I'll try to see if I can update The Phone Call tomorrow. Ciaos.)


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Lovve you~~~~♥♥♥♥ Good Luck on ur tests Eonnie!!!