(WGM | EXO) : Kang Misun

Kang Misun 


Username and link:Fiestar01



Full Name:Kang Misun


Stage Name:



Personality:She is very know for having OCD tendencies and the only model in her company with it.Things and people must be perfectly symmetrical, unless something unknown and awful happen or she really care alot about the person to even notice.Thus if anything is wrong by any measurement (a picture frame crooked, or not folding her toilet paper, for example), she will try to correct it right away.She seems to prefer to stay in her house and read or study, emphasized by her lack of ability to play games such as basketball (despite her athleticism), as she does not know the rules. She likes to writes poetry when she feels troubled.  She is enthusiastic, but sometimes she takes her enthusiasm too far and can be bossy at times. However, over time, she can admit to her mistakes and is not too proud to apologize.Although Misun is usually confident in herself, she can be extremely sensitive when someone scorns her abilities, and she often falls into a depression and questions on how she became an model or should she stop modeling.She is caring and understanding and sometimes acts as the mediator when her friends or family fight, and her understanding and insight sometimes makes her the understanding mother figure for people who are troubled.She is also generous and kind-hearted, up until the point that some people even take advantage of her.She seems to have a talent for cooking, having been complimented on a few occasions by her friends.

Ulzzang: Yu Rim

Photos: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Backup Ulzzang:Gam Da In

Photos:1 2 3 4 5 6


  • Idol type is Song Joong Ki
  • Favorite Song is TTS "Twinkle"
  • Favorite Flower is a daisy
  • Favorite Color is Yellow
  • First kiss was in the 8th grade
  • Know to people as a Mother bird or hen



  1. Neatness
  2. Sweets
  3. Books
  4. Poetry
  5. Babies
  6. Orange Juice


  1. Messy person
  2. Sports
  3. Violence 
  4. Movies
  5. Bananas
  6. Bully's

Ten Commandments of Love: 

  • Neat
  • Nice
  • Sweet yet can be mean
  • Athletic
  • Smart
  • Love poetry
  • Can Cook
  • Act like an father figure
  • Good Looking
  • Confident about himslef


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