What do I do when I'm depressed?

What do I do when I'm depressed?

1. POOP - Like what Eunhyuk said: "If you're depressed, POOP". It's the best advice EVER. You know, just sitting there in the bowl letting all the out instead of crying your eyes out. Smelling your own poop is better than having red, swollen eyes then your parents will be like: "ARE YOU CRYING? DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL US? OMG ARE YOU PREGNANT? WHO'S THE JERKFACE?!" And all those paranoid and hilarious over acting reaction you could ever imagine. Pooping is the awesomest idea to take away all your bad vibes. Lol.

2. Drown myself in watching Super Junior reality shows or music videos - Everytime I watch Super Junior vids, I can't help but feel emotional. I miss the old times when they were still complete. When they WERE 13. Nah. This makes me even more depressed so I have to poop again while reminiscing the past moments of my 13 oppas. :)

3. Read fanfics until my eyes bulge out of its sockets - Don't get me wrong people. I know most of us is imagining good things to happen while we're depressed. RIGHT? Some even think that while she's crying, her prince charming will come and save her from this one hell of a crazy, unfair life. But yeah, COME ON PEOPLE! This is reality! Just IMAGINE ALL YOU WANT through reading fanfics with your favorite idols. Try reading crackfics where they are talking about milk, toilet and all those crazily random things that a fangirl's mind could ever imagine. Better if you read fanfics while poopping. Heck yes, I do that a lot. TMI?

4. Imagining that I'm having my OWN concert - Oh yes people, I rock. \m/ Jks. Who in the world never experienced to HAVE HER OWN CONCERT ON HER BEDROOM? You know, singing with failed lyrics, off tune and with matching dance steps to complete the act. And honestly, I also imagine that a large crowd of audience is watching me together with my idols. LOL. I'm soooo AMBITIOUS raised to the infinite number of stars in the whole universe. XD

5. Having a wrestling match with my plushies - Hoho! I usually do this when I'm depressed and pissed at the same time. Just letting all you anger out by hitting, kicking and abusing a toy! Sssh.. I have a secret to tell you guys, I once killed my sister's cow plushie. OMG! Don't call the police please! OMAAAGAWD PLEASE IT'S AN ACCIDENT! I WAS SO DESPERATE TO POOP BECAUSE I ATE TOO MUCH CHEESE EARLIER THAT DAY AND I ACCIDENTALLY DROPPED MAMOO(the name of the cow plushie) OFF THE BED AND HIS BLUE GREEN-COLORED SCARF FALL OUT! IT WASN'T MY FAULT! OMG! Lol. I sound like a retarded fat girl.

6. Sleep - Sleep so that you can forget everything. Even just for a while. SLEEP AND LET YOUR POOR MIDGET-SIZED EENIE-MEENIE MIND REST. :)

7. Eat! - Who cares of you getting fat? NO ONE! Diet is not in my vocabulary, people. Then after eating, poop all you want. Poop limitless and effortless! Eat many to poop many! Have a huge bite of that oh-so-yummy chicken, that gravy on your plate, chug down all the drinks available in your fridge, swallow that muffin you are craving for, devour that mash potatoes and drown yourself with chocolates! LOTS AND LOTS OF CHOCOLATES.... AND MARSHMALLOWS!!!! AND STRAWBERRIES! OMG. I'm hungry.

- OHOHOHO. Surround yourself with your TRUSTED friends and let it all out! CRY YOUR HEART OUT! Cuss all you want if that'll make you feel better. Say lines like: "THAT ATTENTION SHOULD DIE! SHE'S SUCH A ! I THOUGHT SHE WAS MY BEST FRIENDDDDDD! OMGGGGGG! SHE MUST DIE WITH THAT BASTARD PLAYBOY!!!! ARRRRGH!!!!!!" with your overly-dramatic and exaggerated voice. :P (I do this all the time hahah).



That's all. Bye.:) I'm hungry. I'm crazy. But totally not DEPRESSED at this moment... or am I? :b



- Joyce Gacilla / Joyce Mochi Lee / myhenrylau89 ♥


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mysoulisstarving #1
what i do is SLEEP., like there's no more time in the world to sleep kekeke
Oh god, my whole family stared at me like I'm crazy (which I partly am) when I read this. No joke.. my whole family is here cause I'm at my grammy's. EEP.
goguma-love #4
omg the pooping part almost made me spit out my gatorade xD