EXO Quiz


stolen from the one and only missscarlett

1. Favourite member in EXO?

Right now it's Tao again~ Blend him with Xiumin and my milkshake is made!~

2.How many pictures of EXO do you have?

it's around over 4000 now i think - i've stopped counting and stopped collecting tbh. tired of all this airport bull.

3.Have you ever switched your favourite member?

OHEMGEE is that even a quesiton? of course who in this fandom hasn't...? i swear every member has had a moment in the ~lime light~ in my books xD

4.Cutest member:

Xiuhan is what keeps me breathing tbh. them together and Lulu's obsession with Minnie's is just glorious to behold.

5.Hottest member:

Kai is absolutley gorgeous. hands down that man is just perfect in so many senses.

6.Member you would like to marry and why?

i don't know. i mean i would love to be so close to kai and just be with him, same with tao and chanyeol and kris and lulu and you know what? xiumin seems like my kind of man. if i was going to spend the rest of my life with one of them xiumin seems the right amount of funny, lovely, kind and handsome to have me live a life happy with him beside me.

7.Members you would like to date:

umm...yeah i'd like the whole package? gosh who to chose? o~o" i wanna mother tao and just treat him like a spoilt prince[ss] rn so theres my decision.

8.Member you would like to have as your best friend:

luhan is glorious and so is baekhyun. their humour gets me chucklin'.

9.Member you would like as a pet and what pet would he be?

uhh baek as a widdle puppy, gosh. sehun as the moody cat that flicks his tail at you in disdain but secretly loves you with his very soul. chen as my puppy. chanyeol as my puppy to snuggle with and imma stop before i create a list. opps too late.

10.Prettiest member:

luhan is gorgeous but so is baekhyun, so yeah baeklu all the way. also kyunggie is pretty damn gorgeous.

11.Best Singer:

i really really like baekhyun's voice and do's, but luhan's little softener is wonderful. he can't go too high or low, but whne he gets it right his voice has this lovely sound to it and just the thought of him and baekhyun humming together whilst they cook early in the morning whilst the ground is still dewy and the sky still yellow has me feeling light inside.

12.Member you think is most similar to yourself?

umm probably kai? idk don't really know them~ either kai or chen, i mean they're both quite playful and quiet? idk i'm not good at these quesitions~!

13.Member you found yourself getting jealous of and why?

kyunggie because of kai's infatuation with him and the fact he's sometimes ignorant of the fact kai isn't open to everyone and he reaches out to him yet he blanks him :'( i mean come on d.o.! idk i'm not really jealous tbh, i love that they're all so close and comfortable with each other :)

14.Best Dressed Member:

kris when he gets it right! xD not that i really care what he wears, he will always be gorgeous, but sometimes when he wears a certain shirt or jeans or outfit it really emphasises his handsomeness and god dang he looks yummy!

15.Funniest member:

i love that sehun is so bratty sometimes, it makes me laugh. same with baek and xiumin! gosh that little gem is the light of my life! and chen. oh chen chen chen that little mischievous glint he gets in his eyes, d.o. too. i think they're all funny in their own way tbh.

16.Weirdest couple:

baekxing? never seen them together. taodo too. 

17.One TRUE pairing #1:

xiuhan~ <3

18.One TRUE pairing #2:


19.Favourite song:

mama is what got me into these idiots so there you go.

20.Favourite music video:

mama again for me. i mean the drama the music the drama - i hope their come back [haha] will be some sort of spinoff from mama/the fantasy theme.

21.Favourite dance moves and by WHO:

um kai is another being when he dances tbh, anything he does is pretty much perfect to me. and he 'wants to be better at dancing'? come on kai, can you get much better than you???


[as of right now...]

1. Tao

2. Xiumin

3. Kai

4. Chanyeol


5. Baekhyun

6. Luhan

7. Sehun

8. Chen

9. Kris

10. Lay

11. D.O.

12. Suho


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MissScarlett #1
Lol suho last