Not Enough

Not too long ago, I got into it with m boyfriend and the father of my child. it wasn't a big fight, just enough to make me cry..... a lot...... like, 30 minutes worth of crying.

We're in a situation where he's unemployed and starting a business. He gets money here and there, but it's not enough.

He tells me it's because he feels like I don't do anything around the house and he doesn't feel motivated to do anything because of that. That shouldn't be an excuse, I can't do anything at the moment. It's not that I'm lazy and I won't do anything, it's because I can't. I'm 6 almost 7 months pregnant with his baby. I can't stand for too long cause my feet will swell up like water balloons, I can't bend over cause my back will literally give out. I'm always tired..... for no reason.... like always tired. I take these moments and I sit down and I watch t.v. just to get my mind off the pain in my feet, neck, back, shoulders and stomach.

I had my first contraction yesterday. It doesn't mean I was in labor, The baby was just pushing against the pelvic area and it hurt so much that my back paid the price after it was over.

Don't get me wrong, he's not a deadbeat that makes babies then breaks for it, he's just undisciplined. He searches for a job for a few hours then he relaxes by escaping to runescape. But lately, he's been doing nothing but runescape. He tells me to help him, but I don't know what to do. He tells me not to worry, he'll teach me how to help him and so far, he hasn't told me anything.

Guys i feel like I'm not enough motivation for him......

I haven't been anyones motivation for anyone.

I haven't been enough motivation for my father when I was born. He always loved my brother more.

I haven't been enough motivation for my ex, he wanted to marry me and have kids, but I couldn't since he never got his diploma, a job and he got kicked out of GED. I was never enough motivation for him to finish school.

I haven't been enough for another ex, He didn't like the fact that I was biual and like a dummy, I told him i'll stay away from that lifestyle, but I couldn't cause it was apart of who I was.

I haven't been enough motivation for my teachers in school, I was teased and beaten mercilessly for 4 years in high school. I haven't told anyone because visiting memories like that are too painful. When I did tell teachers that I was being bullied, they just told me not to worry about it and to go to counceling to talk about it. Telling a teacher I was being bullied was never enough. I planned on hurting myself and ending it, but some friends helped me and I found creative writing as a outlet.

I thought to myself, I'll find someone that will do anything for me. I'm sure they would even scrub toilets just to keep me happy. I thought I found that person when I met my current boyfriend. He gives me everything. He does everything. He tells me I'm beautiful everyday, he loves me and I could feel that.

But now, I'm not enough for him. We're out of money and he needs to find a job soon or else. I thought me just being here would be enough but I'm not...... I'm fine with not being enough for someone, I'm use to it. But if my daughter... our child is not enough for you to go out and scrub toilet to make a buck for food and clothes for her, then i'm sorry but i'm not going to be around this foolishness. I'll go out and get a job myself and take care of her, cause apparently...... 

We're not enough motivation for you.

Thanks for listening you guys, lets keep this between us. I just needed someone to talk too.


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MIRaclebiased #1
Well I can't help, but try keep positive! Don't underestimate yourself! Just hold on a little longer and everything will work out. What I'm saying probably doesn't help but I was never good at cheering people up ^^' once your baby is born try to get a job and tell your husband to take care of the children if he doesn't get a job himself. Good luck!