Username: CINAMONROLL101
What should I call you?: cinnamon 
Activeness: 8
Name: Yoon JiAe
Nickname:Jie (Jeah-y)
Birth Date: 20 / 12 / 1996]
Blood Type: AB
Languages: English & Korean
Ethnicity: 100% Korean
Birth Place: Boston, Massachusetts
Hometown: Seoul
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 45 kg
✦ Y LOVE ✦
She looks cute and innocent on the surface, but her personality is really more towards cold , indifferent and frank that is why she is often timed labeled "ice princes". She is also a Troll (eg. a Prankster) she may look cute and innocent but don't fall for it !!! She has this don't care' attitude , this is one of the many reasons why she often gets in trouble.She  is not the type to follow others or rules and like going by her own.  She doesn't care if you are older then her, she will treat you like a friend and use informal language, but of course she does show respect to her elders but never to her Oppas or Unnies , especially if you are very close with one another . She is very blunt and straight forward, a person who never  'sugar coats' and would tell you the truth as it is. It is best to not tease JiAe, because you are sure to lose to her sarcastic responses, and snarky comebacks right away. She doesn't even need to think to come -up with a reply, her sarcasm and snarky replys are just a normal thing for her. You could say she has a sharp tongue. She is very intellectual and witty but when it comes to love and liking someone JiAe is a total idiot .Her indifference  makes it  hard for her to realize her feeling for the person she likes. Often times other people around her are the first to notice the change in her action. If she were to know her true feeling , she is sure to deny them and cover them up by being rude and quarreling with the one she likes. 
  •  Loves to hate her stuffed toy Bunny named "Myung". :   It greatly resembles Myungsoo's seemingly Innocent face but Devils Personality.   
  • POKKI :   no matter what her love for Pokki is undeniable. It is a rumor that she started to love Pokki because of INFINITES 4D Prince (Myungsoo).  
  • FOOD : Its my second best friend. I get angry at people who waste food. Give me food and you will be my best Buddy , especially POKKIIII!!!   
  • Jackets and Sweaters : She is  an avid Fashonista and loves to collect clothes especially different types of jackets , from leather jackets to wool hoodies and sweaters. 
  •  Pink Obsession : She adores the color pink , at some point people started teasing her as “a person merried to the color pink”
  • Hates people who think to highly of themselves. ("like Myungsoo"- JiAe says jokingly.) the reason for this is because of an incident with a certain 4D Prince.During their first meeting Myungsoo commented that JiAe should fix her attitude , saying "kids  should be more respectful  to others especially towards their seniors " and JiAe replied "You should say that to your self" and that is how their Cat and Dog relationship began. Though recently their relationship is improving. Still JiAe claims that she dislikes him the most  >:P
  • Flirts and playboys. She says that they are just pain DISCUSTING and a sore to the eyes.
  • SKINSHIP and Fan service !  : I hate it the most in the world , especially with UGLY Sungyeol (Sungyeol is one of her closes guy friends). I just don't get why people like skin ship so much! its so annoying -_-.
  • Gossip and Rumors :  I have heard a rumor lately, Its about me liking a certain someone ( myungsoo) .... I don't know where that came from (sungyeol started it!) . I think its stupid!  I just don't get it ! 
  • pouting
  • glaring randomly especialy when she is in deep thought
  • staring into space
  • eating
  • causing trouble
  • playing the guitar or piano 
Special Talents: 
  • can play the guitar and piano
✦ U U ✦
Background / History: 

JiAe's parents divorced when she was only 9 years old, because of this she grew up separated from her mother. She lived in the US with her father , Since her parents divorced JiAe learned to be mature and independent despite her young age , this i because she does not want to worry her parents instead she wanted to be the one to take care of them and give joy  and inspiration through her singing.


Yoon Sang Goon | 49 | businessman | alive | father

Since her parents divource , JiAe's father has been busying himself with work in the company and because of this JiAe grew up not seeing her father often.  Growing up JiAe became cold and distant with her father for a period of time , but as time went by JiAe realized that her father was probably trying to forget her mom (whom have cheated on him with a younger man) by busying himself with work. With this in mind JiAe began to understand her fathers actions and instead of being cold and distant towards his father , JiAe tried her best to be more acquainted with him. She wrote letters to him when he is a way and sings for him he is at home. Her father is now her inspiration as she reach for her goals of becoming a singer. She wishes to be able to bring joy to her lonely father through her singing and dancing.

Kim Da Som | 47 | unknown | unknown | mother

JiAe haven't seen or heard any news about her mom since the divorce, it is unknown if she is still love or not and how she is doing. All she knew is that her mother had  left JiAe and her father for another man, because of this she  grew to hate her mother for abandoning them (JiAe and her dad) for another man. Despite her hate JiAe still longs for the love and care of her mother, she wishes that someday she would be able to see her mother again and be able to talk to her on why she left.

Sibilings:  NONE
Lee Minki / REN | 17 | idol / maknae of NU'EST | quiet , indiferent and frank |

We fist met during Felicity's debut stage. I was buying a box of Pokki from the vendo machine, but the box got stuck in the machine. I was having a hard time trying to retrieve my snack , but my I was too shy and pride full to ask for help. Luckily Ren of NU'ESt was passing by and saw my predicament. He stopped walking and we stared at each other for a very very long time , then without saying a word he managed the vendo machine twice and was able to retrieve my snack. We stared at each other as he was handing me the box of pokki. After long awkward silence and a minute of staring at one another , Ren decided to beak the silence .  "Ren" was all he said as he extended his hand, I then shook his hand and replyed by saying my name. Their was another awkward silence and staring , until I heard the stylist unnie calling my name. I said "thanks"  to him and bowed then  left. that was the start of our awkward friendship?

JiAe and Ren are similar in personality and age that is why they understand each other well. Even without an exchange of wards they can communicate and understand what the other is thinking.  They share the same opinions like how much of an "annoying idiots" their seniors are. JiAe feels comfortable around Ren , he is one of the few people that JiAe allows to have skin ship with. Others find their friendship cute and would often tease them about it, soon enough fans of Felicity and NU'EST began shipping them as a couple. Something that Sungyeol is very jealous about ("I want to be shipped with JiAe tooo~~~").


Best Friends:

Lee Sungyeol | 22 | Idol/ member of INFINITE | cheerful choding | 

We first met during our trainee days.  I really don't know how I became friends with an annoying idiot like him. Sungyeol is the type of person who is a cheerful choding , he express himself really well through his actions and he is very comfortable with skin ship. I on the other hand is a person who can be cold and indifferent  , I find it hard to express myself through words and actions and is oftentimes misunderstood. Most of all I hate skin ship , I don't really get why people love doing it, ITS DISGUSTING!!!(especially when its with Ugly Sungyeol). He is so annoying! He keeps on nagging me to call him "oppa". tch! Annoying!

Their difference in personality made them closer to one another. JiAe would often by calling him names and even uses informal language with him even though he is a senior. " Sung- who? I don't know a person named Sungyeol." She says this with a straight face. JiAe is known as a person who can be cold, rude and indifferent that is why she has only a few friends so she treasures those that she has like -the "annoying idiot"- Sungyeol.




Krystal Jung | 19 | f(x)
Why hate you?: 
*only if Myungsoo will be the Love interest of JiAe in the story :
Krystal has fealings for Myungsoo , so when she heared of the rumor of JiAe liking Myungsoo she started seeing JiAe as a rival. She likes to poke fun of her and makes everything as a competition to impress Myungsoo. 
*if not:
Krystal is known for being an "Ice Princes", upon the dabut of DIANA people started dubbing JiAe as the "NEW Ice Princes" then they started comparing the two. Because of this comparisons Krystal started seeing JiAe as her rival and often compeates with her.
Love Interest: 
Kim Myungsoo / L | 21 | member of INFINITE | fank, quick tempered , cold | 
Have you meet?: Yes / No 
How do you (want to) meet?: 

From the beginning JiAe and Myungsoo's relationship had a bad start , at that time Felicity was  being introduced to Infinite. JiAe was talking to Sungyeol using an informal language and tone calling him an "annoying idiot". Myungsoo heard this and got annoyed with her "rude" attitude. The others already knew that this is JiAe's way of friendhip and it is how she had always been with Sungyeol . Myungsoo did not know this and confronted her saying " Yah! you should treat your seniors with respect! Fix your attitude!" (with a mocking tone)  " Don't -in to other peoples business, 'Myungsoo-sii '. You don't even know me well to tell me what to do and not to" she said , her annoyance got the better of her. Since then they have constantly quarrel even with the littlest things.Others (especialy SUNGYEOL) often Tease Myungsoo and JiAe because of their fights that are like "an old couple quarreling" (Sungyeol  was the fist who started to call them as "MyungJi Cauple" ). 

JiAe is known for her straight forward and quick tempered personality,that is said to rival Myungsoo's. Their great similarity in their personality they tend to clash with one another and have misunderstandings, until one day it all changed it was the day that JiAe began to notice him not as a Rival but as a person she likes. (she tries to hide this by being cold and indifferent)

She realized she likes Myungsoo:

*It was after one of the groups intense trainings, everyone was having a brake. JiAe was sitting on the bench drinking water , then Myungso who was holding a box of Pokki sat beside her. They were both quiet , until Myungso broke the silence. "Here , I don't want it anymore" said Myungsoo as he gives JiAe the box of Pokki.  JiAe was going to decline but Myungsoo had already left and placed the Box on her hand. JiAe stared at his retreating back , then grabbed the box and opened it with a small smile on her face. 

Dating?: Yes / No 
Back-up Love Interest: 
Lee Minki / REN| 17 | idol / maknae of NU'EST | quiet , indifferent and frank |
Have you meet?: Yes / No 
How do you (want to) meet?: 

We fist met during Felicity's debut stage. I was buying a box of Pokki from the vendo machine, but the box got stuck in the machine. I was having a hard time trying to retrieve my snack , but my I was too shy and pride full to ask for help. Luckily Ren of NU'ESt was passing by and saw my predicament. He stopped walking and we stared at each other for a very very long time , then without saying a word he managed the vendo machine twice and was able to retrieve my snack. We stared at each other as he was handing me the box of pokki. After long awkward silence and a minute of staring at one another , Ren decided to beak the silence .  "Ren" was all he said as he extended his hand, I then shook his hand and replyed by saying my name. Their was another awkward silence and staring , until I heard the stylist unnie calling my name. I said "thanks"  to him and bowed then  left. that was the start of our awkward friendship?

JiAe and Ren are similar in personality and age that is why they understand each other well. Even without an exchange of wards they can communicate and understand what the other is thinking.  They share the same opinions like how much of an "annoying idiots" their seniors are. JiAe feels comfortable around Ren , he is one of the few people that JiAe allows to have skin ship with. Others find their friendship cute and would often tease them about it, soon enough fans of Felicity and NU'EST began shipping them as a couple. Something that Sungyeol is very jealous about ("I want to be shipped with JiAe tooo~~~").JiAe have not yet realized her feelings for Ren. For now she only sees him as a friend, their relationship will develop as the story progress.

Dating?: Yes / No
Ex Lover:
JiAe had never had a boyfriend before because of her tendacy to be cold , she finds it hard to make friends and often times scares boys away with her cold personality despite her pretty face. 
Back-up Ex Lover:None
How do you broke up?:
✦ 1 2 3 4 ✦
Stage Name: Jie (pron. as : Jeah-y / J )
Main Vocal, Sub Dancer
Lead Vocal, Sub Dancer
Main Rapper, Sub Dancer, Sub Vocal
Lead Rapper, Sub Dancer, Sub Vocal
Lead Dancer, Vocal
Vocal, Dance, Rapper
Fanclub Name: Be Pink (BPink)
Fanclub Color:   Baby Pink  &  Plum 
Singing Twin: 1 | 2 [MinAh of Girls Day]
Dancing Twin: 1 | 2 [Ahn Sohee of Wonder Girls & Ari of Waveya]
Rapping Twin: 1 | 2  [Megan Lee]
Pre Debut: Making Youtube Covers & Modeling for an online clothing store 
Any suggestion for group:
COLABORATION!! or Radio Guesting?? (Shim Shim Tapa)
Any shows for group /  members to join:
  • Hello Baby
  • We Got Married
  • Strong Heart
In Woollim Entertainment, which Woollim member you close to?:
Sungyeol (though JiAe says otherwise)
In Woollim Entertainment, which Woollim member you akward to?: 
Myungsoo (because their personalities clash they often fight, but soon JiAe started to fall for him and then it started becoming akward for her to be with him)
Twitter: @YoonJPink
Instagram: YoonJPink



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