Where do you get K-POP images from?

I was wondering where you guys get photos of K-POP artists and graphics from.

Google Images isn't such a good source :"(

I don't know how to use Tumblr either, though I hear many say that Tumblr photos are really good/pretty/awesome whatever.

I want images of B.A.P (especially my bias, Jung Daehyun) but I can't find any really good ones (and good quality too)...

Any ideas? :(


--DaeTokki <3


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Just go on Google, type in "Daehyun tumblr", click on the first few links and you'll get those awesome pictures in no time!

I usually snag pictures off of Facebook, but after I deactivated I kinda just rely on Tumblr :3
Good luck with it!~
I go to weheartit.com ^^ There are some pretty good photos on there (:
Well generally I get stuff from tumblr yeah but I think you should get used to how it works~ either that or just type in daehyun tumblr or something and the daehyun tag in tumblr should come up! ^_^
Otherwise try some fansites :DD
I would try tumblr. Most tumblr URLs pertain to something pretty obvious like fyeahnamehere. Or you can directly use /tagged/daehyun off tumblr.
Their websites, fansites usually have the best ones and tumblr. Tumblr=kpop heaven.
On Tumblr you can find any images, videos, gifs etc with 'Daehyun' tag by going to this link:
Just change the name if you want to search for other things with a specific tag.
Usually I get them from Google Images but I'll add a few words after their name if I'm looking for something specific...
If you're looking for something to put in a photo, you can put 'HQ' or 'photoshoot' after the person's name and there should be some high quality photos there. It all depends what you're looking for...
I'm not sure. I just seacrh them on Google.