I Think I Am In Friend-Love With You


“I Think I Am In Friend-Love With You” written by and illustrated by Yumi Sakugawa, published in Sadie Magazine, 2012.



The firs time I saw this it made me sad beyond belief.
Reading it again had the same effect.


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it was totally touching and awesome.. i love it. it says exactly how i feel for my really really close friend. there was a time i thought i was gay bc i wanted to be with her 24/7 but then i thought of us being something more than just being friends and i wanted to throw up so i realised i was not gay. i just really like her so much and i wanna do with her everything is written there ><
ohhh it was the most cute and Ohhhh thing ever(cause i don't find a better word to describe what i felt when i read it).!