What Can I Use This For?

Lately I've been getting spurts of inspiration, but said spurts either turn out to be far to rough to actually be used or the inspiration isn't strong enough to make it any more then the small amount it is. I know a story like that usually ends up in a drabble format, but honestly I don't exactly want to put a set of drabbles up as a first story. Instead I think I might post them on this blog thingy cause I don't think anyone actually reads these anyways, but who knows. Also, I'm bored and would like a medium to put some of these thoughts to rest. Keke

This was probably the most unnecessary blog post to ever be created in AFF history, and yet writing this vanity blog was oddly fun.

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Then again maybe I'm just weird. 

Anywho ... possibly this will workout ... or possibly it won't ... I don't know, ideas are fun. 


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I would read some of your drabbles if you want to post them on a blog post instead :) Good luck with your writing! Hwaiting ^^v