I believe I can fly~

Kay. So first flight went all perfect I guess. The flight was not in time as there were some complications, but whatever. So I woke up a 6 am, because I needed to get ready, make a fast review to my suitcase and be sure I didn't missed anything that important~ so after breakfast and somethings like that, we left our home at 7 am. So we arrived the airport at 8.30 am, and the flight was supposed to leave at 10.30. BUT we ended up leaving at 11.20 =-= damn. And then, finally~ we arrived to Houston, at 12.35 am ~ Yaaay. When I walked into the plane, I was shaking and almost crying of nerves and fear. I sat down next to my mother and next to the window, so I could see everything but damn~ I was too nervous to care about the outside. Then, the plane began to move and I began to cry lmao. My mom was like "hey, calm down sweetie, calm down!" and I was like "I..I ne-ed Su-Su-Super Juni-nior!" and she was just patting my back and I was like ;o;!!! I listened to Kpop and all those things, and when we were about to land, or near to the airport, the plane begins slowing down, doesnt it? Well, I stopped listening to music, and then I heard a super loud and strong noice, and I creeped out like hell, and began crying thinking that I was going to die and all those things  loooool. And my mom was like "CALM DOWN! THE PLANE IS JUST SLOWING DOWN SO WE CAN LAND!" and I was like "I DON'T CARE OF WHAT THEY SAY, IMMA GOING TO LISTEN TO SUPER JUNIOR WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT ES!" And then blahblah, we landed, everything perfect and I was like " o-ó" and when I walked into the airport, I began running all the place, and my mom was like "HEY WTF" and I just said "I NEED TO GO TO THE RESTROOM ;o;!!!" and my mom said "you need to go?" and I answered "yeah. I dont know if I haven't peed on myself this far" and she just facepalmed lol. And no, i didn't peed 8D So then we spent there like and hour and a half or something like that~ I ate a subway and so did my mom, we met a couple or runners who were going to be running as well in this marathon, I bought a magazine and a coke 8D and then we went into the next flight, which was from Houston to Chicago. Well, this flight went all good. I was still shaking and super nervous, but I was a little more calmed. So after 3 hours we landed, and then we were walking like idiots in the airport lol. My mom was like "your uncle said he was going to pick us up... But... Where the hell will your uncle be waiting for us..???" I just shrugged. How would I know? We found him after 10 minutes and we left~ he lives in a town near, so we had to take a trip all the way to the town, which was about one hour long. No. I haven't been in Chicago yet :c I'll be tomorrow. BTW. Did you knew there was a town, like china town or Mexican town, or GAYS???? Like, yeah!!!!! Free fanservice es!!!! It's called Boys Town. I was like KYAAAA MY MOM IS RUNNING THERE 8D!!!!! Oh, I'll be chasing my mother. Yeah. I'll be running faster than her so we could meet her in every checkpoint. And it's 42 damn kilometers. Daaaamn. I betta run, run, run, run, run~ 'cause there's gonna be some hell to pay -singing like Ke$ha- ok. Well. This is it so far! I'll post another blog someday near about my experiences, and then a last blog with pictures. Oh. If you would ever be near Chicago, I recommend you to visit a town called Napperville. Is so, so, SO beautiful. Ok guys! This is all for today! I met a hawt Korean dude at a sort of walmart..? Idk, but he was FREAKING HAWT.  Love you~~~!!! bye!! PD: my iPod broke down. I'm having a serious problem with it right now =-=. No color because here it doesnt appear anything or colors and stuff like that. BYE!!! PDD: My mom is running in about 6 hours 8D


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LOL I was laughing like mad while reading this xD ofcourse a plane slows down when its going to land o.o pwuahaha xDD! and omg ._. you..you met a hot Korean dude? OMG! You're such a lucky girl D: