I'm so scared~~~! ;o;

Damn this is the second time I'm writing this =-=

So... This is my first blog ever! And... Well... I don't know exactly what to say, and I think that this deserves a blog, so here it comes!

I'm going to be on a plane in about... 12 hours~ and I'll be going to Chicago, because my mother will be running a marathon and I'll be there to support her and waste my time, you know, as I don't have anything else to do. Anyway, I'm so excited/nervous about it, and I'm kinda regretting it right now lol.

The thing is that... I'm afraid of airplanes -I'm almost afraid of everything...- I SERIOUSLY have a thing regarding airplanes. They freak me out, they scare the out of me, they are so creepy and horrorific and evil! And I don't know why. I've never been in one before, so this is the first time 8D. BUT FOR THE SAME THING, I'M SO FREAKING NERVOUS! ;o;. Ohmyohmyohmy. So I feel I'm about to puke right now =-= 

During the plane, I'm planning to be watching a SS3 in a town in Japan, writing some EunHae and an original fanfic, also listening to music -though my mother asked me not to listen to kpop during the flight... we all know I WILL- and I'll be bothering the people near me coughcough my mom coughcough.

So... This will be like a journal! I'm going to write the before, the during, and the after! I'll be even posting pictures! -pictures without my face, lolololol- I'll be on the flight writing everything I feel OMG. And also in the airport! If there's internet I'll write something fast :D.

So, if you're reading this, I LOVE YOU. I don't care if I don't know you, you are a kpoper, and kpopers are ma friends~ so... I LOVE YOU. If one of my close friends get to read this -hyung, umma, ahjumma- I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I'LL MISS YOU AND I LOVE YOU! AND REMEMBER ME WITH MY WEIRD NOISES AND RANDOM MOMENTS. If they don't... Well, they'd never find out about this -3-.

I LOVE YOU:3 sakmfdhgsdajklasjgdahd.

See you soon!!!♥


btw. Follow me on twitter!


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good luck with ur mom
Take care chinguu~!! I'm sooo sorry I didn't comment on your updates T_T I was busy with school and homework and ugh -.- but I love your updates! I reeeaallyy do~! ;D keep writing! ^^ and omg, im afraid of airplanes too o.o i'm scared they'll like..fly in the water when flying over an ocean ._.
anyways, love you!! <3
Your umma will miss you soooooo muuuuuuuuch~! Please take really good care of yourself, and cheer your mommy for me hehehe, you know I love you, even with your weird noise with which you like to bother me ._.,,, buuuuuut aaanywaaaaysss, come back soon and bring souvenirs kekekeke~!
Saranghaeee <3
Good Luck :) Like the gif at the end btw :P