


idk if this’ll be a long post but i just wanna pour all these euphoric feelings that have long been lingering in my kokoro since they day i stan these 12 idiots of sment. loving exo was never part of my plan. stanning an artistically-challenged dragon who claims himself that he can fly was also not part of my plan of living in this world. who would’ve thought april 8 will mark such a memorable day in my calendar? (ofc besides jonghyun’s bday) i remember day 1, the first time i encountered tao’s badass wushu teaser.. little did i know that in that teaser, my life could’ve change so drastically. what was the correct term again… ah! it’s life-changing. c: loving exo is life changing. never in my 6 years of being a kpop fan have i spent so much time on useless things, and that involves exo. there were quite a few first times too. i was drawn into the blackhole of paradise that i once despised to death all thanks to the resident skinship couple and founder of all gayness in exo, HUNHAN. and my innate yness that was once a fetus has developed into something more. and because dialect-cussing at exo’s awesomeness is not enough, i learned other language’s cusses. not that i’m blaming exo for bending and twisting my thoughts, i regret nothing at all. and for exo, i wanna thank your parents for bearing such talented and gorgeous and nice and almost-perfect human beings. i also thank sment for debuting you. (altho i hate ‘em sometimes coz they’re full of trolls and s but whatever, i will still love them at the end of the day). i wanna thank you for being awesome ers. thank you for generally existing in this world. thank you for bringing good music to us. thank you for working hard just to show us awesome perfs. thank you for murdering our sanity and reviving us again and again, for ripping our wallets, our hearts because of amountful of fanservice and gayness, everything that is rippable (if there’s even a word like that).  idk there’s so many things i want to thank you for but there are words that best be left unspoken right? (psh, reasons, im just out of words) 2012 has been a roller coaster ride of feelings for me. and that’s generally exo’s fault. but of course, im not denying that i did like it. 2012 will forever be one of the best years in my life because i met you. and because i met you, i met awesome friends online too. c: exotic fandom maybe the craziest most insane and troll fandom out of all the existing fandoms in the universe but we just love exo from the bottom of our hypothalamus (coz stating heart is too mainstream) okok i think this post is getting long alr i should end it like omfg. how should i end this word vomit of mine? anyway, just continue being mindblowingly awesome. reach for the success that you’ve been craving for. we will always be here beside you (to stalk you) and even though you don’t know my existence, what’s most important for me is the idea that i exist for you. ok im getting cheesy as . im gonna finish this right here. kbye.



EXO, 사랑하자!


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_shuppylove #1
*virtual hugs yew so tight till u gonna knock out some air*
/grabs a box of tissues and cries