Dear EXO

Dear EXO... I made this for you, maybe you can call it letter or else, but basicly I'm just wanna spill what I feel inside towards you, after whole time I spent being your fans or if I could call it, being exotic. I know it's nearly impossible for you to read this, but I just wanna write this because I need to let out all my feeling..and maybe through this letter, I could share to the world, or even just one people out there, about my affection towards you, and your influence towards my life.. This past year is the greatest year of my life. For knowing you, and having you in my life. Before I know you, well, um, I don't really remember what my life used to be..What I could say is, somehow you made my life different. I never felt big affection toward someone, or twelve boys if I could say, who I'm sure 100% doesn't even know that I'm exist. But I'm happy enough to have a thought that you know I'm exist as a part of unity, part of EXOTIC..Call me delusional for saying to myself that I have you in my life. It isn't a sin, right? To consider 12 boys as my booster in life? You teach me what loyalty is because somehow, even I didn't try hard enough or even SM only let you released a mini album, I can't take my eyes off for you..You're all so charming, how could you do that? Well I don't mind actually. You teach me what hardwork is, that brings you here now, in front of us, being amazing as ever..I know from my heart that you always tried to do your best and will continue to do your best...So I will do my best too, for standing here from far place and being with you, in your heart. Maybe you can't feel my support if I'm alone, but since I'm with exotic, you can feel it now, right? You teach me what friendship be a family with someone you aren't related at all and facing the world together since you have the same purpose of life..So I'll try to create a friendship too, with all exotic in the world, since we share the same purpose of life, to support you..Would you make a friendship with us too? Keke, kidding, I don't have to ask that, because you already offer that from the very start. I know EXO doesn't know me or other exotic personally, nor we don't know yet the real person of each exo member..but a bound created without having to be acquintances, just realization is enough, which I'm personally willing to make, (I believe all exotic feel the same like me) and EXO offered to make... We know EXO as unity, and their unity complete each other..EXO knows us as exotic and it's exo who gathers us to be a unity..We are one..One to face the world together..And dear exo, actually we're here willing to know you also as personal, each individual member, to know the real you outside being exo don't need to know us personally, it's fine because somehow it sounds better too, to be acknowledged as a unity, unity of your fans, it sounds stronger, it sounds real, it sounds enough, for me at least.. I would say, you're still young. Still long way ahead of you to gain your success, or final purpose in life. Remember, we'll be here to go ahead with you, pray accompanying you, and watching you achieve it someday, any purpose you have, and we'll be here to smile together with you. I don't care about the antis who try to break you down, because no matter what they did, I believe they won't break you down,. because you also have us, your loyal fans, who always be here to push you up.. So thank you, thank you for coloring my life for all this time, thank you for trying your best for us, and thank you, just thank you for being there as EXO.. I'm not great in words, nor I feel words are enough, so I will prove it to you through action, that I will always be here with you as your loyal fans..When you perform, I will be there to shout cheering at you. When you're sad or facing a problem, I will always be there to pray for you. When you're happy, I will always be there to smile happily because of you. Just believe I will be there. A promise to be your loyal fans, is all I could offer to you as an exchange of your existance, being a crayon in my white canvas world.. Thank you, happy 1st EXO anniversary, and I will always pray and be there for you :) Sincerely, your anonymous loyal fans.


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wow...wish i get the courage to said it like u do...

wait maybe i should....i have so much to say to them....really do..