Down and out

To the subscribers of The After Party. Hooray I updated sooner. It's my birthday gift for you because it's MY birthday tomorrow. And yesss, Jonghyun oppa and I have the same birthday. /You hear that oppa? Happy birthday! Get well soon! :-* Saranghaeyo~/ Anyway, about that explanation thingy, here goes. My family and I went out of town. Woohoo, great right? :D WRONG. It was awful. The resort was too crowded and the beach was pested with spikey sea creatures that hurt as hell if you stepped on them. Plus! We didn't get to stay overnight coz the resort ran out of water. Like seriously, we were in a BEACH resort and it ran out of water. AND ironically the resort's name is AQUATIC. Seriously you guys, if it wasn't for that one cute guy I would've burned that place down with fire and . You hear thay AQUATIC beach resort? You can't stahp me coz you ran out of water! Seriously, the resort was surrounded with bodies of water. Aish! It was just annoying. >_< *sigh* Enough ranting. I feel bleh. You know? When you're just bleh -_-


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