expectation and reality

lol whut.

it's only 16 days to national examination.


to national examination

try living in indonesia. we have 4 test: math, science, indonesian, and english.


on monday i have tryouts.

and the next week we have to study only those lessons from morning till afternoon.

then the next mone we have the national exam.

and i have 2 on going fics (check em out:))

and i join a writing contest

and tomorrow is siwon's birthday

and on 11 is my birthday

the enxt day is sehunnie

on 17 is sung sikyung

on 18 jessica

on 19 zhoumi

on 20 luhan

on 29 jay park


lol whut

cool people were born on april


i expect my april to be blissful

but i got my friends nagging at me to cook fettucine and lasagna

lol i'm not even italian

but my mom cook no s


and the reality is that i have so many test

my brain could explode


i expect exo to have a comeback

lol jk

sm would never do that until all exotics were rotten


and 2pm too where the ing is your comeback


and f(x)

and jj project

and iu

and i want to cry


reality hurts.


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