〔 ♡┊just another cliché 〕— bang norae


` ( xRiChan )  `(  Ri ) ┊ ` ( )
 ♡┊your new student id 
— identification is necessary!
name — bang norae
nicknames — noraebang (her friends get a kick out of calling her this due to her name + her notoriety in karaoke clubs) meat bun (by love interest, explained later)
birthdate — august 15, 1994
age — 18
ethnicity — korean
birthplace — jeolla-do, south korea
hometown —jeolla-do, south korea
languages — korean (native fluency) + nothing (she's horrible with languages)
 ♡┊1, 2, 3, say cheese! 
id photos are the worst
first choice — eunhee
visuals — 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 & gallery
back-up — lee eun jin
visuals — 01 02 03 & gallery
appearance — dark brown hair, always in a bun when in public or with people. no exceptions. pretty much like eunhee's. she's fairly slender, but not stick thin. her unique feature you ask? her freaky height. 179.124 (exactly/about 5'10.5'') sums up norae's height. she doesn't have any tattoos, wouldn't even think about it, but she does have a small scar on the back of her right hand right near the joint on her first finger. 
style — nothing really out of the ordinary or particularly fashion forward. shorts, jeans, sweaters, typical clothes. she isn't all that into fashion, but she doesn't not take care of what she wears either. usually sticks with pullovers and sweaters with jeans | (she likes boyfriend and straight cut jeans rather than skinny jeans). she doesn't particularly like wearing shorts and skirts without leggings/tights,  she usually wears longer and looser shorts. norae will never wear anything with a heel. sneakersslipons, and flats are the way to go for this country gal. she will occasionally put on a dress and opt for a low bun, but nothing too fancy.
 ♡┊hi, welcome to the new school!
— let's play a self-intro game!
traits — earnest, hard working, naive, compassionate, and optimistic.
personality — bang norae. the crazy kid from the countryside that plopped down in your class one fine spring day. how would you describe her? she seems kind, after all, remember the other day in the hall when your book fell down? she was a few feet behind you, but she ran up and picked it up. and after that she tripped over her long legs and ended up splat on the floor. you didn't know whether to laugh or worry for her, but she got up, brushed herself off and was on her way. that's the klng of girl norae is. clumsy, pitifully so, but her offbeat confidence is what makes her so likeable. she's such a hard worker but realistic when it comes to herself, she knows she's not good at alot of things but she doesn't let it get to her. she's confident in herself, but doesn't come off as it. 

bang norae. the girl who works at the restaurant you went to again the other day that you really liked a few weeks ago. remember how she gave you the wrong change back then? yep, she took it upon herself to take the exact amount of money that she miscalculated off your check this time. that's the kind of person norae is. kind, and honest. she believes in an honest living, and she knows to repent for her mistakes. and she does make a lot of them, but she admits to it. she doesn't sugar coat things for herself, she knows she's clumsy and really bad at singing, but she still does it because she likes it. she still plays on the wii, even though she manages to hit herself in the head some times (okay, a lot of the time). she's incredibly caring and loyal to her friends and family, and she's a great friend to have. it's not hard to befriend her, she's not all that shy once you really get her talking. and once you get her talking, she doesn't stop. 

norae has a tendency to babble, just ramble on for long periods of time if you don't stop her and when she catches herself, she gives a naturally funny reaction that makes listening to her bearable. she's a country girl at heart, who loves nature and fresh air
background — norae was born and pretty much raised in the country side among her extended family, parents, elder brother, cousin, aunt, uncle, grandparents. basically a loving and enriching environment. she glrew, she prospered. the family did very well, owning a grainery and making alcohol, soju: a staple for every korean. her family loved her and supported her, and all was good until she turned 12. that's when her beloved grandmother was diagnosed with dementia. for the next 3 years, norae cooked her favorite dishes, sang karaoke as bad as she could (trust me, it can get very very bad) with her until the end, as her grandmother passed away when norae was 15. that's really one of the things that has/had changed norae as a person. life when on, difficult at first, but it went on for norae.
when she was 16, norae's parents and aunt and uncle decided to send her and her cousin away for schooling in seoul, a huge change in norae's life: life altering, but somewhat welcome. norae and her cousin jiyoon moved to seoul going to an all girl's school at first. there, jiyoon adjusted quickly to the city life, altering her country accent almost instantly (she used to practice back home) while norae was stuck with her "country bumpkin" accent. she was teased for a while for it, but eventually people came to accept her. she's been doing alright adjusting with city life now.
lifestyle — dorms. since norae lives away from home, dorms are really the only place she has to live. the atomsphere? a bit chaotic. norae's a bit... not tidy you could say, and it's a constant blizzard of things flying everywhere when things need to be found, and she has an upbeat and happening routine with school and friends and working part time, so there's a lot happening. roommate you ask? well, norae's roommate would be her cousin she finishes up with school in the afternoon and then gets to her part time job, at a restaurant (name it whatever, maybe it can be a local hangout spot for the characters to go). she unpacks things and whatnot sometimes, and is often called for help reaching things due to her tallness, but most of the time she cooks. after working for a few hours she hangs out with her friends, gets homework done etc. and then repeat.
trivia — no limit; include likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies, fears, whatever. keep it organized or else.
» start here
family — 
» bang jihyuk | 47 | father | grainery owner | alive | 4
» childish, lazy, cheap, procrastinator
» bang nayoung | 46 | mother | grainery worker/housewife | alive  | 4
» loud, hardworking, clever, proud
» bang jihoon | 22 | elder brother | future grainery owner | alive | 4.5
              » dorky, kind-of-stupid, corny, indirectly-caring

» bang minyoung | 64/68 | grandmother | housewife | deceased at age 64 | can't be counted
           » quiet, loving, creative, humble

» bang shinhyuk | 71 | grandfather | grainery owner | alive  | 4
» loud, caring, wise, disciplined
friends — 
» bang jiyoon | 18 | cousin | student | 5
» blunt, nerdy, obsessed-with-america, innovative
 ♡┊it's just like my favorite manga!
— wow how cliche
love interest — kim minseok | 19 | future restaurant owner
back-up love interest — 
1) kim joonmyun | 19 | future restaurant owner
2) kim jongdae | 19 | future restaurant owner
personality — adorkable is the first word that comes to mind when you think of this 5'8'' cutie. sincere, he is, but only to the people he trusts, and although it's not difficult to get him to "befriend" you, it's much more difficult to get a real heart to heart talk with him. he can come off as a bit cold and harsh, because he tries to be, he really does. he tries to get the local teenagers to pay up for the expensive ramen they order on their friends' birthdays, but he can't help but send them a round of soda on the house, after all, it's their birthday, right? he's much like otani from lovely complex (the lovely anime/movie/manga that i've sort of based these two off of) in appearance. cute, but he doesn't try to be, it's just his natural charm. he may not be considered "short" but he's not all that tall either, especially with norae around him. he appreciates hard work, and does not tolerate slacking off. or excuses, yes, you'll have a hard time trying to zip by this man with your flimsy excuses. but, if you have a real one, prepare yourself for a sit down because if he decides to have a talk, you're going to have a talk. and you will talk. because that piercing gaze, even with those adorable eyes, will make you spill almost everything on your mind. 

one thing this boy cannot stand is alcohol, he's seen his father get drunk and crazy (although it's funny to watch) many times with restaurant goers (hey, he can't help it! he's a friendly man!) so minseok tends to stay away from alcohol. he's not that great at being funny on purpose, but if you watch him when he doesn't know, ohmygoodness, the things this boy does. he's kind of a physical joker, he does things that are super funny but not on purpose. he walks funny, a little like a duck waddling, he scrunches his nose randomly, he gives these goofy little shrug-chuckle-smiles and it's hard not to fall for him. so norae didn't resist. 

first meeting — it was interesting. definitely interesting. it was the first day norae began working at minseok's family restaurant, and she was sitting on a stool behind the table in the kitchen in the back. minseok comes in, all hey, hello the usual pleasantries. he sees his father talking to this tall figure (hey wow. she's pretty tall) and the first thing he blurts out after hello is "why don't you sit down?" low and behold, norae is already sitting down. she's just so tall, only when she's sitting down is her height considered "average." needless to say, norae wasn't very happy, but she didn't judge minseok (just didn't talk to him for about two weeks) while minseok didn't see what the big deal was about what he said. he figured norae to be overly sensitive.
relationship — how do they act around each other before and after the confession? how does their relationship progress? who confessed to who and how did it go? etc.
 ♡┊the school interview
— this is your final test!
*answer in the pov of your character (delete this comment)
why are you transferring to our school?
why should we accept you into our school, what can you contribute that the others can't?
» well. for one, i can reach the high shelves *giggles to self before guiltily bowing her head*
how did you hear about our school?
what are your plans for the future?
regarding the students here, who would you get along best with?
» what type of person, basically describe and say why
who wouldn't you get along with?
what is your favorite class and why?


 ♡┊it's your time to shine

comments, questions, concerns — this app and idea is just oh so adorable. i hope you've read/watched lovely complex as it's really great. gah! it's the first manga that came to mind when i saw this and i really hope you like norae as much as i do.

scene requests — be as cliche as your heart desires

anything else? — 






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