A fangirl's life

Oh hi. First blog entry and I am going to rant. So, I just stayed up all night reading sappy KaiSoo fanfiction. I sorta regret that now. Because I have to ing go to school tomorrow and enroll for summer classes. . But the fic was awesome, though. The title's KASTRATING KAI. (I'd link it but I'm using mobile.. Too lazy) It got featured so maybe you've seen it. If not, read it. It's freakin awesome. I love KaiSoo.. Wait.. What the hell? Why am I not sleeping? It's 4 freakin AM and I have to get up 3 hrs from now. What the hell is wrong with me? I should sleep, right? UGH. Fine. I'll sleep. Or not. Whatever. Good night or good morning, which ever works.


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