Sorry For Being A Bad Writer

I at updating, I know. I let a lot of people down because of my infrequent story updates, I know. I truly apologize. I'm a student like most of you so I have school work to attend to and tests to study for (college is hard, guys). I was on spring break last week so I wasn't able to update anything. Since school loves to bombard you with homework and tests after break, I had to attend to that first. I'm really tired today. I took 2 midterms yesterday and I had less than 6 hours of sleep last night. I have 2 group projects coming up, one due later today and one next week. I don't have time and energy to update. I'm a slow writer; it takes me 4 hours to write 1,200 words of creative material.

I make too many promises that I break. So when I say I'm going to update a story on a certain day or time, take my words with a grain of salt. Anyway, someone requested that I update DARK SALVATION so I might do that this weekend. I also have a whole bunch of stories to update that haven't been updated for at least a month.....I will try to get to that.


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it's okey... Just don't push your self to far... That might be a problem to your health some day... Just relax... We will wait your next update with patient... don't worry too much... ^.*
Ok, no problem. Real life is more important, doing well in college is more important. I like your stories. :3