Another angsty post...feel free to pass over...

Well, that is it.  I have given everything I could.  My soul is now just a shriveled withered stalk of what it once was.  I tried.  God know how hard I tried to make it work, to get through each day, to smile past the tears.  I just can't do this anymore.  I can't try anymore.  It hurts.  The weight of the world on your shoulders kind of hurt, that burden that never leaves.  

When you sit in your car in the driveway because you are afraid to walk in your front door.  When you turn all the lights on in the house so that it doesn't feel so empty.  When you pile all the pillows on your bed to fill that space next to you that should be warm, but isn't.  It is this hollow feeling in your chest that pulls the oxygen out of your body now matter how deeply you breathe.  Knowing that the one you gave your heart to, knowing they don't care anymore.  Wondering what more you could have done for them, but deep down, you understand that you gave every last drop of blood and it still wasn't enough.  How did it go wrong like this?  Where was that change, that turn in the road that took us down the wrong path?  Why didn't I see this coming?

I must be really stupid.  Naive.  Blind.  I set myself up for this, I know it.  I guess that is just the hopeless romantic in me that wore the rosy glasses.  That me that still wants to believe in love and soulmates and the perfect kiss.  But now the glasses are off.  I do believe in love.  But I believe in love with all its thorns.  I know that the beautiful fairy tale ending is out there, but not for me.  No, I guess love isn't in my future. 

But I still write about it.  I still dream about it.  And then I wake up to reality, that heartbreak where I am mocked mercilessly for what I hope for.  I should have learned by now, but I can't stop wishing for that something that will never come because I have given up now.  

And I know what you all will say.  Take the time you need.  Don't write, just rest.  But I need to write.  It is the balm to my burning heart, at least for a while.  Let me get lost in the letters, the words, the emotions.  Let me play out my dreams on the page, because it is easier to get through this all when I can pretend that someone somewhere gets their happy ending.  And even if you don't like it, let me keep going this way.  I don't know anything else.

I am tired, oh so tired, but I can't stop.  I don't want to stop.  If I stop, then the last smoke threads disappear and I am left with nothing.  If you will let me keep going, that hope stays there.  That feeble hope that maybe I am worth it, that maybe one day someone will love me the way I should be loved.  You will smile and say it is okay.  I will smile and say thank you.  But you cannot see the tears on this side of the screen.  I hide behind the emoticons and the sincere thanks, but I am still crying and you cannot tell, can you?

I am rambling again, you know how I do that.  I'm sorry.  I will try to not let this affect the happy endings I want for my precious characters.  I will try to not let this affect the twisting turning plots that you ask for.  I will do my best.  I will keep going.  I will try.  I don't want to try anymore.  But I will try.



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this post is just me rite now. i can feel that im one verge of giving up.
orkideh #2
oh my dear...sorry I'm late
Actually I was away for a while.

You're so precious and lovely to face such problems
I was so shocked when I read this post
It my sounds unbelievable but...same here
I'm having f*ucking hard times for EXACTLY same reason
and yes,don't stop writing...cause I do it and it does miracles
and another thing is swing.Every time it gets hard and really suffocating I swing and it soothe all my pains :))))
Try may work for you too. :)
And Liya may sounds cliche but please believe it... the key!don't give up and believe this fact that you're a special person,that you were born for some specific reasons,to do wonders(you actually did and you will :D).
I love you and know that you're not alone
you have us...your Aegies!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Write until you're heart is content.
I can't say or do much...
But you have my support...
I haven't really been on AFF lately but I noticed you hadn't been updating...
I often skip over my friends post but something told me to look for a post from you...
Be well, I wish I could hug you...
remember when you hit rock bottom there is nowhere to go but up
The truth is... I know nothing about LOVE,Unnie.. I really do.. I never really have a boyfriend,but got loads of dudes that protects me more than a boyfriend can do.. I know nothing about how you really feel and I feel stupid and bad for that T_T I love you,Llya Unnie but I don't really know how to make you feel better. I wish I was there for you,not only writing this stupid words but I hope you'd know how much AFF people care about you and more than willing to let you lean on our shoulders..

I know nothing about love,but I know things about losing. It hurts like 100 layers of hell. I haven't been able to meet my (once called) soulmate because he's in another island for 4,almost 5 years. We were like twins when we're 15 but now only his texts and phonecalls that reminds me that he's real,not only my imagination. I still cry whenever I begged to God to bring us together even if it's for a day.. I never have enough of words "I miss you,Polar Bear..." for these years but that sadness became strength when I got my laptop or simply pen and paper. He always encourage me to write,to sing,to have more and better friends,to enjoy my life,and to cherish the present.. He's such a wise old man eventhough he's only 8 days older than me x')

I know you should rest but I do understand that you want to write to let everything out from your heart. I completely understand that, Unnie.. I have a lot of times like that ;)
I don't know if it sounds rude or whatever,but you're the one that understands your own condition,your body,your feeling. DON'T LET THIS THING RUIN YOUR LIFE. EVER! You must 'read' your body,what it wants,what it needs,and move on with everything you have. Remember,the show must go on no matter what, Unnie.

People loves you,Unnie and DON'T EVER THINK ABOUT GIVING UP. PLEASE :'(
And please smile as you read this stupid things from me and know that I love you ;) FIGHTING~~!!
*bear hugs*
I know it sounds cliche but we all feel like this every so often. I write everything I'm feeling because its my outlet. I can't let others see how upset or broken I am because they would try to fix me and just break me more. I've made it no secret that I love you and your writing because you seem to capture multiple emotions in your writing. I've recommended to my friends that I know are on AFF that they read your stories because i think you're brilliant. We all have our challenges that prompt us to start writing and start feeling these difficult emotions. As we're all sharing, the event that triggered me writing and posting all my angst on AFF was that my oldest sister died, she had a massive brain tumor and I had to stay strong for the rest of my family because someone had to keep it together, that's what started my writing I bought a journal and started all my stories. What prompted me to post them and just let someone know of my feeling was that my grandma who I was really close to also died of cancer no more than 6 months later and this all happened while I was doing year 12. I can honestly say I can't remember much of last year as I mostly walked around in a haze of my own depression whilst trying to act like I was ok, I can't remember how many lunchtimes i just cried and a couple of times I walked out of classes because I just couldn't do it. But you know what, i completed year 12 and I'm so damn proud of myself for doing that, after grandma died I moved in with my Pa and became his carer and so I pretty much tried to do everything for everyone. So my advice to you, after I've just dumped all my issues on you, is that you can only do so much for people before you break, what happened to me is that I got really sick and even now I still get sick easily as my immune system is now not to great. You need to concentrate on yourself and if what helps you is writing then thats what you do. Don't force yourself. Its almost never worth it. ^^
my love what did make you like that? somehow I am speechless
not so sure what to say to make you feel better
I know so many of your problems n hard times I cant let ma self to saying it's ok or something like that
cause I know it's not ok
you dont deserve it
such pain n problems
you are too precious for all of this :(

when I was readying I was about to cry ma self, but I kept my tears n didnt let them to run on ma face
I wanna be strong for you
just for you baby, I wanna hold you n let you cry on my shoulder

for now I just can say this
Llya I do love you n I do care about you
you are really dear to me
realllyyyyy, you know it
do whatever you think is right n I will be on your side
I will be there for you even from far away n behind this fuc*cking monitor

I love you peaches
SeraizaLee #7
If it helps... Write till your heart's fully contented and healed.... How bout I tell you a lil bout myself, I was once engagged fir 2 years and was in a 3 year relationship with him before that, supposed to get married three years ago.... We didn't make it, it takes time, but sometimes everything just seems unfair to you.... Do what ever you need to pick youself up cause, its really not worth it to dwell in the past... It'll just hurt us more... Yes the memories will be a scar, but its a learning lesson for us, and the scars make us even stronger.... With all that you've gone thru, this and the other stuffs that you have let out to us, I do hope you'll be able to get thru this. Even to those close to me they don't reqlize that at times, the stronger ones need to be weak, let go and let loose, to be able to lean on someone instead of always the one someone leans on. So, yes it'll be better, yes it'll take time... And yes no one will know how much you hurt inside. Stay strong and go kick some serious ..!!!!

Loads of warm fuzzy hugs..!!!
Well as for me sweetie ill tell you to do what makes you sane, and that is writing. It gibes the needed outlet for those feelings bottled inside you need it. I quite understand where you stand coz like i told you it relaxes me, it made me think of other things -less stressed and saddening feeling. Then i take reading as the way of relaxation-coz studying is so damn hard- and my mom and others think i am nit resting but it does and now i have another outlet to pour my bottled feelings and that is writing so
Sweetie write if you want but i also suggest that a simple or long road trip helps clear the mind too and also gives you ideas what to write hehehehehe
blue_one #9
Just write,babe.... usually it helps me to calm down my shattered nerves...
Funny thing is that authors ...(we) .... often write about love,happiness,drama and romance....but especially in my case, we are just writing our souls on the paper....
I wrote a lots of stuff which i didnt update....because i felt that it should stay just mine
...and im sure im not the only one....

Now i wanna come over to your place,make cacao and talk under the blankets ^__^
Maybe some other day....
*runs over to you and hugs tightly* I've read the comments of the others and can't help but wonder, aren't I b!tch for actually practically whining about how ____ty I'm feeling, pouring every single of my tears into my stories, because no one else is listening? I can't even find the desire to write fluffy and sweet moments, like you do! I admire you so much. To me you're incredibly strong Llya, but even the strong are allowed a moment of weakness.
Too bad I can't get on your nerves from up close :), I reassure you, you'd be glad for a moment of loneliness! Lol
I'm rarely the one to say everything will be fine, especially when I'm unfamiliar with the circumstances, but I sincerely hope that you'll be fine, maybe not right away, but at least with time!
Oh yeah while I was reading everything ... I just couldn't help it: but aren't we a
bunch of emos *chuckles* <3
Love you! <3
Your faithful pet ... Lol :D
Wow, that was pretty angsty no offence. But I really do understand where you are coming from, and even I do that. Literally, I try to hide my emotions but most of the time I can't and it can be annoying for me. But nonetheless, I believe that you will fall in love with someone and I believe that there is someone out there waiting to find a special person like you. Sure I don't know you well, But I feel like that someone IS waiting for you and I am sure of it ^_^ I do know the feeling of not wanting to try anymore, I mean I've given up on living sometimes y'know? No joke either, I have actually had thoughts about "THAT" and two of 'em.

And it's okay to rant, I used to do it on facebook and sometimes we need to do it. No matter where or who, someone will be waiting for you...I'm sure of it, and this is all coming from the bottom of my heart.

Random question, do you mind if I call you Unni? I'm sorry, it's just Belle-unni has told me about you and you are a great author. I just feel like we've connected in some kind of invisible way. But if you prefer me to not call you unni, that is more than okay ^_^ I don't mind either way, honestly and even though I may seem like a immature little brat or someone who you think you can't trust - Well that's okay. But if you want, you can talk to me even though I am like....young or something. Even though we aren't friends, more aquaintences, I would possibly understand more than you might thinkn. Okay? It's just an offer for anytime you feel like ^_^ My apologies if I have offended you, ~Andie-san.

Please don't kill me >< *Runs and hides in corner* Mianhe if i was out of place~~
/random stranger sneaks in

Eh, life isn't supposed to be easy. Jesus even warned us that it will be hard. But see, the things that meet the great resistance are the very things connected to our destinies. So keep writing, keep living... Tilt your head a little and see life in another perspective. It is easy to see the things that we lack. Focus on what you have. What is in your hands? Use it to find your life purpose :) Life is not only about a happy ever after with prince charming. Well, it is part of it, but there is more to life than that :)