
I've never really had a motto in my life... I've always envied people who had really good mottos, I try using it as my own... But it didn't feel right to me... After all this time I've been doing things just because I like it but nothing to really keep me going... But after seeing this quote I've finally got mine! The quote is: "I am not in this world to live up to people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine" But... I say not to that! You expect people to expect things from you! However, do better than what they expect you to do, strive for better and never let them undermind you! One day they will stop expecting the best from you as you've already done it. You will no longer be predicable and those will no longer be able to question your ability! I know it's long. I don't know if it's I stole it froma real quote! But these are the words from me and I will keep it! You guys are welcome to share my motto and I will root for you! Just remember that Alice said this and hopefully we will one day be the best. Death or giving up is not an option. Doing that shows them you are a failier! Never let them see that side and you will be respected and loved! I promise... Love Alice Valliere


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Its really really good motto ^^... as for me coz I always have a different interests and people always find me weird so I ignore them usually and try gain respect by doing my best and the undone so I will be accepted but u know they say "satisfying people Is unattainable" so I ignore them most of the time ^^
bla bla bla Im sooo talkative sometimes kekekek anyways thank u for sharing your motto with us hope u a very happy life:D.....dont mind me really your motto is sooo great ^^