Another random rambling that isn't M rated *tee hee*


This is going to be short - like most of my posts. I just need to clear my head a little before I go to sleep and well... My friends on twitter and Tumblr won't understand what I'm talking about. So there. 
If you happen to read my story (it's alright if you don't, honest) you'll know that in one of the chaps I mentioned about KJK having set a personalised ringtone for SJH. I have several songs stuck in my head now - two of them are KJK's own songs and several others are western songs. At first I wanted to use his Thousands of Footprints song as the personal ringtone (or So Pretty) but the lyrics aren't exactly happy ones. Frankly, I don't even know why I'm fussing with this. It's not like I'm going to bring this thing up on my fic anymore.  Way to go thinking about the stupidest thing, A.J!
Oh, anyway on the highway, after several chapters not using the flashback, it is back with full vengeance. I am honestly sorry because my readers have to deal reading italics but it's always been my style so I'm sticking to it until I find another way that suits me. And now I have to hit the bunk event bough I want to finish my chapter. 
Yeah, and the point to this post is: *insert dramatic music here* NONE whatsoever. Congratulations, you've just wasted several minutes of your life reading this. 
Ps. This is my frustration talking. Ignore any typos - iPad autocorrect can be a real biatch. 


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hahaha wasted my time? I am not even writing! yeah I confess to reading beautiful basterd right now. JK's songs are just too emotional even if the melody is quite happy. Get some sleep unnie, good night ^_^