When EXO evolved in my Life

EXO from EXO planet didn't captured my attention before for I am a solid fan of Super Junior. Then, I heard a rumor that Super Junior will get disbanded and EXO will replace instead. i didn't know where did I got that RUMOR but being a 3-year old ELF, back then, I wasn't able to digest that. 


But not until I met my co-ELF in my new school. She's an Indonesian, and she's also crazy over KPOP. And thanks to her, I got to know EXO atlast.

She told me about that FALSE RUMOR and gladly I had this chance of getting to know another KPOP group who's EXQUISITE in words and DEMI-GOD-LIKE in aura, EXO. 


I regretted the fact that I believed that rumor before and did not dare to search their name in google. I came to the point of liking this awesome group and in fact, I already LOVE THEM. Who will not love this group? They are TALENTED, CUTE, AWESOME and HANDSOME. These words are still not enough to describe them. They are DEMI-GOD-LIKE.




Having SUPER JUNIOR in my fangirling life is like having a gold in my hands but being with EXO, along with SUPER JUNIOR, is like having a bucket full of treasures that will never ever get away from me or should I say to all ELFs and EXOtics all around the world.




*SUJU M with EXO-K



Disclaimer** Photos are not mine. Fully credited to the rightful owners.



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either way i hate that people made a rivalry between the 2 groups cuz they are both amazing and hard working
spread the love kpoppers, SPREAD THE LOVE~~~
TaemBaby #2
In my place i'm an EXOTIC SHAWOL same situation just different band but same destination EXO <3