I'm In Pain

I feel so bad right now . I'm sitting in the oFfice with my head hurting and my stomache hurts too , my whole body feels like collapsing in any minute I hate him , I wish he would just die .. I know some people think that its stupid for me to talk about my personal proplems like this on puplic but I have no one to talk to . No one to rely on and I'm so hard right now I just want. Someone to hold me and tell me that everything is going to be fine My father is an abusing bastard .he always hits us and swear at us and yesterday he hit my little sister with a bottle of perfume on her head and blood was streaming down her face and... God I don't even remember what happened .. All I remember is him shouting at us for no reason what so ever and the next thing I know my sis was lying down on the floor with him kicking her Then I took her to my room and ... Thets when she lost it and started cursing him saying that she hates him and that she wish he would just die and .. The busted her head open .. He even ing kept hitting her saying that she caused this to her self He's even still cursine us up untill this morning saying that we are the one at mistake and that he didn't do anything wrong My sis can't even walk .. He just left us there and went out to his friends .. I feel bad .. I can't protect my sisters , I can't protect my mom I can't protect anyone .. I'm too weak and I hate myself for this .. My mom , my two sisters .. They were all beaten up and I couldn't do anything about it .. I need someone .. Anyone .. My uncle came afterwords but he can't do nothing he just took my sisters out to the hospital and I stayed with my mom at home My uncle is my father's brother and he STILL can't do anything .. When will this ever stop . I want it to stop I want to protect my family I want them to be safe but I can't .. Why can't I be stronger .. I havnt slept all night long I feel like dying He keeps thretning to kill us with his gun and I wish he would just do it .. I wish he would just kill us .. Kill my sisters first just so I can make sure thet they did die and they won't have to suffer anymore .. I don't mind watching them die I just want them to be at rest .. I'm sorry I know this has nothing to do with u but I feel bad and I need someone to talk to and I have no one .. Noe one at all and it hurts it hursts it hurts so much .. Everything hurts I'm sorry I'm so sorry


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omg unnie im crying ! unnie are you ok now ?! I hope he just stops ! unnie can you talk to your grandfather to talk to him and make him stop ! unnie I hopw your sisters be ok !! if you need to talk im here anytime ! ok
InEunHae #2
Aww baby I'm so sadden by ur words and by whats happened, but baby u are strong! U r there bringing comfort & support to ur sisters and mom...even if u cant defend them they can count on u to understand them and share their pains with u. Dont let anyone make u hate urself, dont u ever grant anyone the power to do that! You are God's creation and he MAKES no one who cannot stand his test or trials, YOU ARE STRONG and you will make it through baby! I BELIEVE IN YOU and so does ur family so DONT GIVE UP not for any bastard in this world!!

I am with u in spirit baby and if I could physically be close to u I would run to ur side in a heartbeat! Know that theres people that LOVE YOU and are with you, you will live through this and come out a better person and those who have hurt u shall rot in hell for all eternity.

I LOVE U BABY...I love you and it pains me to know ur hurting, please be okay.

tweet me if ever u need to talk @loveseunhaehyuk baby ...luv u honey, please take care.
Hon, this is really killing me, you being in pain tears my heart to pieces...
I wish I could just come to your office and take you to my house, I wish I could lie on bed next to you and tell you I'll stay awake to protect you so that that you could have a peaceful sleep, I hate myself so much...
How could you say these things to yourself?? You are the most amazing person in this world...
I'm here hon, no not by my computer, I'm here right next to you.. can you see me? can you hear me? can you feel me? I'm here, hugging you so tight that I'm afraid you might explode in my arms, I'm kissing your forehead and promise with ALL my heart that everything is gonna be Ok...
You'll get through this, I know you can...
That a-s-s-h-o-l-e deserves to die with millions of bullets, still won't be enough, I can't tell you the things I wanna do to him, I wanna make him fall on his knees and beg for forgiveness from all of you...
I love you hon, I love you, I love you, I love you, and I'll always love you until you don't give up, I'll say this to you every single day till you realize how amazing you are and how you're worth to me, and not just me, but all AFF members that are here with you...
You trust me hon?? then everything is gonna be Ok... God always puts his favorite people in test like this, and I know my hon is gonna get through all of these, because I trust in her...
I love you <3
oh my god!!!
please! please be strong! can you lodge a report to the police or something???
i hope you will be okay soon. i know i can't do anything for you, but i wish everything will be just fine soon.
be strong!!!
a smile for you to brighten up your day. :)
Oh my! Report that bastard to the police, ask for protection (if that exist in ur country) and move out with ur mom and sis >< *hugs* be strong for yourself and the rest.. He should be the one dead or punished not you! *pats*
Omoo~ ur father is an a$$hole . How could he did that to his own family . The saddest part is that even police can't do anything bout it . Is this thing juz happened recently or it happened a long time ago ?! But remember ,, god is always with us . Juz pray and god will help a person that is always seek for his help . I'll pray for u . Amin
silverberry_hyuk #7
oh gosh, you must be very suffering. :( dont worry dear, just keep praying to god and i'am sure everything going to settle down as long as you stand on the right side. dont ask to die neh? nothing can push us to stay alive. and, dont hate your own dad. althougth he did something that unforgiveable. he still ur dad. like i mention before, keep praying and hope ur father will change one day. *hug you* aminn.
monniefish #8
Unnie, I'm really sorry about your family... I don't know that you're in pain.. I don't know that you and your family abused by your father...
I'm just gonna say that you should report the police.. Tell them what he'd done to you and your family. Or maybe you can tell someone whom you trust, tell them that you need help, tell them your problem.. I know that this situation was complicated, but you need to be strong for your family. And don't forget, pray and ask for the best way out. God bless you unnie! And i hope soon you'll get out from this situation, Amen
Allinit #9
omg ... I am so sorry I don't know what to say :(
just pray to the god to help you , god will never forget anyone .
oh honey. I know you feel bad, and I'm sorry that I couldnt help. but there'a always the police right? I could only pray for you and yr family. i'm sorry ._.