--enchant me | (fantasy character's name - your OC)

❝ dark twisted fantasy 

(your OC's name here)


( replace Lay with your pic of your ulzzang. yes, yes. i know he's beautiful. )

(anything in grouping symbols, you delete and replace.)

anything in crimson is optional.



-- do i know you?

username (please link):


activeness (1-10):


oc's name and who's your fantasy character (er, korean or chinese names please. nothing like "Song Victoria":

age: (of your oc)

ethnicity: (of your oc)

birthday: (of your oc)


-- say hello to my face

ulzzang name (make sure no one else has her):

photos of ulzzang (4+):

back up ulzzang name:

photo's of back-up (4+):


-- here's my fairytale

personality (2+ paragraphs):


When happy:


When angry:


When sad:


background (2+ paragraphs. this is kinda like, in the renaissance time, so nothing too modern. like, no cars.):


likes (4+):

dislikes (+4):

hobbies (+3):

habbits (1+):


family members (give a good description about them.                                                                                                                                 like, how their relationship is. include full names.):


rivals (if so, why are they your rival) :


-- my high's hit a new low

who's your lover (who was paired up with your fairytale character? just seeing if you read) : 

how's your relationship (from beggining to ending. 2+ paragraphs):

how's their personality (can add more to my description. 1 and a half+ paragraphs):

specific scenes (no . at least one please.):


everybody's got a dark side--

(ahem, password is?)


→ and back to the book



EEEWWW, my layout's are hideous. oh well.

i'm just a mere graphic designer, dude.

any questions, PM me. comment below

when you've applied (link pwease!). just copy and paste.

copy the title and replace the "( )". read the rules again?

have fun, little deeries~



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nucifera #1

Lol. Might be too late depending on your time zone, but it's before twelve here? xD
i uh...finished my app c:
( http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/482200 )
mine mine mine~ i was losing hope about the apps being closed but then my eyes caught sight of the June 30 below *fist pump* here you go authornim! ^_^


i have finally finished my application!!! LOLOL im so happy i managed to finish it before the deadline ^.^ i already had most of it filled out already LOLOL
So, I finally got around to finishing off this application! I had a lot of fun writing up my character, and so I hope you like her. Due to the fact that there wasn't a lot of information given on how exactly you want the stories to go, I took quite a bit of creative liberty with my character, her background, and so on. I apologise in advance if there is something in my application you did not like! Not everything needs to be referred to, though, and you can change whatever you think won't work with what you have in mind. Thank you for your time!
Jung Jin Ju's application for Alice!


I hope I did this right. Please tell me if there are any mistakes!