( ↯┊ Lucinda Milverton — in morte

 not all of me shall die  

ANGELICWHISPER ; link ; activity 8 ; ling
indentity found, letter sent


NAME )Luncinda / Milverton

NICKNAMES )Lucy ; most of her relatives and close friends call her by that, as it's a shorter version of her name.

AGE ; BORN )↯ 13; + 05/09/10

GENDER ) Female

VISUAL IMAGE )Inori Yuzuriha [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] | Touwa Erio [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]


Lucinda stands out from a crowd because of her looks, but not in goddess terms. She has pinkish white hair that is always tied into pigtails in the back layers of her hair. Her eyes attracts attention as well, since it is reddish. Her skin is light coloured, but not as in milky white. The latter isn't very tall, as she measures 154 cm, and weights 45 kg. Although her small built, Lucinda can defend herself physically quite well. She is mostly seen in her school uniform, but when she's outside of school, she rather go for simple light colored dresses that match her petite figure.


you're magical, so be magical



Luncinda, at first glance, is shown to be emotionless and only cares to follow rules. She is very much family centered and doesn't share much about herself, except for those she's close with, as her best friend for exemple. Being watched over by her grandmother since she was born, Lucinda shows absolute respect and devotion toward the elder. Luncinda also seems to think that she's a burden to others but tries to protect the people close to her, hence putting others before her own self.

After meeting her best friend, Derek, in Hogwarts during her first year there, she had become more emotional. She does not understand her own emotions very well, as she had been an independant child since birth. She is very sweet to her friends, but very quiet. However, Lucinda seems to be a somewhat cold-blooded person; being able to cast magic spells without much hesitation.

This young child loves to show that she can be superior in terms of knowledge. She wouldn't say it out loud, but Lucinda mocks others by demonstrating her capabilities when others fail. She's always ready to learn new things; never once would you see her falling asleep in a class. She's the best person to look for when one want to know the ingredients of a certain potion. Whether she'd reveal it or not, that'll depend on the way he or she asked.

Just like most of her ancestors, from her mother's side, Lucinda learns magical spells quite quickly. She spends most of her time looking through old books her grandmother keeps in her library. Lucinda gained the intellectual side of her mother, and received the physical strenght from her father. The latter, dispite being quiet, is quick with her actions. Although she may not speak a lot, her facial look expresses her feelings very well. By looking at her eyes, one may understand that she's bored, angry, happy, etc..Aside from magical casting, Lucinda is extremely skilled in forms of combat such as hand-to-hand fighting, but she wouldn't be able to fight several people, considering her young age and small built.


Luncinda was born and raised by her parents, with her being a half-blood in mind since birth. As her father was half-blood as well, and her mother a pure-blood. The two met during their stay in Hogwarts when they were teenagers. Although they were from two different houses, they connected from their first meeting, even if their story didn't start very well. Gordon was from a small gang who liked to mock others, while Rosalind was more quiet. Obviously, Gordon's friends had to make fun of the younger latter. While his group of friends was done with the pure-blooded girl, Gordon, who stood on the side the whole time, helped her to get up. He didn't know why, but unlike the other students he made fun of, he couldn't lay a finger on her. Little did he knew that it was love at first sight. Slowly, the two grew much closer, which later brings them to become a couple.

Dispite being raised by those two who gave birth to her, Lucinda had grown more attached to her grandmother who was also there since the day she came into this world. Diana Stanhope, Lucinda's grandmother, taught her grandchild about magic at a very young age. Lucinda, being interested by her tales and tricks, learned quite fast. She likes being praised by the elder and always tries to make her proud. Although Lucinda doesn't necessarily have a high self-esteem, she felt being the best in what she does with a simple praise from Diana.

Of course, following her family tree, Lucinda got admitted to Hogwarts, which brings her to what she is today. She still don't stand out much, since everyone was the same as her, they all knew magical spells. Until now, she made a few friends here and there, but she's more close with the two kids who welcomed her on her arrival although they were new at that time as well.



⇢ Books
⇢ Cats
⇢ Dawn
⇢ Family
⇢ Arithmetics

⇢ Nature (plants)


⇢ Aquatic animals (fish)
⇢ Fogs
⇢ Dances
⇢ Obnoxious people
⇢ Failed experimentation


⇢ Studying / Writting
⇢ Taking a walk

⇢ Observe insects


⇢ Grinning when discovering something new
⇢ Scrunching her nose when having to face someone she dislike

⇢ Often off to her own world, staring blankly at something without a reason


⇢ Not an intense fear, but she's afraid to cross bridges.
⇢ This latter may seem fearless toward insects, but she's ichthyophobic (fear of fish).
⇢ Lucinda is usually very skilled in learning new spell, but is having trouble learning her Patronus charm.

⇢ She likes to spend her time in the library.
⇢ Instead of being afraid of dementors, she finds them interesting, but still a little frightening.

⇢ Not really a big fan of quidditch, but she still watch it to support her best friend.

Her wand is black, with a brown handle. (similar to Professor McGonnagal's x).

⇢ On opposite of the other wizards who are most likely into adventures and such, Lucinda aims to achieve high academis prestige.





FATHER )Gordon Milverton ; 48 ; Employ of the Ministry of Magic ; Half-blood ; Narcissistic, Quick-witted, Malicious. 

MOTHER )Rosalind Milverton (born Schofield) ; 44 ; Auror of the Ministry of Magic ; Pure-blood ; Kind-hearted, Charming, Brave.


FAMILIAR )Candice ; Cat ; A complete white-fur cat, with green emerald eyes. (x)

OTHERS )Diana Stanhope (born Newcastle) ; 79 ; Maternal grandmother ; Pure-blood ; Potiong master ; Serene, Loyal, Supportive.


1. Derek Oxley ; 13 ; Year 3 ; Same house as Lucinda ; Half-blood ; Strong-willed, Creative, Athletic.

2. Eileen Brisdon ; 13 ; Year 3 ; Same house as Lucinda ; Muggle-born ; Intelligent, Boastful, Warm/Comforting.





LOVE INTEREST)Derek Oxley ; 13 ; Year 3 ; Same house as Lucinda ; Half-blood 

BACKUP )Choi Junhong (Zelo) ; 16 ; Year 6 ; Gryffindor ; Pure-blood


** I'm considaring that Lucinda and her friends /Derek and Eileen/ to be in Ravenclaw. If you put them in another house, then I'll change his personality. **

Derek was supposingly cosiderated to be put in the Gryffindor house at first, because of his courage, but with his strong creativity and wit, he was appointed to Ravenclaw. He has a sense of fair play and shows of his bravery whenever he can. Many describe him as being strong and talktive. He's also known to be charming and sweet, especially toward Lucinda. He knows how to stand up for himself, athough he's from a rather intellectually competitive house. Derek is a rather popular fellow from Ravenclaw, both for his wisdom and physical traits. He plays the quidditch as a seeker.




YEAR )Year 3





QUESTIONS )Hm, nope. I don't think so. ^^

COMMENTS )Oulah, I hope I wrote everything correctly! I'm not very anime-ish, but a huge Potter fan ♥. Sorry for have taken so much time applying for her fic. I just had to rewatch all the serie to reminisce good old time, aha~

SUGGESTIONS )Nope, sorry. Your story is already just so omg.

SCENE REQUESTS )None, please write your story as you please. c:

WHO IS DRACO'S AUNT? )Bellatrix Lestrange




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