hulllll~~ i had a little conflict with my close friends -_- i think I was too mean to them -_-

I wasn't suppose to be mean, but...if your friends hide something that make you feel REALLY curious, what will you do??

that was happen to me ;__; my friends were hidden something from me lately -__- just to know i'm not  the type of people that can easily curious. I can be REALLY curious if I feel like they are hidden something about me.! I don't really care if they hide about someone.

I felt some strange when I was walking along with my friends, and some of them were murmuring each other. I just approached them, but soon they stopped the murmur. I felt if they were hiding something from me. and it wasn't hiding about someone, but ME!!! I started to asking what were they talking about and forced them to tell me what they were hide from me. but they didn't want to tell me!!! I just be more patient and asked slowly to them, again. still the same, they didn't want to tell!!! HELL YEAH FINALLY I BECAME INSANE BECAUSE OF THIS CURIOUSLY !!!!! I COULDN'T SURVIVE IN MY CURIOUS!!! i was mad at them because of that ;__; and after that I feel so baaad~ maybe I was too mean for them??

but really I wasn't suppose to be mean ;____; I just hell curious ;___; 

and finally i decided to apologize to 'em -_-

but yet they haven't tell me what were they hide from me -_- it -_-


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thanks for your opinion =)) its really helping =))
to be honest..there is one of my friends that I feel that she just pretend to be my friend, which mean, she not my real friend -_- I got caught her while she was keep talking bad things about me in my back ;__; . she is a betrayer ;__;
bangtans-boy #2
Uhm, I know this probably isn't any of my business but I just wanna voice my opinion out, kay?
First of all, I can be curious too , all the time, I always feel people are talking about me.
Second, maybe it's a problem not about you, but per-say, one of your friend's dad is cheating on their mother and the other friend found out. The two decide not to say anything to anyone else, keeping it a secret for themselves because they're either too embarrassed or ashamed about knowing this secret.
Third of all, if they weren't your real friends, I'm sure you'd know by now. People can't just pretend they're your friend and pull it off, trust me, I know this.
I think maybe you were a bit pushy, but time given if they are your true friends, they will understand ;]