` street r » baek jihye


xRiChan ) ( Ri ) ( 10 )

tell me baek jihye do you fear retribution?

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` playlist: Near Future by SodaGreen
name: Baek Jihye | 지혜 | literally meaning "pure wisdom"
birthdate: 11.21.1990 » 22
ethnicity: Korean

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ulzzang: ( Girim ) — ( 01. 02. 03. )
backup: ( Da In ) — ( 010203. )
height + weight: 164.214 cm + 52.421 kg


 the breakdown

traits: Meticulous. Righteous. Practical. Intuitive.
personality: Jihye is a woman of many virtues. She is righteous, she is wise, she is loyal, and she is caring. She is, quote unquote, the ideal leader. Her entire life she has spent learning, preparing herself to become the next great leader of her country. She has a sharp eye, and ambitious ideals. She is careful, she is a bit of a perfectionist, but she knows the limits of perfection, so she will take things "as good as they get." She demands attention, but not verbally, it's her presence in itself that call for it. It's her leadership skills. She knows how to lead the underdog to victory, and she knows how to lead champions to victory, and she is a champion herself. She's a tad bit competitive, but she's not completely reckless. She knows when to cut her losses and call it a day, but in no means is she a quitter. She's a fighter, but she's a smart one, calculating, but not manipulative. No. Jihye may be clever, but she will never make a move below the belt. Whatever she does, it's out in the open, and she does things right. There are big parts of Jihye's personalities, and I'm not going to say she's hard to read, or that she has a complex personality, because she doesn't. She's pretty simple. Jihye lives life well, but not just for herself. A big part of Jihye is her hero complex. She's always had this undying need to take care of others, to help other. She's so righteous, justice blinds her. She's all about the people. Help the people, better the people, be the people. She believes in absolute democracy, elected leaders and whatnot. She has very strict ethics and set mandates. She has never, and will never go against the law, or change how things work, unless the law is clearly not working.

Jihye is generally trusting and optimistic, but not to such a far extent. She believes in people, and thinks that things can always change for the better, people can always get better. But, she's not naive. At least, not entirely. If things are well hidden, it's likely she won't know them, as she's not a particularly nosy person, especially when it comes to personal issues. She's also not conventionaly stubborn. She doesn't hang on to things obsessively like her star sign suggests she does, but she does keep everything in mind. She has a good memory, she notices the little things, and she keeps good mental notes.

Socially, Jihye doesn't have many friends so to speak, as she was never the type to cling onto girlfriends, and have slumber parties and such, but that doesn't mean she's antisocial. She's, like said before, the leader. She has an aura of high rank, and although she's not snotty, she can come off as a bit esteemed, which isn't nessecarily a bad thing. She just never really thought about herself personally, which leads to her being a selfless person, but again, it's not selflessness in the conventional sense, she's not overtly kind and giving, but it's more like, she's never paid much attention to herself as a person, she's devoted to the people. When with people her age, Jihye can be a tiny bit awkward. She's never really "hung out" with people, so she's a bit uncomfortable with large social gatherings with people her age. She works better with old people, whom she impresses with her polite manner, and little children, who look up to her.

Jihye's motto is "always better." It can always be better. There will never be complete and utter happiness, but she strives towards it. It's all for the better of the people. She has such a distinct sense of right and wrong, justice and injustice, and nothing can change it, and it will take the sun and the moon to get her to cross the line. She's a tad bit of a workaholic, and doesn't like relaxing without finishing all her work. As her family keeps a "benevolent facade," Jihye genuinely is benevolent. She doesn't like the different ranks of society, and can be considered a bit of socialist. She believes that all people should be considered equal, and deserve equal pay (men and women alike) but the lazy, the ones who don't care should not, which is why she hasn't convinced her father to convert to communism. Back to her benevolent nature, yes, she is truly kind. She never patronizes anyone for anything, be it education or wealth. And humble, yes, Jihye is very humble when it comes to lifestyle and her accomplishments. She honestly believes that it is her job as a Korean citizen to benefit the nation, and that as a citizen, especially one who is offspring of the president, that she should be a model citizen. She doesn't not care, or rather over care for her outer appearance. She doesn't believe in traditionalism in some aspects, as there is one defined look in society, and she is open minded in that aspect. She's a true role model, and her outward message is to be who you are, but better the person that you are. Alright, perhaps she's a bit more complex than I make her out to be, but if you dig a little deeper, it'll all be clear.

Jihye is known as "the nation's ideal daughter," for her polite nature, generosity, intelligence, good looks, and overall amazingness.

background: Jihye has grown up in a modest home, in the upper middle class, but they never flashed their money. She has a fairly normal childhood, attending school with flawless marks. Her parents never pressured her into doing well in school, but she did it for herself, graduating the top of her middle and high school class in regular schools, as she decided she didn't want to go into a specialized high school. She made it into Seoul University without a problem and set on the path to becoming a lawyer. Again, going along with her righteous nature, she's determined to dedicate her life to the better of the people, as her father has.

She's closer to her father than to her mother, as her father was the one who paid more attention to her academics, and he's more of the intellectual, so she could relate to him more. Her mother is way outgoing, which isn't like Jihye, and surrounds herself in her large group of friends. Jihye's concentrated in school for most of her life. Fun fact, she knows a bit of other languages. She knows English, pretty well as she studied it in school, but the other language that she loves speaking is Mandarin.

In regard to the bus accident, the disgusting idiot who decided it'd be fun to frighten innocent people. Jihye knows she's not all that physically powerful, but she is the daughter of the President of South Korea. She decided she could do something about it. She stood up and talked face to face with the hijacker, because that's something Jihye would do. She tried to reason, she tried to save the people, because she knew, there was a way. She sat behind the drivers seat, tending to the bleeding wounded bus driver and spoke to the hijacker. One second she remembered nearing a deal with the man (or woman), she was so close, he was going to pull over, this was going to stop, and then it all went blank. Her memories of it have been muddled, with things distorted. She's often heard of situations like this, and when the bus was first hijacked, it was a situation where she realized she had almost no control. And then she tried to take control, and prevent anything further from happening by taking charge, but she really did bite off more than what she could have chewed.

In regard to what is going on with her parents, it's not her background, but I feel like I should put this somewhere, so here it goes. Her father is President Baek Hyunsu, has always been a caring, loving father, intellectually smart, and loved by the people, but he had grown up in a poor family, with never much to live off of. His greed comes from that bad background. It's not the middle class taxes he's taking money from, it's the upper classes. He's always despised wealthy people and their air of wealth and privilege, so now, he takes money from them, because he can. It's not nessecarily a bad thing, taking money from the overbearing, but he ruined a potential Robin Hood scenario, by keeping the money to himself, in her personal accounts. Her mother, Baek Minhye, has always been a vivacious woman, a bit distant to Jihye as she isn't the "darling princess baby girl" that her mother desired. Her affairs with various officials have been going on and off, and she does it because it excites her, she considers the man she marries "plain and boring." They each know of each other's wrongdoings, but both agreed to keep mum about it in order to keep their own secrets.
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> Press confrences. She's a wonderful speaker, very motivated, and the people love her.
> Reaching out to the public. There is nothing better than getting to know the people.
> Korean holidays. It's family time, be it that she's spending it with other people's families, not her own.
> Dirtiness. She hates it. Maybe it's because she's not used to it.
> Slang. It's impolite and rude.
> Lies. She hates this worst of all. Completely unacceptable.
> A mess she cannot fix. Jihye is the type of person who believes in solutions, not problems. If there ever came a point where there was something she could not undo, a problem she could not fix, a situation entirely out of her hands, she'd break down.
> Being labeled. Not that she's a hipster, or anything, but Jihye has never liked stereotypes or labeling. It's not so much actually being labeled she fears, it's more of fitting into one.
> Being manipulated. Again, something Jihye cannot control. She's not a control freak, but she likes to know what is going on. Being manipulated by someone would make her uncomfortable, and fearful because she would not know to w
> Being wellrounded was always important to Jihye, so she made sure to do well in other areas as well. She's very good at playing badminton, and a decent artist as well, but music is the other medium in her life. She started playing the piano as a little girl, and loves it. It's the only instrument she plays.
> Can speak Mandarin well. And English as well, but not as well.
> Loves listening to old school Kpop, which in her time would be the popular groups now, but prefers Indie.
> She especially loves this older Chinese band called "SodaGreen"
> Her favorite color is navy blue, which she wears a lot.
> She's not a bad singer either, but not the greatest.



name: Zhang Yixing.
occupation: Student of Chinese literature
persona: The Charming Scholar

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backup: Wu Yifan.
occupaton: Same as above. 
persona: Same as above.



relationship: They were students together in high school, while her father was still a rising political star and he a transfer student from Beijing, but that beared no effect on their relationship. Jihye fancied his Mandarin accent, and together they dove into Chinese literature and cultue, Jihye taking time off to soak in where he came from, and they worked on Mandarin together. Their friendship slid into a mutual attraction to each other. They have a very comfortable relationship, they're easy with each other, but it's a higher level, intellectual relationship as they constantly teach each other.
type: He's the caring type, but not overbearing. He gives her space when she needs it, but he also shares a lot with her. He considers her his equal, and even admires her. He teases her for her speeches and media coverage sometimes, but it's all in good fun. He's a part of the family as well, and he's polite and well mannered. He's covered in the media as well, as the ideal boyfriend to the nation's ideal daughter.
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Choi Siwon | Super Junior | Dexterous, intelligent, competent, funny. | Siwon, father's campaign manager. Friends, hang out sometimes.
misc:  n/a

 last chapter

comments: Oh hey. I have a possible idea for an explanation for this bus accident, which may be a tad bit cliche. So, this bus accident occurs in the present and the future, correct? Perhaps it's the same location that the bus accident occured before? Like the present accident/hijacking would be already happened in the future, so what if it happened in the same place, so that's why there's a time skip? Because... fate. And all that good stuff. If you need me to write anymore for any section, please let me know!
scene req: Erm. Perhaps her giving a brilliant speech? Maybe you could introduce her character like that!


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