Being positive... Meh.

Hey guys 0^^0 currently going through those days where you feel like you want to pull out all of your hair...

I dunno what's wrong=.=' I feel like I'm being petty but ya' know... I'm just in one of those -ish moments T.T Give me a hug will you?

This phase would soon go by, so gotta cheer myself up! Yeah! Let's do this !

Aigoo~~ So, today at school while we were learning, the teacher at the front was like crapping, suddenly another teacher came in saying that we were required to go to the assembly hall to be the audience for like this small ceremony.

Because the teacher who was previously teaching was boring the news was like something that fell from the heaven and we were like ing happy about it>< The boys were like, "Yes!!!! Getting out of this hell hole!"

BUT!!! The ceremony started with a speech and the lady who gave the speech was like blathering for almost half an hour=_____= Bull!!! Man! Whatever she says, I didn't even hear what she was talking about because seriously, it was like bull><'

It was like 5 minutes more before school ends but she kept on talking.... And I was like, "I want to ing go home!"

My friends had the same expression as mine but we had to like wait until the end of her speech in order to go home... UGH! Miss y is being a isn't she?!!! I want to go home!!! That was all I ever thought about... This stupid just added to my -ish mood...

Great... Now let me go and cry at the corner aloneTT^TT

So, that was my day... Boring right? Well, I just had my lunch so I won't know what's gonna happen later on, I just hope it would be something nice~ Bye-bye! Keep on being positive! Let's go go go go! Hihi...



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LittlePanda1 #1
Aww I had one of those assemblies too, it was fun and all but they went like 30-45 min past the bell, and then I once had to sit through this speech a guy was giving and I literally almost fell asleep... I never fall asleep in class or assemblies so this guy definately won the award for being boring... So I'll give u a virtually hug haha *hugs* I've been through that pain too buddy :3
i wanna give u a hug! ill give a virtual hug. *hugs* its okay and yea everyone has those days but you'll be fine. keep being positive ^.^
I'm in my last semester of my last year and the pressure is like killing me >~< You're in the same situation but with high school right? I have to finish everything with a passing grade before June and university is just a bit beyond my level, so I would really like to just have some more time for everything... Hug me back please, I need one too... X'(
*hugs you* everything will be fine.....m :Daybe XD
Just go to korea :D
today is a bad day for me too v.v
yeah,,,Keep on being positive!!!!!btw,onew's face...adjkskhfrdsrtzsd
Love it when that happens.......

To other people.


*laughing at other people's pain*

Dat sux bro :/
lol hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah^^
Go watch Dream Girl :) that should help *hugs*
Whenever I'm in those kinds of situations , I always ignore what the speaker is saying and start thinking about my B.A.P harharharr ^^;;;
here you go
I am sick at the moment... -.-
Just like mine and the bipolar teachers >_<