Bothered *pouts*


I don't like to rant or anything but I do need to vent my thoughts every once in a here goes nothing...

I feel awfully bothered by the fact that some people just can't think for themselves. Now I know that not everyone is blessed with intelligence, but that doesn’t justify being rude to people who try to help >.>.

Where I live, the kpop community is growing (I’m one of the oldest) but the newer ‘fans’ well….I don’t really feel that they are sincere about it, they are so rude, not just to me (while I side with no one in fanwars). I’m quite capable of handling the bashing I personally get, but when they get to my friends, I just wanna bash those bastards so F”cking hard…I’ll do it until they like it…>[]<

So yeah, I used to love my kpop community oh so much and I still enjoy it with the older fans, but the newer fans just keep ing up! For instance; most of the older fans belong solely to one fandom, one they grew with, but the noobs just follow everything, buy everything and think everything that comes from Korea is ‘oh so daebak’….hasn’t their mother ever told them not to mix languages! *sigh* ok I’m just frustrated so I’ll go back to writing for the concubine



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you know my thoughts about this matter. but just know that I was here and you know where I am. eventhough I think I was in this discussion not long ago with you. meh. Just know that I read this ^^ <3 wuv you
Haha...just calm down.
Don't worry, I already experienced that too~