Reality and Release

Jin Tae/5:07pm/Feb 17, 2013

I realeased you today and so much more as well.

I am leaving you today with a smile to say I have officially or at least the best of officially gotten over you.

My sadness and anger for another day is growing to be less after one talk, one release, one thought.

I am going to push and strive and fight for what I believe is happiness.

I am going to love again, I am going to stop these lonely tears and fears.

What I look for now is what I have looked for my whole life, you didn't have it; as a matter of fact, none of you did.

I will walk tall facing a reality of bigger and better things.

The choice I am choosing for my self doesn't mean I am running away but it means I am going to be happy.

Do you want to know what I have been wanting, no, needing all of these years?

I needed love, acceptance, chance, and happiness; all of which you don't have or won't give.

I told my self I chose the lonely path and that is what I  will do, I felt defeated.

Now here I stand brand new and feeling damn good about myself and my life.

I refuse to go into hiding, pretending to be what I am not isn't what I want so I am not going to take it anymore.

All my life I have been labled and passed on; mere paper which was taken as a rumor to give to family and friends.

So how did it feel you ask?

It was deadly and almost drove me over the edge and to my death, are you proud?

Many said I wouldn't go through with it yet being the person I am I wass going to prove them wrong.

I was convinced not to so the best I could do to hang in there was hurt myself.

I have gone through a major change after yesterday and the days before and now...well now I feel free!

Things don't seem perfect but they are better than before.

I feel renewed now, I feel so much better that things seemed incredibly different from any other day.

This process has caused me to be very thankful and glad that I didn't leave behind my associates, teachers, and family.

Life will continue, but this time without the lables, anger, sadness, and pain.

From now on I am going to take on my life head on!

Anything negative is to be thrown aside!

From now on my happines begins THIS IS WAR and it has JUST BEGUN!

My realease ends soon but my reality starts NOW!

Jin Tae/5:28pm/Feb 17, 2013


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