SPiCa Application || Han Soojin


[ Han Soojin ]

[ Pink Tulips ]


Ident i fy   yoursel f !

Name: Ling



Sheer Beginnings!

Name: Han Soojin

Nickname(s): Sugarplum -by her best friend; she has that soft and sweet aura around her all the time.

Age: 19

Birthdate: March 5, 1993

Birthplace/Hometown: Incheon, South Korea

Languages: Korean (fluent), English (basic)

Ethnicity: Full Korean



First Choice Ulzzang: Do Hweji

Picture Links: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]

Second Choice Ulzzang: Kim Shinyeong

Picture Links: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]


Applying For Position?

Flower: Pink Tulips


Quiet, the main trait of Han Soojin. Unlike her parents, she doesn't talk a lot and don't stand out much either. Soojin is definitely that one student that you can always find in a music cubicle, or simply in the music classroom. She may not open often, but people know that she's soft-hearted and sensible. Some may even describe her as naive, as she almost never have an opinion and let anything pass. Soojin isn't timid or shy; she just doesn't have much to say. Although she isn't very sociable, her smiles can easily warm up someone, as she's always sincere. Soojin likes to put her all in everything she does. Partially perfectionnist, she is.

A very passionate music-lover. Soojin only thinks of music, or well almost. If one wants to have a conversation that isn't awkward, then music must be the topic, or else it won't last long. Since her diaper times, Soojin had always have interested in music. Guitar being her first instrument, and favorite. It was as if she was born with the knowledge of playing it, as she started at a young age. Soojin, even during class time, compose short tunes. And if she has time, then a full melody can be made.

A rather old fashion girl. Soojin isn't fan of new technology. In fact, she doesn't even have a cellphone, which can sometime be troublesome to her parents when they're looking for her. Long skirts are more of her style.


  • Astronomy
  • Books
  • Frozen yogurt
  • Guitar
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Skirt


  • Bling
  • Disrespect
  • History / Litterature
  • Insects
  • Loud people
  • Overload skinship
  • Too muscular people (abs, biceps)


  • Blinking a lot when talking
  • Bringing her guitar wherever she goes
  • Doodling musical notes when bored
  • Humming songs
  • Scrunching nose twice when seeing something that she doesn't like


  • Collecting guitar pick
  • Composing music
  • Playing guitar
  • Taking a walk in the late afternoon


  • All-time favorite guitar : x
  • Allergic to animal fur
  • Diehard fan of the color purple
  • Fan of Vanilla Acoustic


Tell Me More, I'm Curious!


Born in a small class family, composed of three. Both her parents work in a small reputed local restaurant. As an only child, Soojin is much spoiled by her parents, although she doesn't necessarily accept all their gifts. Soojin wants to be independant, so she'd work part-time on her own to gain money to buy herself music related items, such as guitars.

It was her best friend and neighbour back in Incheon, Bang Yongguk, the now leader of the famous rookie group, B.A.P, who persued her to follow what her heart told her to. The two, along with his older twin brother, practised music together since their elementary time. Being an only child, Soojin rather spend her time with the Bang siblings than by herself, as she opened herself more toward them. Of course, Yongnam and Yongguk's older sister cheered for the three all the time, which helped Soojin as she wasn't the only female among the children. Although the three were together all the time, Soojin grew closer to Yongguk, since the two share a rather similar personality.

Soojin comes from Incheon, and socialisation has never been her forte. She would've never thought of leaving her parents to live here in Seoul. Having the opportunity, Soojin followed Yongguk to South Korea's capital, in order to acquire new guitar technics.


Han Chunsoo  | 49 | Chef | OC | Father | A great man, with a soothing voice. A mind full of creativity, or should one say, kid? Chunsoo never lost his sense of humor, and love to joke here and there. He's understanding and cheered for his only daughter from the beggining. Being a past street performer, he always felt in past self in Soojin. | Close

Baek Hyojin | 48 | Waitress | OC | Mother | A weak, yet strong woman. Hyojin is clumsy, but she always stands back on her two feet. Having to deal with Chunsoo for  almost 30 years now, as they've met when both were 20, Hyojin can deal with any type of people. Of course, she loves to speak, unlike her daughter, she's one of the most talktive woman in the town.  | Close


Bang Yongguk | 22 | Leader and main rapper of B.A.P | Idol | Although he's a leader, Yongguk is actually an awkward, but cute character. He may show strong charisma on stage, but suddenly become the quiet one backstage. Yongguk rather be the public than being the center, hence making him watch over his friends more than himself. | Best friend, very close. Actually, he has a crush on Soojin for a long time now, but had always been scared to ruined their friendship if he was to confess to her.

Bang Yongnam | 22 | Soul/Rock Performer | OC (but really exist in real life) | Cheerful and supportive. Yongnam is known as the smiling twin, and gives out a friendly feel as well. | Childhood friend, very close. Soojin and he, along with Yongguk, grew up together in the same neighbourhood.

Lee Jieun -`IU | 19 | Soloist | Idol | An adorkable girl, she is. Always goofing around even if she's the Nation's Little Sister. | Good friend, close. Soojin first met her when she arrived in Seoul, at Dream High. Jieun and Soojin share the same passion; acoustic guitar. Being native from Seoul, Jieun helped Soojin being more comfortable in the new environment.


All In The Heart

Love Interest: Lee Sungyeol

Age/Birthdate: 21 /August 27, 1991

Personality: Loud and energetic. What can one say more? Oh, he's a choding, that's for sure. Lee Sungyeol, known by every students, and staffs as well! Pulling pranks to everyone, that's what he does during his free time. This boy, full of energy, had always been the one cheering his friends up. Being the hyperactive boy he is, he sure attracts attention. Despite his loud personality, Sungyeol can be serious as well. When he's acting or taking music class, that's the only moments when you can see Sungyeol being serious. Although he's playful, Sungyeol notices the smallest details.

Relationship: Love at first sight, the best way to describe his feelings for her. Barely knowing her, Soojin caught Sungyeol's attention when she first arrived at Dream High. Even if she's quiet and stays away from crowds, unlike him, he thought she was interesting, and not to forget, pretty. Sungyeol may be loud, but he becomes shy when it's about love. As kid as he is, Sungyeol leaves small notes on Soojin's locker, making her gain a secret admire on her first week.

However, Soojin's impression of Sungyeol, you ask? Well, it isn't positive, nor entirely negative. Loud, Soojin's number one most dislike trait. She could only bare her parents, since she's used to it. But somehow, Sungyeol didn't really bother Soojin. Of course, at times she's want him to quiet down, but then, she's always caught up taking glances at him whenever he's in the same room. Quietly from afar, Soojin admires Sungyeol's bright and fearless kid character.

Interaction: The two don't interact much. Both have different circle of friends. Though Sungyeol never misses his chances to greet her every morning. Without Soojin knowledge, Sungyeol stays after school, hidden in the music classroom, behind the teacher's desk. That spot had been his favorite since her arrival in the school. From there, he could secretly listen to her guitar playing.



End of the Road?

Comments: Hm, nope. I don't think so ^^ ~

Scene Requests:

  • Sungyeol being caught listening to Soojin's guitar playing. Surprised by his presence, she runs away and avoids him on the next day.
  • When Soojin hangs out with Yongguk and Sungyeol spots her in the streets while he was with his friends. He'd be disappointed, thinking she already has a boyfriend, as he can see the way Yongguk looks at his crush.

You don't have to make these scene request, they're just some ideas you might add if you want~~

The two met on Soojin's first day at Dream High. He accidently bumped on her while he was jumping around. Soojin's first thing in her mind was her guitar. Fearing that her guitar might be damage because of her hard impact on the floor, she ignored his hand and turned around to verify her instrument. After being sure it was okay, she turned around, and excused herself for being clumsy, still ignoring who he was. As for Sungyeol, he looked at her curiously while she was checking her guitar. When she turned her face toward him, Sungyeol felt a spark in him. That's when his one-sided story started.



I'm Only Human!

Randomly Generated Question: Are you upset that both Myungsoo & Hoya have been taken?

Nope. I don't mind at all. Even if they were available, I wouldn't have chosen them, since my biases are Dinowoo and Kidyeol, kk. I'm really excited and curious of what your characters will be like, since it's your story~ 


Thank You For Your Time! We Wish All Applicants The Best of Luck!

May The Odds Be Ever InYour Favour~


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