to everyone out there;

Don't EVER say you look ugly in anything, because you don't.
 You can look fine. You can look nice. You can even look great. 
But no matter yout outfit, or your body type, or your hair or your accessories or WHATEVER
you will NEVER ever EVER look ugly.
Because you will always be beautiful to me.
And you'll always be more beautiful than me.

i'm quoting this from my friend who posted this on facebook.
and i really, really feel from this. 
no one is ugly.
i'm going to quote b.a.p's oneshot:
There’s only one chance as you walk on this dark path
Shine the light like Martin Luther King
Get your mind out fo’ the gutter

It’s too early for failure, you’re still young
One shot, one chance
There’s no second chance, don’t lose it, get ready now
Hell yeh, challenge yourself, 
spread your small self out, just do it
and if anyone's feeling down,
this is what i'd like to tell you.
when i am left alone at the end of the world
why do the tears fall unknowingly by its own?
whenever you feel alone even if we're together
don't be sad any longer, now hold on to my hand
it's okay, you can stand up again.
despite the cold rain falling and the strong winds blowing,
don't worry
we can win again.
together we can do it,
now i will stand behind you,
i will protect you,
i will be that beam of light
that always lights up the road in front of you
let's promise that we will become the strength for each other.
okay? c:


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robot (y)
this brought back so many memories we shared together just aksjdlkklj
i just wanna say thank you so much for being there for me when i needed you.
and promise made.
andie pinky promises.
and will risk her pinky just for you.
Heh. Even with my derp?

Ah, I'm only kidding. I agree. No one's truly ugly, everyone is pretty in their own way. It's just sometimes hard to see that, you know? With everything on television and the people around you and everything that's happening.