Sorry, I'm laughing!

I was on another fanfiction website, and there was this horrible writer. She was writing a fanfic about One Direction with Hyuna in it, and mad Hyuna look like some stupid .

So I told her to improve her spelling, and that Hyuna's first name was Hyuna, not Kim. She deleted my comment where I actually also gave her writing tips, so now I'm just sitting here, laughing and bashing her while watching her delete every comment I make, even though she would be able to improve her writing a lot if she just listened. Ah, ignorant people. They're so fun when they're all y. :P


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elisaexplosive #1
Oh god, ignorant people.

Hyuna and 1D...

That made me cringe already.

It's like combining pokémon and the sherlock holmes fandom ><
Bashing her won't solve anything, though ...
Omg that's hilarious. Google translate translated the whole page for me pretty good. I just about cringed the whole time. Just whyyyyyy -A- I love Hyuna and she used 1D?! OMG /rage face
LOL, people who mess around in the first and last name are funny XD And I totally agree, it feels kind of good when a person deletes your comment or blocks you; then you know that you made an impact on the person somehow and he/she won't forget you the minute the message is read ^^
omg what story is this?! I need to go read it if it's so hilariously terrible!

and mixing 1D with Hyuna? tsk tsk... that's like asking for kpop fans to murder you right there.