Stories, Requests, and Curiosity PLEASE READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know some people are confused with the two stories with the same title. "The Ball that started it all" right?

well, im here to make it a lot more clearer. the problem was that the first one wouldn't type and then i had to make another one, but then when i tried the first one again, it worked and then i was able to type up the story.

So then I just chose to write two stories, just with different endings.

But now I need to know something. Should I continue finishing "Johnny's Friends: Love or Friendship?" and the other ones like the Tegoshi-kun fanfic or do the requests that I got like "Marriage Mistake"? 

It was really confusing for me because I have a lot of them ready to be finished. 

And I was thinking of doing a Bakaleya fanfic, but with all those fanfics I and what I should do and what I should not do. I think of either doing one fanfic for at least each member of Hey! Say! JUMP! or do lots of other Johnny's.

Now, I need to know your opinions. Without your opinions, I don't know what to do!

So, answer this post! To continue the requests, (they are on my blog post, and I have 7 posts so far) request some if you like! REQUEST SOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply and comment to this post!! Please!!!!!

If you guys replied to this, I will adore you guys forever!

( not in a creepy way, but just in a fan to fan way) But I hope that someone will reply to this. And I need more friends! I've only got a few, so can you introduce me to some people? YOROSHIKU ONEGAISHIMASU!!!!!!

PLEASE POST!!!!!!!!!!!


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I wanna be friends!!! xD hehe, :P
tbh, i haven't been reading a lot lately, but I think I'll check out your fics when I get the time... and enthusiasm because am just too lazy... xD
Starry-chan #2
continue ' marriage mistake'!!!
I'd love to introduced you to people but I really don't know anyone either =(