Well, the thing is, he is in half of my classes and sometimes I feel like he is staring at me. I'm not sure, but I think he is from the corner of my eye. And he replies and comments on every status I have done on Facebook. Sometimes, he just is calling my name, and I reply what, and he just says "hi" and thats it. He just smiles at me and he teases me sometimes. I have had some dreams about him too, about how I am crying and I hug his waist. He has hugged my waist as well, when we had to re-act the titanic scene. My face was so red when we let go! 
I just really like him and in gym we were doing volleyball and we were in groups of three. My friend and I and him. Well, he kept talking to me and sometimes to her, but most of the time me. 
I know this is a hard one because it is a bit confusing, but please answer it because I am a bit concerned. And I won't take it too hard, if you say no, as long as you just don't say anything too mean. :) thank you!


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ilovenino #1
I reckon he does, but who knows? Best of luck ;)
Starry-chan #2
He might be intrested in you,might be in a friend kind of way, but, just keep an eye on him? Maybe he is in love with you!!! :D
I honestly think that he likes you a lot! :D Because he's making an effort to talk to you and all~
AKreiko #4
Question: Do YOU like him?

If you do...
Ahhhhhhh I feel you there...
It's so hard to know what other people are thinking or feeling right? It's best not to assume but there's nothing wrong with having a bit of hope. :D

At some point in time you'll have to let him know how you feel so you won't regret it. With the sound of how things are going, he seems to be very comfortable (or he IS trying his best to be) around you. He's probably aware of you. >.<

If you don't...
Well...he DOES seem interested in you...O.O Good luck! ^^
He is definitely interested in you~