Wanted: A Beta reader for "Without You"

I'm writing this real quick because I have to go back to studying in a bit.

In between departmental exams, quizzes and reports, I have been preparing for my 2012 fic, "Without You", with the utmost care. I'm drawing out plotlines for scenes, dialouge, characterizations and how it all comes together in the end. I'm thinking it's going to be my next baby, after "A Perfect Day..." and I need it to be absolutely perfect (or at least, as perfect as I can make it to be). I'm thinking of releasing it... mid-2012 - A LONG WAY OFF, I know, but with all these ideas running around in my head for this fic, I need all the time I can get.

Here's a very vague synopsis: Each couple are brought together by love differently: One has to fall just to be picked up by it. One has to notice it's right in front of them. One has to realize it's always been there. One has to desire it and be brave. One has to keep it to be complete. One has to lose it to find it. One has to grasp it and never let go. And one has to survive it to know what it truly means.

(I've got several stories to finish I know, but if I don't write this down, it'll never leave my brain. Besides, BackStory and L'inizio di una Vita only needs 3 more chapters; Bipolar only has 6-8 or so before it concludes... and Say I Love U and The Stages of Losing Breath a good 15, I think. WGM: ChangYoon  Edition will be that fic I'll keep writing for as long as I can possibly make it run and... yeah... until I get the other plotlines in my head together, Without You will be my only other new story for next year.)

Anyway... since it's going to be a pretty huge fic I thought it was best if I had someone beta-read it for me so that I don't have to check for grammar mistakes over and others. Now if you didn't already know, a beta reader is a person who reads a written work, generally fiction, with what has been describedas "a critical eye, with the aim of improving grammar, spelling, characterization, and general style of a story prior to its release to the general public." (source) Basically, someone willing to point out mistakes to make the whole story even better.... however - for me who has never once thought of getting a beta-reader before (I feel sort of conceited writing that just now /orz) - I am going to be extremely picky with whom will be the person for the job.

I will be taking 2 beta-readers for this fic. And my requirements are quite simple: 1) You must at least have a story or two published online. It doesn't have to be complete... all it has to be is interesting; 2) You must have an open mind and have an imagination; and of course, 3) Good grammar. If you don't have at least good grammar and one of the other 2 of these requirements... then I'm sorry but maybe next time for another fic. This fic's main plotline is kind of personal to me so I really need someone I can trust to make good judgements. :)

If you think you're up for it, then please send me an email (click link) and introduce yourself. But, if you think you're not up for it but would like instead to get my help as your own beta-reader, then send me an email still and we'll talk. ♥ I always love to read fics during my (scarce) free time.

Wow. This blog turned out longer than I thought. >///< Sorry. Anyway, I hope to hear a response(s)!

- Nikka


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Firstly, I'm really looking forward to your story! As for the beta-reader, I only have one at the moment. Tammy does the beta-ing for '1.4.3.' and even though she wrote she's inexperienced down there, she's very good. LOL, I don't know my what my situation will be exactly at the time you post the fic, but if I'm free when you do, I may be of assistance :) So count me as tentative. But, there're a bunch of great beta sites you can consult. Here's just one of them:

Wow, nice to hear that you're really preparing for the fic, Nikka! I think it'll be awesome, and I'll definitely support you and the story. :)
Good luck finding a beta reader! If you don't find anyone, I COULD help you, since I think my grammar is pretty good, and I fit all the requirements. I've beta'd before for people on Fanfiction.net so I do have some experience. :3
katdiva #3
ROFL! Don't ever try to sneak in comments when you're at work, and in a hurry! I just re-read my posting and it's riddled with errors! Anyways, great step, and I applaud you on this! There are entire communities that have beta-readers that you can apply for as well, just as an FYI, but it's often nice to have someone with the same 'interests' that know your characters.
katdiva #4
Beta readers are the best thing that can happen to an already great writer. When I first dabbled in fanfics back in 2006 I got my first beta reader, and quite frankly I was SUPREMELY happy I did! Even though I'm older, have a Master's Degree, and consider myself 'well-spoken' with great written communication skills, I didn't realize who many awkward sentences I had formed, or tiny grammar errors until someone ask ME if they could please be my beta. She is a University Professor who happens to love Harry Potter, and we both belonged to the same community. She also writes. She told me, "Your writing is too good to not be perfect." So GOOD for you! I'm happy to hear you're doing this!
starpaints #5
I want a beta-reader but I feel so shy to ask XD ;p
--ethereal #6
... Me ish too inexperienced... x3