► when we come running ◄ ▓ ► baek paran ◄



(poison) (baek paran) (the mother like figure) ► 


nice to meet you

◄ username - xrichan

◄ profile link - ►►►

◄ name/nickname - ri is fine ^^


she's my lady

◄ name - baek pa-ran // 백파란 // "pure/bright blue"

◄ nicknames - blue eonni (used by the adventurous bad boy, because her name "paran" means blue in korean) ran-eonni (the moody balleria, only) uhmma/mom (her closest friends, often jokingly) lán sè (used by her arrogant fiance, him being chinese, he calls her blue in mandarin) 

◄ age - 22

◄ birthdate - 12.1 (december 1rst)

◄ ethnicity - korean

◄ birthplace - seoul, south korea

◄ hometown - seoul, south korea

◄ languages - korean (native fluency) // english (studied in school, okay in speaking) // mandarin (learned in school, and a lot from xifeng, moderate to pretty decent amount) // french (took lessons as a girl, hated them, so she stopped at age 13.)

◄ job - no job, she wanted to take one, but her parents saw no need.


beautiful my girl

◄ appearance - girim

► pictures - one two three four five

◄ back-up appearance - yu rim

► pictures - one two three

◄ height and weight - 166.4 inches (roughly about 5'6'', fairly tall for a girl) and 56.8 kg (slender, especially because her weight is spread out because of her height)

◄ extra -

paran is exquisitely beautiful, in the conventional sense as well, but it's not her features that make her so. it's partly her personality, her confidence shows through her face, her serenity through her eyes, but the warmth that radiates from her smile is from the geniune nature of her heart. she cut her hair short a little while ago, after much argument with her mother, who considers the perfect and ideal girl to have long and beautiful hair, but not too short, as she still manages to keep it elegant. she always has a hint of a smile on her face, which makes her look a tad mysterious, and her well upbringing reflects through her appearance, but there's always the fire burning inside, which can sometimes be seen in the light in her eyes.

◄ style -

paran insists on keeping her style simple, but does own some nice clothes. she mostly wears simple dresses with cardigans, but will wear jeans with a nice blouse. she doesn't like to stick out too much, she doesn't believe in holding a different appearance to irk her parents, her acts should be defiant enough. she keeps it elegant though, tying it in with nice shoes. even her athletic clothes look nice. paran has a composed and sophisticated style of fashion, but ties it in with whimsical elements and a touch of her own beauty.

► pictures - one two three fourfive six seven eight


another me

◄ nutshell 

► good traits - motherly // kind // understanding // attentitive // intelligent // resourceful // polite // open minded

► bad traits - nagging // overly protective // smothering // stubborn // optimistic (you'll see why this is bad)

◄ personality -

the reason paran is listed as having more good traits than bad, is because she is more good than bad. she's always been molded into a perfect young woman, someone who was ideal in the society she lived in. she was smart, top of the class, talented, hard working, and polite. the perfect daughter to two perfect parents. she's worked hard to be the ideal daughter her whole life, and at some point, she realized it was useless. she could never be perfect, and at age 13 is when she started being the baek paran she is today. paran is a bit quirky, definitely an idealist, and has a crap load of spark. especially when it comes to just about everything. she does everything she loves wholeheartedly, her friendships, her ideas, they're all very important. one important thing about her is that she values, she has a good perception to worth. she's never enjoyed her material possesions entirely, she always saw the giant flatscreen in their kitchen as useless, and gaudy. she likes to keep things simple, and always has felt this way. she doesn't need things to be perfect, just nice and homey. she'd much rather live in a cozy two bedroom home with her parents, rather than the 7 roomed giant home they live in now. she likes family, she appreciates the people in her life, especially the ones she cares about. she's very understanding, and an exceptional listener, and great at giving advice, like the typical mother. since her mother always thought money could solve almost any problem, paran always disagreed with the idea, and became an unconventional problem solver. she didn't see as money as the only solution.

she's very kind, and helpful, but never patronizing, as she sees her mother do it all the time to her former and less wealthy friends, and she hates it. she hates the entitlement that comes with having such wealth, and while she appreciates the fine education she was able to have, she doesn't approve of the luxuries in her home. she'd much rather live like one of her simpler friends with more siblings and a more "conventional" mother, someone who accepts you for who you are, not someone who constantly wants you to change to impress others. paran is never usually judgemental, she gives everyone a chance, and lets herself understand them before taking in a definite image of them in her head. she remains polite because she doesn't want to come off as a rude, snobby rich girl that she's seen in school sometimes. she's very attentitive, and has a good intuition, and can tell if something is off with a person, especially one of her good friends. this is where the motherly nature kicks in. paran is a natural mother, one like you see on tv, one of the good ones. she treats all her friends well, and according to their personality. she takes care of them, makes sure they eat, keep check on their lives, and makes sure she knows what's up with them. her friends are very important to paran, and she treasures them, making sure they're happy. she's a very homey kind of person, and usually gets along with most people, she always gives them a chance, and doesn't judge by appearance, but rather by actions. paran is also very knowledgeble, and you can definitely call her intelligent. she's always loved learning and enriching herself, so she soaks up new information like that. she knows alot about everything, and often guides the group with what they need to know.

although she has so much good in her, paran is flawed, by no means is she perfect. she's overly stubborn, especially when it comes to acting as her mother thinks she should. she keeps her family's face outside, in parties, but cannot help little slipups while talking to some ditzy rich girl or a rich boy jerk at a party, and hates it when her mother makes her act like that at home as well. she argues with her mother a lot, mostly about how she has to get along with the other rich kids, and she honestly despises the way her mother acts around all the other wives. she constantly tells her about it, and it is pretty rude and inconsiderate of her to argue with her mother about that, but she doesn't see why her mother has to act like that in such a cruel society. she's overall a fairly optimistic person, and always looks towards the bright side of things, mostly to make her friends feel better. this can also be a flaw because paran thinks she can fix everything, and will give it her all, which is where her determination comes into play, but she takes to the extent of denying that something can't be fixed. you can say she bites off more than she can chew, like this whole running away thing. she's also a bit smothering, especially with comments towards her friends like making sure they're wearing their jackets when they go out, or making sure they eat enough, she can be a tad bit nosy when it comes to her friends, but it's what makes her her. she's very insistent on taking care of them, but she knows her limits, to some extent. baek paran is a good person, she is really, but she's meant to be a free bird, not someone to be caged into society.

◄ likes -

homemade food // although she's never really had her mother's cooking, she's close with the ahjumma that cooks and cleans for them, and loves the food she makes, it feels like she is eating her mother's cooking. she doesn't really like takeout too much.

sunrises&sunsets // she likes the both of them because sunrises show her a new day, like a blank slate ready to be written on, and sunrises remind her of things accomplished, and a day well spent.

small animals // it appeals to her motherly instinct, holding such small creatures, and she feels like she's protecting them.

open markets // she loves the open feel of them and the feel of being around people, and it's buzzing with noise, she just loves them,

music // it's been one thing she has been doing as a child that she still enjoys and that she doesn't feel is barriered by her social status.

learning // she enjoys accomplishing things, and learning things, it makes her feel wiser and more wordly. she just loves soaking in information.

◄ dislikes -

entitled people // this is obvious, she hates people who think that money can solve anything and everything, and also people who flaunt their wealth.

lazy people // she hates this so much, if someone isn't even trying, she feels as if they should reap no reward. she hates people who let others do the work (much like her mother with housework)

bullying // she's seen some kids to it in school to the scholarship kids, and absolutely hates it, and she's horribly against it. she won't hesitate to stand up to a bully.

smoking // it's a part of her motherly instinct, her father used to due it, but due to her constant nagging, she got him to quit. she hates being around it, and scolds people who do it.

parties // not all parties, she just hates those stuffy get together where you have to dress up, and act entitled and eat little pieces of cheese. it's just for show, which is one of the things she hates.

fish // it's a weird quirk, she'll eat 'em, like sushi, but she doesn't like looking at them, their eyes freak them out, and if she sees a fish, dead or alive, she'll gag, and probably leave the room/get away. she also hates aquariums.

◄ hobbies -

 playing music // paran has been learning piano since she was a child, the typical instrument for a korean girl from a wealthy family, but her one true love is the violin. paran just loves it's rich sounds and beautiful music. one of the few things, one of the only expensive things, she really, truly treasures is her violin, which was bought by her father for her 10th birthday (with much objection from her father). the other instrument she plays is the acoustic guitar, the actual guitar is a bit too harsh for her.

 reading // being the educated and knowledgable person she is, paran loves reading, not nessecarily one genre, she loves reading everything, novels, autobiographies, etc.

 watching documentaries // it's a bit nerdy, but since she loves learning, paran loves watching documentaries, especially ones by micheal moore.

 cooking // again, it's the motherly-ness. her mother never cooked, hell, she didn't even know how to boil water, so paran vowed she would never be like her and learned how to cook from the ahjumma who worked at their house.

 badminton // paran isn't an overly athletic person, and to defy her mother's wishes for her to play tennis, paran chose badminton instead. she's quite good at the laid back sport.

◄ habits -

 when going out, she makes sure everyone is wearing weather appropriate clothes, and always triple checks to make sure they have everything. she leaves no stone unturned, and this often annoys the hell out of her friends. but at least they didn't forget anything! and also with her motherliness, she makes sure all the girls have eaten and brushed/flossed before bed.

 when talking to someone she doesn't like, like really really does not like, and sometimes her mother, she uses a witty sense of sarcasm that most people do not seem to detect unless they know her very well (i.e. her friends or her father)

 going on a texting frenzy whenever one of her friends doesn't answer, like, she'll repeatedly text them until she sees them or they text back, usually one every 5 minutes.

 when listening to music, any kind, she'll automatically start conducting, either going full out with something she's holder (even a chopstick) or wave her finger.

◄ trivia -

 she wants to be a music teacher/composer, but her mother was against the idea. she can play the piano, the guitar, and the violin.

► she does not know how to swim, and although she'll go to the beach, she won't even go near the water. she has a fear of drowning.

► she's severly allergic to pollen and dust and needs to take allergy medication, or the moment she steps outside, she'll be in a sneezing frenzy.

she cannot draw for her life, stick figures, and basic lines, that's all. it's... very bad.

► she, as a child, disliked her name, and wished it to be pretty like "eun ae" or "hye mi" but as she grew older, she saw that she had a unique name, and began to love it.

► her favorite color, very fittingly, is, or rather her favorite colors are shades of blue. she has a very philisophical reason why, as different shades of blue, for her anyways, represent different shades/stages of life. this being the childhood blue, a pure, light color that is very impressionable. this would be the blue of her girlhood, bubbly, and bright, like her seeing the world with a growing realization of how the world works. this is her now, a true blue, as she figures out what kind of person she is becoming. and this is the blue she aspires to be, serene, and sure, but stil warm, yet strong, and everlasting.

► she doesn't like drinking coffee, only tea. she loves all kinds of tea.

► her kind of food is chinese food, due to their ahjumma being chinese, she loves dim sum, dumplings, and especially moon cake (ice cream moon cake in particular)

► she also at sports. like, really really . she can't catch a ball, or dance, or even run for her life. when she does run, she sort of waddles like a duck awkwardly, and her friends make fun of her for that.


into your world

◄ story of her life -

paran has always lived in her seven bedroom home with her parents and the household ahjumma. there's not been much physical change in paran's home. it all started changing as paran grew older, and the key event that changed paran's perception of life was when her mother discouraged her playing with a girl from a less wealthy family when she was 8 years old. that's when she began to see the true difference between rich and poor, and that there really was a difference in the way people acted according to their social status. after that, she sort of let loose and started caring less about her wordly possesions, and started defying her mother. she continued hanging out with the girl, and started acting less polite to her mothers "friends" and their children. she started getting along less and less with  with her mother, and grew closer to xifeng, the household ahjumma. her education has always been top of the line, but one key issue with that was paran getting accepted into an affluent high school after acing the entrance exam, but the fact that locked in her entrance was that her mother had donated money to the school. paran decided not to go to that school, and warned her mother against doing something like this again. she attended a still good high school, but a more normal, meaning one for more average kids. she went on to graduate the top of her class and to get into S university, but this time, she attended, as a law major, after much arguing with her mother. she was also secretly doing a major in music, and only a minor in biology, and kept that going for several years (until about a few months ago) until her mother found out. her mother's outburst about music, what paran wanted to do, was a waste of time finally made paran snap. it was then that the plan to run away started developing. 

her only two friendships in the same social class as her are with the artistic wallflower and the outgoing princess. she saw the two as genuine, and not stuck up and they've known each other for quite some time.

◄ family -

father - baek jinhyuk - 54 - alive - business man (high ranked on the senior partner board in samsung, works directly under the ceo) - charming // intelligent // persuasive //  stubborn // resourceful - since paran gains most of her traits from her father, she gets long with him better. they're equally stubborn, but equally intelligent. they often challenge each other intellecually, but their teasing is playful. she's not all that close with him now that she's older, but they used to be close. now she's more distanced from him because he's so busy.

mother - baek kyungmi - 51 - alive - housewife - perfectionist // worrisome // fake // cheery // nagging - although paran nags like her mother, she's really not much like her. paran, while growing up admired her mother, but when she grew even more older, she saw her fakeness. her mother married into a wealthier family, and she was so willing to please the other wives of business men, she let go of herself. she now pities her mother, and her conformist attitude. she doesn't speak much with her, as she's busy with her kitty parties and impressing the other rich wives.

others -

 zheng xifeng - 68 - household ahjumma // this is the woman who took care of paran since she was a little girl, she's been in the house since before she was even born. she cooks, she cleans, she's practically her mother. she's a sassy old woman, very active and outgoing. she is the one who taught paran a lot of what she knows. she immigrated from china when she was a teenager, and had been working for her father's family since she was 19 years old. cooking, cleaning, life lessons, this is the woman paran admires most. she misses her very much, and was the very first person paran told of her plans to escape, and she's the one who suggested jeju island.

cousin - baek jin - 26 - paran's cousin in jeju island, the one that helps her make arrangements to escape there. he owns a cafe in jeju island, and helps them get around, and i suppose the cafe could be a place where the girls hang out a lot. paran would also begin working part time at his cafe in order to make money. he's a really chill kind of guy, very easy to get along with, and constantly cracks jokes. he can make paran laugh easily, and although he's distanced himself from his wealthy family, like paran wishes and is currently doing, he's still close to paran. she is worried for him sometimes, as he is so laid back, often staying out late, and being overly friendly to everyone, and mothers him as well, although she is older.


◄ best friends -

► the artistic wallflower - she's always admired the girl, for her artistic skill, but also pities her in a way, and wishes this girl would defy her parents, much like paran to her mother, more. paran sees this girl as a mold, something she can help shape. she adores that the girl is an artist with a free imagination, and encourages her to follow her dreams, because she knows that her friend can make it. she manages to convince her to escape to jeju island, and is very happy the girl agrees. she plans to help the girl achieve her dream. they're very friendly, and they get along well. paran often looks after her, and is her cheerleader whenever her parents throw their decisions on her. she can tend to be a bit forceful with the girl, urging her to think and do things on her own though.

► the outgoing princess - as a younger girl, paran looks after her, and enjoys her witty jokes and bubbly personality. she sees her as a little sister and showers her with attention, often going on outings/or going shopping with her. she tries to make up for the neglection from her family, but of course, she gets in over her head, as she can never truly make up for all that lacking attention. this girl is a bit too cheery for paran sometimes, but she takes in stride. she pushes her towards her love interest a lot, as she sees them both as needing attention and perfect for each other. she's known this girl since she was little, due to her family being as wealthy, this girl is on paran's mother's "approved/acceptable" friend lists.

► the dubious tomboy - as worrisome as this girl is, paran is her relaxer. she reassures her that everything will be alright. she likes the spunk in this girl, and the fact that she isn't typical. she urges her girls to not have an "image" but freely be who they are. she hates it when the girl drinks though, and although she doesn't know of every time she does, she often scolds her for doing so. **this is if the applicant chooses for her friends to know about her pregnancy;;; once paran finds out that the girl is pregnant, as i figure paran would be the type to notice her throwing up, and not eating well, or her weird cravings, she would throw herself into taking care of the girl. she wouldn't see the logical side of this, a young girl having a baby. she'd see her friend in help, and instead of thinking logically, paran would throw herself into taking care of this girl, and she'd go into hyperactive paran uhmma mode.

► the moody ballerina - the closest one to paran, her little girl, practically. she's loved this girl ever since she met her, and paran is the one who holds her together, as well as the other way. they both need each other. paran loves her to pieces, acting like her mom, and spending the most time with her. she's her own cheerleader, attending every one of her recitals and most of her practices, and often plays piano while the girl dances. she sees the girl as fragile and takes extra special care of her, often padding her in life. she is a bit hesitant when the girl's love interest comes into play and is hesitant of letting her go, as she's like her little girl growing up.

► the independent angel - she's always admired the girl's confidence, and loves the fact that she's so bold, even more so than paran herself. she loves the friendship she has with the dubious tomboy, and admires her for being such a good friend. i have a feeling that for paran, this girl would sort of be the second in command, the one who, if paran wasn't there, would be the one in charge. she passes by things by this girl first, as she sees her as extremely loyal. she has most of her important conversations with her, like discussing how they'll be making their escape and such. she trusts her a lot.

◄ friends/rivals/others - n/a



what is love

◄ the love interest - the adventurous bad boy

► name - kim jongin

► age - 21

► personality

 kim jongin has always been sort of a bad boy. a mischievous little boy, even when going from foster home to foster home after his parents, vaguely remembered by him as alcoholics. he's never really cared, as he's always just blended in with all the other faces in the homes until he was finally kicked out of the system when he was 18. since then, he had only graduated high school, transferring several times, towards the bottom of his class, studying was never his thing. he's always had a craving for life, for new things, new people. he hated his old life. it was always the same old, same old. he spent about 3 years trying to scrape up a meager life, working odd jobs here and there, until he decided he needed a change. jongin loves change, he lives for it. he craves it. he loves getting high off of life, living as each day is his last. he's not responsible at all, and only looks at the future as the next meal, or perhaps tomorrow morning. he loves laughing, and constantly jokes around, to the point of being insensitive. he never backs down from a dare, always willing to go the full way, but he also is a bit afraid of commitment. he never keeps his group of friends the same, and not many people know much about him, and that's the way he'd like to keep it. but, he has an odd way of drawing people in, it's his smile, the way he leans back, the walk he walks. it's the way his eyes sparkle when he's loving life, when he's loving the moment, it makes you want to join him. kim jongin is like an addiction, if you get too close, and have too much, you can never survive without him nor avoid pain.

◄ how they met

 it's actually not the first time they met, cliche as it is, they've met as strangers before. it was about a five months ago, almost at the height of her rebellion against her social class, when she find out about her apparent engagement to yifan. it was in seoul, near her university, with her walking home. suddenly, a young man comes running down the street, bumping into her, and after him, a shopkeeper with a broom. the boy had stolen a pack of chips, a small thing, but enough to aggravate the shop keeper. the kid hid behind paran, and one look at his innocent smile and sparkling eyes, she took responsibility, paying for the chips, and apologizing as his elder sister, turning to him and asking him to "promise Noona" he wouldn't get into any more trouble. the boy nodded eagerly and the shopkeeper left, and the second paran had turned back to the boy, he had grinned at her, holding up his hand to show his fingers crossed before running off down the street.

they meet again in a somewhat similar situation in jeju island. this time, late at night, he's running after spray painting a brick wall with Big Bang lyrics on it. he's running from a police officer, and manages to bump into her. he pulls her in close, leaning her against a wall as the police officer, unable to see his face, passes him by. as he stands back up, or is rather pushed back up, he grins, recognizing her from before.

◄ how they act around each other

► he - he's the cheeky noona killer, with the deadly smile, and he knows it. he calls her "noona" playfully, ever since that fateful day. he's very friendly with her, very touchy feely, and is intrigued with the way she acts, almost like a mother. he laps up the attention like a cat to milk, and loves it when she babies and takes care of him. he can get very lazy and often relies on her, but acts very comfortable around her. he talks to her informally, although she is older, and asks her a lot of questions about herself. 

► she -  she, the typical mother, sees him as a helpless child, someone who needs to be taken care of, especially because he gets into trouble so often. sooner or later, she sees that he's not really a child, and more of a grown man who is capable of many things (like suddenly kissing her). she begin to use him as a decoy for kris, but does develop feelings for him. she scolds him often for hugging her, or taking her arm suddenly, but grows comfortable around him and learns to let loose near him eventually. 

◄ their love story

 at first, she takes care of him as if he were a little kid, he is younger than her. she keeps running into him, and trouble isn't too far away from that point. she mothers him, something he's never really felt, she grounds him. she intrigues him with her homely yet humane nature. she's certainly different from what he's used to, and the same goes for her. they draw each other in, mediums they each haven't experienced before. the romance comes suddenly, and winds up hitting paran right in the face as the boy suddenly kisses her, and wouldn't you know it, her whacked up fiancee shows up, and she finds herself throwing herself at jongin to avoid yifan. and the more yifan pulls her, the more she latches onto jongin, as an excuse at first, but she does develop feelings for this bad boy, going along with his mischievous ways, experiencing life like she never has before. jealousy does come into play, mostly with jongin, but only slightly. he's jealous of the way yifan can make things for her appear, how he can give her the easy life, but he gets cocky knowing he can give her an exciting life, and he won't give up on her. his one main problem is that he feels like paran doesn't see him as a man, but sees kris as one, and struggles to act more manly/mature.

◄ ending - i can't even choose. you pick for me ^^


talk that ► 

◄ poison -

► the arrogant fiancé 

► name - wu yifan

► age - 23

► personality - although yifan and paran share the same wealthy background, wu yifan, or kris wu (his name in canada), has spent a lot of his life abroad. his family and paran's have been close for a while, the two fathers being friends since his father lived in korea (several years ago) and they are actually good friends. the same cannot be said for yifan and paran. yifan, or kris, his english name as he likes to be called, is everything paran dislikes. he's cocky, self centered, and a player. she hates guys who flock around different girls, and that's what kris does. she hates his sense of entitlement, as he's grown up in money, and is used to it. she hates his cocky smile, but it's his confidence that shines through that stupid smirk of his that she really hates. he's not stupid though, or ditzy. he knows what he wants, and he knows how to get it. he has a really meticulous personality, and is a bit of a perfectionist. he knows people, knows the way they think, and his charming personality, with his ability to manipulate and flatter just adds to his poisonous charm. he's also horribly honest, he tells it like it is. he has no real sense of imagination, and simply is a realist. all in all, someone paran does not want to spend the rest of her life with.

► how they met -

although yifan and paran share the same wealthy background, wu yifan, or kris wu (his name in canada), has spent a lot of his life abroad. his family and paran's have been close for a while, the two fathers being friends since his father lived in korea (several years ago) and they are actually good friends. but, alas, the same cannot be said for paran and yifan. they met as first as young children, yifan aged 7 years, and paran 6. they played hand in hand, and played house, acting as husband and wife. they were deemed adorable, and the perfect match, but that's before kris turned into an . that was their very first meeting. the next time they met, when paran was 14 years old, and kris 15, 8 years later, paran was on the height of her ideas against wealthy people, and when she saw what a jerk he acted like, she took a dislike towards him. (i suppose them first meeting as children wouldn't count, but they'd have some memories, which would bring about some cliche lines from kirs later that are utterly feel envoking and tear worthy.)

► how they act around each other - 

► he - he's always liked her, from the tiny spunk of her as a child, the little girl who insisted that the curtains be blue, because she wanted them to be, to the pretty girl who he kissed when he was 15. he's always been attracted to her, but sort of put her in the back of his mind when he was living in canada. he teases her a lot, but that's because they're friends, right? she's cute, in more ways than one, and he likes an independent girl, one who thinks for herself. and plus, they're going to get married anyways. he gets very possesive of her, often touching her, and talking sweetly to her, he has a way with words.

► she -  he's a jerk. a complete jerk. that's what she thinks about him. he was fine as a young kid, handsome and sweet, but what changed? for a while, she was baffled, but so attracted to him. and then, she saw the real him. the jerk who kissed her and then went off playing with another girl's hair. she's disliked him ever since. she tends to scowl around him and talk sarcastically, but secretly, admires the way he manages to please his parents, and yet still get his will. maybe if he weren't such a jerk, she wouldn't mind marrying him. she hates his touched and rolls her eyes at his sweet talk.

► his reaction to her sudden disappearance

 at first, he took it as a joke. a prank, she'd be back right? she was just blowing off steam for having to marry her, but she'd get used to the idea, right? after a bit, a week or so, he begins to actually get worried, what if something happened to her? he's genuinely worried for her, but doesn't show it outwardly.

► their love story - 

 it all started when they were kids. she heard when he was coming back and vaguely remembered the boy she played house with, and admittedly, she was excited to see him again. only, he turned about to be a jerk. he forced himself upon her, stealing her first kiss, unbeknowest to her was also his first kiss, and then proccedded to act like a jerk. years later, when their marriage is arranged, she hates it. she hates him, but she doesn't know the real him, does she? she thinks she does, but not everything can be seen with the eye. she's surprised to see him in jeju island, but when she finds out he was truly worried, after much doubt, she softens up a tiny bit. and then, she sees him act friendly and helpful to one of her friends (most likely the moody ballerina) and softens up even more. but she can't go back, she can't marry the man her mother wants her to, that'd be giving in, right? they have several hardships, and although paran admits she's always had feelings for him, she can't see herself going back, and being the rich wife to the rich boy who has it all. it's what she escaped from for that reason. jealousy, she's had towards the girls that hung themselves on him, but that ended when she was 15. this time, it's the other way around. he sees her with this... this kid in jeju island, this bad boy wannabe. he thinks he's all that, but he has nothing for her. yifan is determined to show her that he is truly the one for her, and to drive this kid away, by showing her that she's already taken, by him. he gets all over her, brings up childhood memories, details about her that he's noticed that she hadn't thought he had. maybe, he's not all that bad after all...


 no more pain, goodbye goodbye

◄ comments, questions, concernsfirst of all, the picture is a joke. you'll get it once you click ;D my real fav picture is this... ^^ nothing else at the moment, i'll let you know if i think of anything else!

◄ suggestions, scene requests - definitely a scene where kris confesses his true feelings to her, and maybe a couple cute jealous yifan scenes ^^


finally  ◄ free 





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