↷ battle of the bands. ( choi jini )

choi jini.  
  ( pshaw_ ) ( kou ) ( five ) ( yes ) 
  sub-lead singer/sub-guitarist.  


where you are

name: Choi Jini (진이)
↷ nickname:
     ➝ Ji - a short, lazy version of Jini that pretty much any of her friends can call her.
↷ birthdate: October fourteenth
↷ age: Nineteen
↷ birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
↷ ethnicity: Korean
↷ languages:

     Korean (fluent) - Korean is her native language.


love girl

↷ ulzzang: baek sumin ( gallery )

↷ back up: da in ( gallery )

↷ style:

90% of Jini's wardrobe consists of clothes she picked up at some kind of thrift store, flea market, or garage sale. Other than that? Black, black, and more black. If you happen to see her wearing white, that's only because it's paired with black. Red is reserved for special occasions. Her closet is full of black leather or pleather jackets, black stockings, black combat boots, black skirts, black shirts, black, black, black. In theory, you'd think she was some sort of biker chick or, at the very least, something a lot more intimidating, but the truth is exactly the opposite: Jini's real style isn't tough or "hardcore" at all. Though she definitely has an affinity for leather jackets and boots, they're always paired (read: mismatched) with a frilly skirt or lacy shirt, and she's far too round-faced and feminine-looking to come across as anything short of delicate.

↷ appearance:

Jini is more or less average in terms of stature, standing at about 162 cm tall (though she usually appears 4-6 cm taller thanks to the heels on her boots). She likes to keep her hair long and has never dyed it from its natural black color. It's quite thick and naturally wavy, messy even, but she insists on never wearing it any other way but down. She has a tattoo behind/beneath her left earlobe in the shape of a triangle. (Why that shape of all things? Well, she just... likes triangles.)


myself more than you

↷ personality:

All in all, Jini is a closed book. People tend to take one look at her and label her as "eternally grumpy", but who knows what she's really thinking on the inside? She only has one expression, chronic face, and she wears it anytime and anywhere. So, for all most people ever know, she really is just a grumpy, disinterested little lady. Of course, in reality, that's not actually the case; Jini could best be described as stoic and aloof and just plain awkward moreso than anything else. She tends to keep to herself and engages more in silent conversation with her thoughts than actually speaking with other people, mainly because she's quite inept at responding on the spot during day-to-day conversation. Small talk is like her kryptonite. In that sense, unless you've spent a lot of time with Jini, talking to her can be like talking to a brick wall. At times, you might even say something to her only to get an annoyed look and no response in return. It doesn't mean she's not listening or not interested, and it doesn't mean she doesn't want to talk. It's just not a skill she really possesses.

Even if you manage to befriend Jini, you'll find that she's still just as awkward and independent at the end of the day. Never does she really go out of her way to spend time with friends, nor is she interested in gossip or relationship drama. She's rather stony and tends to make one social faux pas after another, always asking inappropriate questions and failing to comfort others correctly in times of need. While she's chock-full of patience and will understandingly and tolerantly listen to any worries and woes spilled onto her by her friends, that doesn't mean she's at all capable of responding appropriately. The biggest lesson to learn from interacting with Jini? Never, ever take her relationship advice. In the end, it's a challenge to really get close to Jini, but it's not because she's not trying; she just doesn't know what she's doing.

Anyone who manages to crack through the disinterested, awkward exterior will find that, beneath it all, Jini is just an artsy-fartsy hipster. The things that interest her are not exactly underground or unknown, but rather things that you would never expect someone to actually like. Take triangles for example; while most people prefer hearts or stars, Jini doodles this three-pointed shape all over any piece of paper she gets her hand on. She has an old VHS camcorder from the mid '90s that she picked up at a thrift shop for fifteen bucks, and she carries it everywhere with her. Oftentimes, you'll find her crouched over something completely innocuous--ants crawling on a log, dirty dishes in a kitchen sink--silently filming away. Believe it or not, Jini's only reasoning for liking such awkward, meaningless things is that she finds them visually appealing. Everything is skin-deep for Jini, even though her sense of beauty might not necessarily match up to anyone else's. Her life is dictated by this sort of "art." If she likes it, she likes it. There's never any deep, symbolic meaning behind anything she likes. She just does. Jini sees this sort of creativity as her strong point; whether anyone else agrees or not is another story.

↷ character traits: socially inept, thrifty, chronically -faced, "creative"

↷ background:

Jini was born on a mostly uneventful Thursday afternoon to a workaholic mother and a periodically absent father. Her parents technically never married; they discussed the option several times after Miseul discovered she was pregnant with Wooseong's child, but the couple never did end up tying the knot. That didn't stop the tiny family of three from living together for the first years of Jini's life though. Wooseong traveled a lot for work; Jini never figured out exactly what he did for a living, as she was too young to remember or understand, but she did remember him being gone much of the time. As a child, she quickly grew used to having a come-and-go dad, and she never really questioned that he might someday leave the family for good.

But he did. Late one night, when Jini was four years old, he finally came home from an extended business trip. It had been at least a week or two since he left, and Jini was so excited to see him again that she stayed up well past her bedtime just waiting for him to return. He finally crept into the room at half past eleven and sat down on the edge of the bed to tell his daughter a bedtime story. When she woke up, he said, there would be a present waiting on the pillow for her. Sure enough, when Jini awoke the next morning, there was a teddy bear in place of her father.

Jini never saw him again, and after that night, the only word she ever received from him came in the form of a package in the mail. Every year, like clockwork, a package would arrive on the morning of Jini's birthday. She didn't particularly look forward to the annual gift; as a matter of fact, she made it a yearly tradition to immediately donate the present he left her to a thrift shop upon opening. There were only two exceptions: the teddy bear, which she never could bring herself to throw away even though it spent most of its life stuffed into the back of her closet, and the last one she received before the gifts mysteriously stopped coming, an exceptionally large and heavy package she received on her fifteenth birthday.

Inside was an old Fender Telecaster from at least the mid '80s. Jini had never really considered playing the guitar before, but for some reason, she decided to pick it up and try it out. After looking up some beginner lessons on YouTube, she began teaching herself how to play and quickly found that she enjoyed it. It took a lot of constant practice before she became any decent at it, but once she started to get good at playing, she decided to try out writing her own songs. Unfortunately, since Jini was never very good with words, she couldn't properly write lyrics and eventually gave up on trying to pair the melodies with any kind of message. That didn't stop her from continuously composing songs to sing along to though; even if she didn't have words to sing, she replaced lyrics with generic "lalalas" and eventually decided she liked singing just as much as playing guitar. (Jini never considers anything she creates "finished" though and has never shared a single self-composed song with anyone else.)

↷ lifestyle: Jini isn't incredibly poor, just frugal. As far as she's concerned, spending more money than is absolutely necessary might as well be throwing it off a bridge and watching it scatter in the wind, so she chooses to shop as resourcefully (read: cheap) as possible and save the rest for later in life when she might actually have good use for it. She currently lives alone on the top floor of a tiny, degenerate apartment building so old it still has a cage elevator. Since she moved out of her mother's home as soon as she graduated high school, to make ends meet she took up a job as a clerk at a video rental store (apparently the only one in Seoul that still rents out VHS tapes). When she's not at home or at work, she can be found browsing thrift stores, wandering parks in search of new things to film, and lounging at smoky bars where no-name bands play small gigs.

↷ trivia:

➝ Jini has a YouTube channel (username: idreamofjini) on which she uploads self-shot, self-edited videos. These videos consist of her own footage of mundane, everyday things set to a recording of Jini reading a few lines from a book or newspaper article (sometimes in thick-accented English). She plays a short acoustic piece on the guitar for background music. She only has about fifteen subscribers.

➝ Aside from music and videos, Jini likes to collect (and occasionally play) old 16-bit video games--mostly because they're the easiest to find and cheapest to pick up at a thrift store, and they're the ones she remembers most vividly from her childhood. She has a Sega Genesis, a Super Nintendo, and a humble compilation of the most overproduced games on each console. If you tried to talk to her about modern games though, she'd have no idea what you're talking about.

➝ All of Jini's past loves were older, unattainable men, starting with her tenth grade teacher. It's only around the men she admires that she really breaks her stony facade and actually gets flustered and blushes.

➝ Jini has the sleep cycle of a grandma. She goes to sleep at 9:30 on the dot every night and prefers waking up before the sun even rises.

➝ CNBLUE who? Despite the band's fame, Jini has never even heard of them before. She does, however, think they're all very lovely once she first sees them--especially Jonghyun.


still in love

↷ love interest: wu "kris" yifan. / exo. / twenty-two.

↷ personality:

One word to describe Kris Wu? Playboy. That's all you'll ever need to know. If you're lucky, he might glance in your direction. If you're astronomically lucky, he'll wink. For many girls, getting any sort of attention from Kris is the equivalent to winning the lottery. He doesn't even have to be famous to have a line of fangirls following him around, falling down at his feet, swooning at the mere sight of him. There must be some kind of magnetic forcefield surrounding this guy because all he ever seems to do is draw girls in time and time again. To be honest, it's almost hard to imagine why some girls worship him so vehemently. After all, from the outside, it's painfully obvious that Kris is surrounded by nothing more than an air of judgmental, narcissistic cockiness. So, if you like Kris, it's not because he's a master sweet talker. No, it's probably just because he's hot.

Contrary to popular belief, Kris Wu was not born the hottest baby on Earth. He's what you could call a late bloomer. Up until high school, Kris was a total dweeb--acne, braces, the works. And then, as if struck by a second puberty, he suddenly became hot over the course of the summer after ninth grade. He hasn't looked back at those "difficult" first years of his life since the very first time he attracted attention from the opposite . (In fact, he buries those memories so deep that, frankly, if you brought it up in front of him now, he would probably get flustered and not know how to react.) Nowadays, Kris undeniably lusts for the attention girls bestow upon him and will stop at nothing to keep it coming. He has no problem leading girls on for his own selfish, ego-feeding needs. In short, he likes being the center of attention and doesn't care about people.

↷ character traits: cocky, magnetic, selfish, judgmental

↷ back up: huang "tao" zitao. / exo. / nineteen.

↷ personality: same as above (or else the relationship would be different ;-;)
↷ character traits: same as above

↷ relationship:

Knowing Jini as the socially-inept-verging-on-disinterested girl she is and Kris as the magnetic playboy he is, you would think their relationship is the cliché case of girl meets playboy, girl has no interest in playboy, playboy falls head over heels for girl in his attempts to win her heart over, but, no, it's the exact opposite. After all, Jini likes anything she finds particularly eye-pleasing, and Kris is, simply put, beautiful. He's the human realization of Jini's artistic vision; he satisfies both her art and her creativity. Unfortunately, she's not exactly some spectacular prize to be won in his eyes; she might as well not even exist, and it doesn't help that she's too socially awkward to know how to get any closer or get herself noticed. Thus, Jini starts off as just another one of Kris's many secret admirers--

--until one fateful day when he suddenly realizes this awkward girl he never before took a second look at likes him. In an instant, Kris switches into cocky tease mode, and from then on out, nothing is out of bounds as long as he can make her blush. He'd even go so far as to wear a leather jacket (Jini's favorite), it (with no shirt on underneath), and drink milk (straight from a carton) right in front of her if it got a reaction. It doesn't take long for Kris to start loving nothing more than making Jini blush, but he doesn't understand why. Is it because it makes him feel powerful and important, being seemingly the only person on the face of the planet that can crack her grumpy face? Is it because blushing makes Jini look kind of cute? Does he just want to see more of it? Maybe it's a combination of all three.

After a few weeks of this "harmless" teasing, Kris decides he wants more from Jini. Under his own self-propagated guise that she's just an easy conquest, he decides to ask her out--and as he listens to her mumble on about her quirky tastes in art, he realizes he's actually getting attached. After all, it's not like Kris to pour so much attention into one girl just to see if he can fluster her; it's not something he's ever really felt before. Hell, Kris can't even remember if he's ever actually listened to anything a girl's said on a date before. Even after accepting that he seriously likes her (and only after a little bit of struggling with the realization), he still loves relentlessly teasing the extra-awkward Jini just to see her blush.

↷ first impressions?

According to Jini, whose idea of love is the adoration of the human incarnation of all things beautiful, she loved Kris from the very first time she laid eyes on him. How could she not? He walked in wearing blue jeans and a white shirt. She instantly admired every skin-deep aspect of him imaginable, from his deep voice to his thick eyebrows to his extra large hands. Needless to say, she was completely imperceptive to the intense playboy air surrounding him, but it probably wouldn't have changed her mind anyway.


la la la

↷ band name suggestions:

Prima Rosa, for the ladies
Boom Boom Boys, for the boys (omg I can't)
Rock Steady, for either

↷ song suggestions:

Oetoriya, as a cover, mainly because it feels like CNBLUE's most iconic song to me
Sarang Bit, as a cover, and can Jini sing the "I'm genie for you, girl" line? sobbbs
Black Flower, self-composed

↷ scene suggestions: Jini riding a motorcycle with Kris! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I have no idea what else, lol. I at these suggestions. OTL

↷ comments/questions:

All of Baek Sumin's photos came from Vintage Vender. I hope you don't mind that I weeded out the ones that matched the character and linked you to the Photobucket album instead of a website. ;-; I thought about making Jonghyun the love rival, but then, I can't really see anything happening between them more than Jini being a fan of his face...

OK SO YOU'VE ALREADY READ A LOT, so I'm just gonna wrap up by saying I hope you enjoyed the character, and thanks for reading~ \o/

↷ password: ( we ) ( will ) ( win )


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