〔❈┊❛cupid's arrow : nuit blanche❜〕— park yoonah




park, yoonah



student database

name : ri!
user name xrichan
activity level : a billion
first uhljjiang choice : kang su ra 
photography 01 // 02 // 03 // 04 // 05 // 06 // 07 // 08 // 09 // 10
second uhljjiang choice : lee eun jin
photography  01 // 02 // 03 // 04 // 05 // 06 // 07
basic appearance : 5'4'' and at the healthy weight of 112 lb.
sense of fashion : yoonah keeps a simple, yet feminine style. since she's too afraid to wear anything "out of the ordinary," she sticks with skirts and dresses, and the occasional pair of jeans with a blouse. it's not exactly cute, and not exactly sophisticated, but she dresses well. she doesn't accessorize too often, besides the occasional hair clip and a purse. she doesn't experiment with different styles, and often just leaves her hair down. 
body fashion attire : nothing out of the ordinary, she has a slight beauty mark under the outer edge of her left eye, but other than that, only two normal ear piercings.



personal information database

character name : park, yoonah | 尹娥 | 박윤아 (meaning simple beauty)
nickname(s) : n/a (she's only called yoonah)
date of birth : 03/14/91 ; 21 going on 22
height + weight : 5'4'' and at a weight of 118 lb. (not a stick, but slender)
blood type : A
ethnicity : korean
place of birth : seoul, south korea
hometown : seoul, south korea
spoken languages : korean (fluent, native) english (studying, moderate)

personality : yoonah, in short, is genuinely shy. it's not that she doesn't like people, no, she dreams to be the social butterfly, but she's just withdrawn and afraid. she's afraid that people won't like her, they'll think that she's weird. she often daydreams to fit into this one class; either the smart brains, or maybe the bold independent woman, or the graceful beauty. but she thinks she'll never fit into any of those. you could definitely say that yoonah suffers from a low self esteem, but she doesn't consider herself at the very bottom. she just doesn't think she's as great as other people. she sees herself as plain, and sort of dwells on other people's presence. she doesn't see herself in the big picture, although she can paint it quite well. she's a smart girl, exceptionally good at math (mainly due to her father being a math teacher) and art. but she always sees other peoples' work as better, not better than hers, she doesn't place herself on the bottom, she just holds others in a higher regard than herself. she's sort of classified herself as a mary sue, plain, boring, and doesn't pay much attention to herself. as said above, she shadows other people, hoping to mold herself into a likable person. she doesn't see that she already is a likeable person already. she hates focusing on herself, and instead, focuses on other things. artwork wise, she would never want to capture herself, as she doesn't see herself as an interesting subject.

photography is yoonah's one love, and she's willing to photograph anything, there's just something about capturing a moment that will never change that draws her in, perhaps because of her mother. she does still portraits, but her forte is capturing people. same with drawing, yoonah is exceptional with anything that will make a mark, charcoal, ink, pencil, and like the photography, she does it best while capturing people. due to her shy nature, though, she's always hesitant to ask people to model for her, and often ends up taking them in secret, or in cognito, when she can capture the person best. it fits into her shadowing, when she can catch a glimpse of the person as they are, giving yoonah yet another mold she yearns to fit into. her cynicality is backwards, opposed to being distrusting of other intentions, she distrusts her own. she has no hope for herself and believes that she'll be left an empty black and white shell, something with no color. she wishes, and boy does she wish a lot, that she could be something to make everyone happy, and because of this, yoonah is an exceptionally motivated people pleaser. she can definitely be a pushover, often giving away her math homework, in hopes that maybe the person will like her better, only to have them never speak to her until they need another assignment to copy, but she'll just blame herself for being too boring, wrongly justifying the other person's intentions. she is devoted, and all the way, especially to bohyung's work. she loves it, she admires it, she wishes she could do it. that's why she knows everything about it. along with her meticulous study skills, yoonah has a keen eye. she notices the subtle things, and maybe because she's so quiet, she notices just about everything without being noticed herself. hell, she makes her own charts, keeping track of who likes who, who's dating who, etc.

she's a die hard fan of the duo, admiring both their determination, baekhyun's meticulousness, and bohyung's eccentricity in their work. she follows them on whatever site they're on, and always know what they're up to. she'd love to join and help them, but she's so afraid people won't want her help, or they'll dismiss her that she doesn't even bother trying. despite her shortcomings in confidence, she's a nice girl, very nice. perhaps because she thinks it'll get her somewhere, her desire to be liked in general, not by all, but maybe by some, yoonah is a kind person. she's as friendly as she can possibly be (despite not being talkative) to people who talk to her. she'll offer a shy smile and a few words, with her face flush from embarrassment and the fear for making a blunder or saying something stupid, to anyone. she's a bit of a social procrastinator, and although she usually gets her work done on time, with people, and asking them questions, or if she wants to know something about them, she promises to ask soon, but always puts it off, "maybe tomorrow, they seem busy. i don't want to bother them."

she's definitely mysterious and a dreamer, and because she's so quiet, people never know what she's thinking. when she is talking, she always makes it about the other person, taking attention away from herself (in fear of appearing boring, and someone not worth talking to) so people end up not knowing much about her. she doesn't like talking about her family life, especially her mother, or her artwork, which she feels could always be better. she's very shy about showing her artwork to others, even her visual arts teacher. she's got quite a imagination, which comes partly from the books she reads, often imagining herself as the heroine in the story, paired with a great guy, or she dreams of the flower boy in her visual arts class, and the things she could say or do to get him to talk to her, but they're always in vain, as the park yoonah we know would never dare to do anything she dreams. yoonah has great ideas, for photoshoots, for stories, and she's a pretty good writer too, it's because her lack of spoken words give her more words to write on paper, and she comes up with various intricate sotry plots. it's her introvertedness and her shyness and her fear that takes away from her being who she wants to be, and because she thinks she has to be this kind of person, she doesn't see the wonderful girl that park yoonah is.

family background : it's fairly simple, no huge sob story. her mother passed when she was a little girl, and she grew up under her father, like some people do. her father, park hyunseok, is an elementary school teacher to be specific, who brought his daughter up lovingly. her family isn't the wealthiest of them all, but they live comfortably. yoonah has never had to complain about anything financially, her fathers gives her anything she needs, all she has to do is ask. her scholarship is only helping her father pay for college, they could make do without it and still live fairly well, but the scholarship definitely helps.

school major + minor : majoring in literature with a minor in the visual arts (concentration in photography)

dream job : yoonah's dream job would be becoming a screenwriter or director, for either drama or film. she desires to combine her love for storytelling and moving pictures, even if it's not photograph, it's still capturing art. sharing such ideas and art would be a pleasure for her.

likes :
poetry (all kinds, long, short, haikus, rhyming etc.)
- small animals, they're just so cute, i'd like to ask appa, but i don't want to burden him with someone else to take care of.
movies, old, new, yoonah loves all kinds of plots, and she's willing to dabble into any kind of genre
sweets, yoonah has a bit of a sweet tooth, especially for ice cream and marshmallows
- rain, she loves everything about it, it's romantic, it's serene, even the sound is soothing to her, and she especially loves the smell afterwards
flower boys, whether he be in a show, movie, or in real life, yoonah fangirls in secret over his cuteness, and often includes him in one of her scenario daydreams as the typical flower boy, kind, sweet, caring
cute things, they're just so adorable, hello kitty, pig rabbit, they're tiny and cute, and she wishes she could be like them
bi rain, of course, being the typical korean girl, how can you not expect her to fangirl over this man?
her dad's smile, it comes rarely, but when she does something to make him proud, or to make him smile, she feels truly happy that he is happy
love songs, okay, they may be corny, be how great would it be if some guy sang this song for her?

dislikes :
alcohol, she's never touched it and knows it's bad
smoking, again, hates the smell, and she's always learned to stay away
being put in the spotlight, she'll freeze, stutter, and make a fool of herself
talking about her mom, personal reasons, and it hurts
people looking at her, it's unnerving, and she hates meeting gazes/meeting eyes
someone reading her stories or looking at her artwork, she's so afraid of being judged as a person through her writing or her artwork, so she dislikes showing it to anyone, under her name, she'll be alright while writing as an anon online.
talking about the future, again, she's afraid of not amounting up to peoples' expectations and she's afraid she'll be looked down upon for her career of choice
talking about her personal life with her father, with her not having many friends, or even a boyfriend, the few times her father asks her are always awkward, and she quickly changes the topic to school
- talking about her home life in school, to anyone, classmates, teachers, even her friend the nurse, it's always, "how's your father?" "oh, he's well." and that's that.
seeing classmates/teachers outside of school, because she's usually alone when she goes out, which is only occasional, she's afraid of being judged, or even striking up a conversation, because besides school, she doesn't talking about anything else.

habits :
hiding behind her hair, often in class, yoonah leans in so so no one can really see her face. no one's really looking at her, but it's a precaution from her part.
fiddling with her fingers, when she's talking to someone, she always plays with her fingers, and it's a sure sign she's nervous, which is a lot of the time
looking down at the ground, whenever talking to someone other than one of her close friends or her father, and most of her professors, yoonah looks away at the ground to avoid meeting the person's gaze, which is considered rude at times, but yoonah just can't seem to do it.
blushing, whether it's talking to the teacher or just another classmate, whenever she speaks or does anything, the pink flush is always spread across her cheeks.
quoting various poets, when talking to some teachers, especially the librarian, or the nurse jinae, and sometimes her father, and on occasion a classmate, and maybe she'll even suggest some meaningful poem to bohyung to use, as she loves poetry. she also quotes various dramas and movies.

hobbies : 
- writing, poems, stories, and screenplays, she's always loved writing as an art, and it's a way for her to express herself, which she has a difficult time doing with spoken words. she's started a basic screenplay with a fairly good plot, which is loosely based off of baekhyun and bohyung being cupids.
doing sodokus and crosswords, numbers are always something she's been good at, and they're fun puzzles for her to do, especially when she's up at the nurse's office.
- watching films and dramas, it's mainly for plot, and entertainment, but yoonah gets to learn a lot, and it gives her a tiny bit of hope for her future career.
keeping track of bohyung and baekhyun, like the fan she is, she keeps track of their every movement, and it's unknown to them just how much she does know, but say one of them were to fall out of the business for some time, get sick or go away, she'd probably, logic wise, be the best candidate to take over temporarily, if only she weren't so painfully shy.

miscellaneous :
- music she listens to; cn blue (loves yonghwa, and their music in general), shinee (again, flower boys, and they sing well), shinhwa (that's where it started!), as well as some american stuff, here and there (her favorite song in english is a team.)
- her favorite flavor of ice cream is cookies and cream, and her favorite flavor of bubble fruit tea is strawberry or pineapple
- she has a large collection of stuffed animals and characters, pig rabbit, totoro, hello kitty etc.
- although she's great at capturing emotion and people, she can't actually draw. trust me, yoonah's drawings get as far as stick figures, don't get her to do anything else.
- she's also horrendous at sports. she's slightly clumsy, physically, and bumps into things often, so asking her to play a sport is asking her to make a fool of herself.
- she may be good at math, but science is her weak spot, especially biology. such facts, it's all too mind boggling for her. chemistry's not too bad, neither is physics, with all the numbers involved, but it doesn't come as easy as literature and math, which is an odd combination to be good at.
- her father does not know what she would like to do for a career.
- she has a special notebook filled with her ideas, her writing, and a few of her sketches. it's something she truly cherishes and she takes it everywhere, and guards it with her life.
- the scholarships she has; one that pays for her visual arts class, from winning a photography contest, a partial one (not too substantial, but still helping) for scoring high on a national math exam, and another partial one for literature, given to her after writing an exceptional essay.
- her favorite colors are 
pastel pink and baby blue




family members :
father : park hyunseok / 49 / elementary school math teacher / quiet, caring, intelligent, sensitive / they used to have a very close relationship when yoonah was a child, but they've distanced now that she's grown a bit older, but they get along fine. they chit chat all the time, as he's quite busy, but they have meaningful talks now and then over bubble tea.

mother : park yoonmi / would be 48, passed at age 33 / bubbly, outgoing, resourceful, creative / yoonah was 6 years old when her mother passed, but they had a very tight knit relationship, yoonmi was sort of a mentor to her little girl, teaching her to navigate through life on her own two feet. yoonah misses her very much, but her mother isn't spoken about much anymore by her father, so yoonah herself doesn't talk much about her.

sibling(s) : n/a
most acquainted with dearie caught in the headlights / loyal, amusing, thoughtful, out of the box / it's mainly her out of the box, eccentric character that draws yoonah to her, it's her creativity and outlandishness that sort of, ironically, reminds her of her mother. she's the kind of person to get things done, for other people, she doesn't do the whole cupid thing for herself, she does it for others, and that selflessness is what yoonah admires most. she's one of the few people yoonah will spill her hearts secrets too, the person she most trusts. bohyung is sort of an idol for yoonah, someone she respects and desires to be like. although she'd never think of these things by herself, she loves bohyung for doing so, which explains her fascination and obsession for the cupids' work. loyalty wise, yoonah sees bohyung as a loyal friend and she'd be willing to help her in any way she could.
least acquainted with : don't even belong to each other / cold, rude, distanced, narrow minded / it's not that yoonah doesn't like her, she's rather afraid of this girl. not like the "i really don't need a man, seriously" plotline, whose boldness yoonah admires, yoonah is a bit apprehensive of the girl's sarcastic tone and reserved nature. it's not like they're similar, yoonah is shy, while this girl chooses to be away from people, guys especially. it's because of this girl's nature that they aren't that close. 

the rest of the group :
1. a horrible case of lying and tea / definitely someone yoonah admires. as student council president, yoonah gives her utmost respect and attention to, and she really admires her authoritarian nature, as yoonah herself is more of a follower. she makes sure to abide the rules to a t in order to avoid getting snapped at from her.

2. i really don't need a man, seriously / yoonah admires this girl's bold nature, independance and straighforwardness. honestly, she wishes she could be more like her, but it's a hopeless dream, and she knows it. they aren't particularly close, but yoonah hangs out with her often enough.

3. sh! don't tell anyone my secret / to yoonah, this girl seems perfect; smart, pretty, and lovely with an inviting smile. she's graceful, and just well, perfect, in yoonah's eyes at least. she definitely admires and respects her, but because of this girl's busy schedule, and yoonah's shyness, they aren't that close.

rivalry : n/a, she's never had the confidence to really talk much to people, much less offset them into becoming rivals. even if she did have one, yoonah would probably give into whatever he or she wanted in order to escape being looked down upon, or losing, as she'd never have the notion that she could be better than her hypothetical rival.

miscellaneous characters :

jang minae / 27 / school nurse / sweet, friendly, smart, open minded / the school nurse is someone yoonah spends a lot of time with, helping her mainly at first, and minae gladly accepted the girl's help starting from her freshman year, but they gradually grew closer over time, minae becoming sort of a listener to yoonah, as well as someone who created a safe haven for her to escape to during her free time. yoonah often has lunch with her.













kim, myungsoo



cupid's match making center!

love interest : kim myungsoo
love interest backup : yukwon
what is his major : business and communications (although he has no interest in pursuing a career in it, he just needs the master's degree)
personality : although he looks like the typical flower boy, he strays from the popular crowd. you can kind of call him a loner, as he prefers being on his own than to being in a large crowd. he can be the slightest bit blunt, as he's an honest person, and likes living as is. he's not going to pretend to be anything he's not, and that's an admirable trait. he comes from a well doing family, not too wealthy, not poor with two parents and an elder sister, who has already become a nurse. he, however, aspires to be a professional soccer player which isn't too far off a goal, seeing his amazing performances on the university team. hell, you can see it in his high school athletic career, the university fought to get this boy to go here. he doesn't take it for granted either, he plays soccer, but doesn't hinder in his studies. at least, he tries. it's just, school isn't his thing. his grades are decent, ranging from B-'s to A-'s, with the exception of calculus being a painstaking C+ (thank goodness for the plus!) it's just, he doesn't really apply himself when it comes to academics. he wants to, but it's just... if he's going to be a soccer player, then why learn u-subs and intergrals? as a person, besides being honest, he can be the slightest bit insensitive, he doesn't see other peoples' boundries as per their personality. he doesn't see why everyone has to have so many friends to hang with, but on the other side, he doesn't see why people get so flustered with talking to people.

he has that lazy, boyish look to him, the way he slowly turns and looks, it's enough to get any girl's heart pumping. he may be considered a flower boy by all, but himself of course, but he's not exactly the prince charming that yoonah is hoping for. he's not about to sugar coat things, he's the kind to give it to you straight, for your own good of course. you can't live with your head in the clouds. he isn't patronizing or belittling of other's dreams however, he admires them to be quite frankly, especially if he sees the potential in the person. but, then again, if he knows it's a waste of time and they won't get anywhere with it, he'll tell it to their face. although he's an athlete, myungsoo has a special talent; drawing. oddly enough, all he can use is charcoal or a pencil. he doesn't work well with things that run or glide, no crayons, no paint, no ink. he's very particular about his art, since he can only work with a few mediums, he doesn't fare well with drawing people, he usually only does well with landscapes and inanimate objects.

your first meeting : they've been going to the same university for a few years, so she's seen him around, had a few classes with him here and there, but now that his workplace is right next to hers in visual arts, a class she was surprised to see him take it, as she had no idea of his skills in art. she was taken aback, yet pleased that he had an interest in art. they hadn't really talked much, besides him asking her to pass a sharpner now and then. yoonah, being how she is, was facinated by his face and it's movements. it wasn't just pleasant to look it, it was pleasant to be looked at by it. the way his eyes moved, the way he concentrated when he drew, when he sighed, and when he ran his hand through his hair when he was thinking. it was that what led to her drawing him, it was mostly from memory, but she had a need to have him in front of her, the real thing. so she began sketching him in class, quick sketches for reference later, and soon enough, he caught her stealing glances. and then one careless action, leaving her book back in the classroom ruined it all. she was looking through her things while in the nurses' office, only to find that her special book back in the art room. she runs back, only to see that boy going through it, specifically on the page with a sketch of him that she had drawn in their calculus class. it was at that point where her slipping downhill into falling for him had turned into a painful tumble to falling hard for him.

how the two act around each other : although he tends to stay on his own, he's a nice guy, acts decently with people he doesn't really know. he was polite to yoonah, did the occasional nod of acknowledgement to her in the hall, but besides that, they didn't talk much. it was after him finding her sketches of him that things really changed. yoonah, already having fallen for him, and being the incredibly shy girl she is, flusters a lot around him, suttering and turning pink like crazy. she tries and avoid gazes as best as she can, but his geunine-ness really shows with the way he acts around her. he's fairly friendly, talking to her, not treating her like a homework machine, or just as the girl next to him. he can be a bit insensitive of her sensitivity, getting close to her, because that's him, and he doesn't really realize just how fragile yoonah's heart is, so he makes her nervous and uncomfortable a lot. later on though, he slowly begins to understand how to deal with her, and she also slowly (very slowly) comes out of her shell and is more comfortable with him. it's definitely not an immediate attraction for myungsoo, although it is for yoonah, but he begins to appreciate the little things about her, and once he gets her talking, he admires her dreams, and the same with yoonah, at first it was just his looks and the outer personality, but when she really starts to know him, she falls even harder, and she realizes that the "prince charming" she had been waiting for her entire life wasn't perfect, he was perfect for her.



student interview questionnaire


answer honestly and thou shall decide if worthy

write a five sentence or longer answer on how you perceive society and the world. : "the world is a big place, and society is even bigger. they're both big, however, society with it's stares and thoughts is much more frightening. sometimes, because of society's confines, you forget how big the world actually is. but society is everywhere, and it just depends on how you get through it. either you accept what society throws at you, or you try and change, fit into a certain image. conforming it better, at least no one says anything to you then. why is it so bad to fit a mold, and why is it so hard? society may be harsh, but it's the way the world works, and although it's a big challenge to face, i'll be ready for it someday."

in what ways would you contribute to jungsang university? : "well, i wish, for one thing, to help bohyung eonni and baekhyun-sshi with their cupid business, but i don't want to screw anything up for anyone, so i stay in the sidelines. i'd really love to help, maybe join the university paper and take pictures, but i'd have to talk to people for that and go to events right? i tutor in math, it's easy because appa teaches me the easy ways to do it, so it's a piece of cake. i'd obviously have to work with people, but, appa says helping people learn is good, and i want to be a good person, like appa, so i could try it... other than that, i don't think i'd be that good in a sport, or working with people, so maybe i'll just stick with tutoring." 

if there was a timer of days, hours, minutes & seconds indicating the countdown of when you will meet your soulmate, would you find yourself liking the idea? why or why not? : "oh gosh, i wish. then at least i'd know that there is someone, out there somewhere. i wouldn't be so afraid, never having a boyfriend is a bit embarrassing, so the idea of a timer ticking down leaves me reassured that i'll find someone. if that someone was kim myungsoo, it'd be nice too..."

how well do you work under pressure? if business or personal relations had stress and pressure with it, tell us how you would react to it. : under pressure, well. test wise, yoonah's a pretty great test taker, but personally, with actual people, she's not so great. she gets sweaty palms, she stutters, it's not a pretty sight. with stress on relations, yoonah, being how she is, she'd take all the fault on herself, and try and be better, even though she usually isn't the one to blame. she never thinks it's the opposite parties fault. for example, maybe a teacher misgraded her test, well, according to yoonah, her handwriting might have confused the teacher, so it's really her fault. if someone she's sort of friends with is ignoring her, yoonah will think she did something wrong, and she'll do everything she can to make it better.

if needed to escape after a stressing scene, what is one place reachable to run off to? why so? : "this happens a lot actually, and it's not just when i'm stressed. it's when i'm nervous too. i often run off to the nurse's office where jinae-sshi has a special place for me, it's a special cot tucked away in the corner of the office that's blocked off by curtains. i like to work there, do homework, read, do sodokus and crosswords. no one really comes in that often, and if they do, the curtains hide me well, and jinae-sshi doesn't tell anyone and she lets me stay there as long as i need. sometimes i worry if i'm being a bother to her..."



comments/suggestions/questions : it's not really a question, but for the traits for other people, that comes from yoonah's perspective. like, the don't even belong to each other plotline may not be cold and narrowminded, but in yoonah's view, to her, the girl is. and just sayin' this application is so frickin' beautiful, i stared at it for literally 3 minutes admiring it. hats off to you my friends. and i apologize for the picture i put for yoonah, but it fits her character perfectly ^^
scene request(s) : n/a (nothing i can think of at the moment, but i'll put it in and let you know if i do think of something!)
the golden ticket ( cupid's ) ( arrow )




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